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2024-03-20 08:27:43

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Jordan faces difficult balancing act amid fight over role in downing Iranian drones
Jordan has found itself caught in the crosshairs of the confrontation between Iran and Israel,
facing public anger at home and in the region for its role in downing dozens of Iranian drones targeting Israeli territory on Saturday night.
Underlying its precarious position, Amman summoned the Iranian ambassador on Sunday over comments from Tehran that appeared to threaten Jordan for joining th…
2024-04-16 14:16:51

“Are you telling me the only way you can convey to voters that Trump’s vision for America is violence, fraud, and revenge is by giving him a platform to engage in such activities? Why wouldn’t you instead pursue aggressive journalism to tell more of these stories?”
I’m guessing the answer to this involves money. And maybe fear and complicity.
2024-04-15 12:44:23

Litauens Außenminister fordert mehr Unterstützung für Ukraine
Litauens Außenminister Gabrielius Landsbergis mahnt dazu, trotz des Konflikts in Nahost die Aufmerksamkeit weiterhin auf Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine zu legen. Der Angriff auf Israel, der Krieg in der Ukraine und die Spannungen in Südostasien seien keine Einzelfälle. "Wir sehen, dass autokratische, imperialistische, aggressive Regime immer mutiger werd…
2024-06-18 07:23:08

Tri-boson and WH production in the $\mathrm{W}^ \mathrm{W}^ \mathrm{j}\mathrm{j}$ channel: predictions at full NLO accuracy and beyond
Ansgar Denner, Mathieu Pellen, Marek Sch\"onherr, Steffen Schumann
2024-06-14 14:08:27

The pleasant weather we’ve had for days is now a distant memory as the forecasted “heat dome” is settles in. Too hot for mid-morning, by far. I might be back on night running soon.
The sprinklers at the end were an absolute delight. I felt like a kid, standing there, arms outstretched, as they oscillated back and forth across my body.

An angry, spiteful sun wrathfully glares over the valley, fully intent on sharing a malicious heat upon the poor inhabitants below. My running stats are along the bottom: 10.0 km distance, 7:24 per km pace, and total time of 1 hour 14 minutes.
Text displaying the humidex factor as 33°C (91°F) with a note of noticeable discomfort.
Concrete bridge supports painted to resemble building facades, with greenery in the background. No trolls visible. It’s too hot.
A grassy sports field with sprinklers activated, spraying water.
2024-06-15 11:17:50

It makes me irrationally angry that meteorology can do incredible things, but it can't forecast rain with sufficient accuracy for me to put washing on the line with confidence. Two loads are out and currently being p*ssed on when the forecast said dry from 11am 😤
2024-06-18 07:23:08

Tri-boson and WH production in the $\mathrm{W}^ \mathrm{W}^ \mathrm{j}\mathrm{j}$ channel: predictions at full NLO accuracy and beyond
Ansgar Denner, Mathieu Pellen, Marek Sch\"onherr, Steffen Schumann
2024-05-08 09:14:56

Who's going to be sifting Stack Overflow for relevance and accuracy before OpenAI incorporates it?
Or is this for an entirely new offering "All The Wrong Answers, But Not Necessarily In The Right Order"?
#AI #Stupidity