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2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.
2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.
2024-05-15 19:09:19

The new and improved Settings section for Kitten (Small Web/peer-to-peer web) apps is coming along nicely.
Should be live this week.
#Kitten #SmallWeb #Settings

Screenshot of Settings > Kitten page at https://localhost/💕/settings/kitten/:

A welcome message with a Hide button: 

👋🤓 Hello!

Here you will find technical details about your Small Web place (such as your cryptographic identity) as well as configuration options.

You should not need this page for the day-to-day operation of your Small Web place but it is here in case something goes wrong or if you want to tinker with it.

🐱 Kitten

2024/05/15 at 1…
Screenshot of same page showing the Domain section:

🏠 Domain

Your Small Web place was not deployed by Domain.

Here are some ways you can deploy your site.

Using Domain:

Use an existing Small Web host like
Run your own instance of Domain and deploy using that.
On any computer that runs Linux[1]:

Deploy your site to any server (like a tiny single-board computer or your own VPS server somewhere) using Kitten’s deploy command.
With systemd (this is not some political statement;…
Screenshot of same site showing the Evergreen Web section: 

🌲 Evergreen Web

Did you have a site here before?

You can preserve it and keep existing links to it on the Web from breaking by redirecting pages that cannot be found here to the older version of this place that is now hosted the domain set below.

Redirect missing pages to the following domain:

Clear button.

Not sure what to enter here? Please see
🆔 Identity

This is your public identity for localhost (ed25519 public key).

Copy button


This is your SSH public key.

Copy button
2024-06-17 23:15:45

From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of Thomas Arslan’s films! It explores the film aesthetics that have influenced Arslan and is accompanied by introductions and discussions.

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein on Instagram: "From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of Thomas Arslan’s films! It explores the film aesthetics that have influenced Arslan and is accompanied by introductions and discussions. These are the dates for June (the program continues in July & August, find the full schedule on our website!) Unless otherwise stated, all films are by Thomas Arslan, in German, and subtitled in English: Sat, June 15, 8 pm Am Rand (1991); Am Rand Revisited (2024); Im Sommer (Die sichtbare Welt) (1992) Followed by a discussion with Thomas Arslan, moderated by Birgit Kohler Sun, June 16, 8 pm Preview: Verbrannte Erde (2024) Followed by a discussion with Thomas Arslan, moderated by Birgit Kohler Tue, June 18, 8 pm Mach die Musik leiser (1994) Introduction: Diedrich Diederichsen Thu, June 20, 8 pm Geschwister – Kardeşler (1996) Introduction: Till Kadritzke Sat, June 22, 7 pm The Cool World (by Shirley Clarke, 1963, original English version without subtitles) Introduction: Thomas Arslan Wed, June 26, 8 pm Dealer (1998) Introduction: Michael Baute Fri, June 28, 8 pm Der schöne Tag (2001) Followed by a conversation with Serpil Turhan, moderated by Birgit Kohler The film series is curated by Birgit Kohler (Head of Programming Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art in Berlin). Venue: Kino Arsenal at Filmhaus am Potsdamer Platz, Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin Part of the exhibition Thomas Arslan June 8 – August 4, 2024 Tue–Sun 12–6 pm / Thu 12–8 pm @neuerberlinerkunstverein A project in cooperation with the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art. Funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. Images: Film stills Verbrannte Erde (2024); Geschwister – Kardeşler (1997); Dealer (1999); Der schöne Tag (2001) © Thomas Arslan #neuerberlinerkunstverein #nbkberlin #thomasarslan #berlinfilm #berlincinema @neuerberlinerkunstverein @arsenalberlin @medienboard @piffl_medien @dffb_berlin #machdiemusikleiser #geschwister @tameryigitberlin @koolsavas #kardesler #dealer @idiluener #derschoenetag @florianstetter_official #verbrannteerde @marie_leuenberger_official @alexanderfehling #berlinerschule #berlin"
59 likes, 0 comments - neuerberlinerkunstverein on June 13, 2024: "From Saturday, June 15, and in parallel to the exhibition Thomas Arslan at n.b.k., Arsenal will present a comprehensive retrospective of...".
2024-04-16 23:15:43

Filing: Take-Two will fire 5% of its workforce and expects to incur up to $200M in charges as part of a downsizing effort, including $140M from canceled titles (Rob Golum/Bloomberg)
2024-05-17 19:06:47

Autism spectrum condition, attachment to objects, "minimalism"
I could say that I'm a minimalist. Much like many other of my characteristics, this one stems from the autism spectrum.
Many people in the spectrum show emotional attachment to objects. Sometimes you could think of it as "hoarding", but for me it's mostly about strong negative feelings when something breaks, when I need to throw it away (interesting enough, I don't really mind giving it away, so others could use it, just trashing).
The simplest way to limit these negative feelings… is to have very little stuff. Don't buy, nor take, stuff that you don't need. Limit yourself to things that are really important, and ideally wait some more, look around, maybe it will turn out you didn't need it after all.
I don't have any plushies (anymore). Most of my old hardware were given "into good hands". Some is still waiting for a good way how to revive it. There are no ornaments over my walls, just an old clock that belonged to my grandmother, one from the "сделано в СССР" era. Its scary how outdated my smartphone firmware is.
I suppose some people will think it's an unhappy life. I don't really know. I don't think I've ever enjoyed mindless consumption. Perhaps as a child — but the excitation of novelty usually quickly gave way to disappointment.
And gifts, gifts are something I truly hate. But it's a separate topic, another kind of trauma.
#ActuallyAutistic #minimalism
2024-03-18 11:16:17

Watching the following clips can, in certain cases, cause brain AIDS.
2024-03-18 09:40:50

Filings: Reddit cancelled Steve Huffman's pay awards in December 2023 that were tied to hitting a $25B valuation, signalling reduced hopes of a blockbuster IPO (Financial Times)
2024-05-17 12:20:54

The EU warns Microsoft it could be fined up to 1% of its global annual turnover under DSA after failing to provide risk info about its generative AI tools (Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch)
2024-06-17 11:50:35

Swiss privacy-focused app developer Proton establishes the Proton Foundation to transition to a nonprofit foundation model, similar to Signal and Mozilla (Paul Sawers/TechCrunch)