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2024-05-28 11:08:08

Since I haven't made any free wallpapers in awhile and don't know when I'll be feeling creative enough to do so, I've decided to suspend the subs I had on Ko-fi because I feel like I am not providing the value I originally provided when you signed up.
If you want to sub anyway, it's greatly appreciated and you can restart your subs. I just felt bad for not providing the same value as I've previously done.😬

Judge Merchan chides Trump’s team for frequency of last-minute requests

Justice Juan Merchan rebuked Donald Trump’s lawyers Friday over their recent repeated attempts to get fresh rulings on pretrial matters that have already been ruled on.

Merchan had required the defense to get permission by filing what are known as pre-motion letters describing the need for them to file new arguments,
but the defense is continuing to try that over issues that have been decided, the judge said…

Judge Merchan chides Trump’s team for frequency of last-minute requests

Justice Juan Merchan rebuked Donald Trump’s lawyers Friday over their recent repeated attempts to get fresh rulings on pretrial matters that have already been ruled on.

Merchan had required the defense to get permission by filing what are known as pre-motion letters describing the need for them to file new arguments,
but the defense is continuing to try that over issues that have been decided, the judge said…
2024-05-10 23:22:55

After 11 months of being here, I decided to do a very small reflection.
When I first arrived, I didn't have any expectations or goals I'd like to achieve. Matter of fact, the main reason I left Twitter is because of all the bots that followed me and how I almost never got any real interaction.
Over time, things got a little rocky here and it seemed as though, personally, I wasn't going to be enjoying it any further at that time and contemplating shutting the instance down completely and just "disappearing".
However, several months on from that, I'm VERY glad I didn't. I like it here and I like having my "own little space" where nobody can tell me what I can and cannot discuss nor what I can and cannot see.
Something I've just recently realized though, is how important a good bit of you have become to me, personally and my Fedi experience would be very lacking without some of you here. What I didn't expect, was getting that same sentiment back when I discussed it with those few of you. I really appreciate knowing that for some of you, I have been consistently a "good" addition to your timelines and everyday online life.
Those types of comments and feelings they give me, keep me here and sane on those wilder days. To each and every one of you that have followed me for so long, through all the craziness, slight drama, wild opinions, and more, THANK YOU.
If I hadn't been almost universally accepted with such open arms and returned the same energy I try to put out, then I doubt I would still be here to this day.
I'm 11 months in and I think I'm ready to "give back" to those few folks that I consider friends and am on the cusps of creating something new and hopefully something good for Fedi as a whole.
I'm going to keep it very limited for specific reasons I'll lay out later. But, this is new ground for me and I have to figure some things out and hopefully not make too many missteps and learn some things along the way.
Thank you Fedi. I wouldn't be who I am right now, without you.