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2024-05-04 20:39:14

RL Huber
"Memories of Falling"
2024-04-06 15:40:51

On Thursday afternoon I was interviewed by Shaun (brindle) and Dotty (black/white) so they could check I would be able to serve them to the standard they require when their primary humans are away.
Dotty still a little unsure, though my treat dispensing abilities were acceptable. Shaun was sold after the first ear scritch.
I shall be seeing them again soon!

A photo of the head and shoulders of a light brindle greyhound boy facing left to right and looking at the camera
A full length photo of a light brindle greyhound boy facing left to right, looking off to the right head raised. He's standing outside on a paved garden patio and his tail is wagging.
A photo of the head of a black and white cow pattern greyhound girl. She stands pressed against the hip opf a human looking back to the left with her tongue licking her snout.
A photo of the front half of a black and white cow pattern greyhound girl standing left to right and looking up at the photographer. Her snout and body is mostly white, with black areas around both ears and eyes and a large black patch on her right flank.
2024-06-05 16:30:04

Can you name these CONVICTED FELONS?
2024-05-05 16:29:33

An den Bäumen war mir kein Rückstand aufgefallen, aber in Flensburg blühten gestern noch die Osterglocken.

Ein Narzissenfeld im abendlichen Gegenlicht
eine interessante Narzisse, den Blüten als Dolde wachsen. sie ist weiß und die Blätter werden von hinten angeleuchtet.
ein Feld mit weißen Narzissen, der inneres gelb ist.
zwei Narzissenköpfe als ne Aufnahme
2024-05-05 16:29:33

An den Bäumen war mir kein Rückstand aufgefallen, aber in Flensburg blühten gestern noch die Osterglocken.

Ein Narzissenfeld im abendlichen Gegenlicht
eine interessante Narzisse, den Blüten als Dolde wachsen. sie ist weiß und die Blätter werden von hinten angeleuchtet.
ein Feld mit weißen Narzissen, der inneres gelb ist.
zwei Narzissenköpfe als ne Aufnahme
2024-05-06 09:47:15

How Russian cinema serves as a tool to justify Russian aggression Russian cinema has been utilized as a powerful tool to propagate and justify Russian aggression through various historical and war-the Source :
2024-04-05 14:30:29

I have a longtime habit of abruptly making a flurry of clicking/popping sounds with my mouth as a way of expressing feelings, fulfilling a similar function to swearing, for example.
However, now that I'm going to college I've been struggling with occasionally starting to do this and then catching myself once I register what's happening. I can't tell if other people aren't bringing it up just to be nice, or really if my feelings of embarrassment are rational. What…

Edited screenshot of a tiktok with text that reads "I love hanging out w ppl that make random noises out of the blue. Like reajdiejdibeep bop boop dinggg to you too babe."
2024-04-06 06:38:29

Honestly, the worst effect of the xz/sshd exploit is the evaporation of trust in #OpenSource.
There's this new prolific contributor. I haven't looked in great detail, but they're seemingly doing great work. All pull requests are nicely annotated as to ease review. Really, everything you could wish for. But what if it's a bad actor trying to quickly build trust?
Then this contributor kindly pings assignee a week after filing the PR. Well, nothing wrong with that. It makes sense. But then, what if it's a bad actor trying to pressure maintainers?
Or perhaps it's just a great, well-organized #Gentoo contributor.
2024-04-02 22:16:29

I have decided, as a #selfhost with just two other people on my instance, that I'm going to limit following the example of @… quoted below. I didn't know that you can “unlimit” specific accounts! This is an interesting option.
For other a…

A screenshot from the mastodon admin page for the domain after it has been “limited” and so appears in the list in the Federated section as a limited account. There are a number of graphs, all clickable, that show stored accounts, stored posts, stored media, their followers here, our followers there, and reports about them.
A screenshot showing the full admin page with menu on the side ad Accounts selected under Moderation. This is where you go when you click on the stored accounts graph under the domain federation page.  There are a number of accounts listed with their posts, followers, and last active.
A screenshot of account page in the mastodon admin shows his name and profile pic, his posts, and other stats. It is listed as “Limited”
Same screenshot as previous but now there is a green “Successfully undid limit of” message and the Login status is now “No limits imposed”
2024-05-06 09:47:05

Easter: A Symbol of Resilience in Ukraine’s Fight Against Occupiers Easter holds profound significance in Ukraine, symbolizing hope, renewal, and resilience in the face of adversity. Amid the ongoing Source :