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2024-04-20 02:30:00

What in the hell
2024-03-19 16:39:55

Judge Aileen Cannon's 'two pages of crazy' sliced up by former federal prosecutor - Raw Story
2024-03-20 13:42:31

Frage aus dem Chat des #4CultureForum­s: "Automatische Geschlechtszuweisung? Wie funktioniert das?" Eine Antwort dazu liefert @… in seiner Übersicht zum "BFI Filmography project":
2024-03-20 13:25:38

A review of OpenAI's GPT Store finds many GPTs that offer bizarre services, potentially infringe on copyright, impersonate people, jailbreak ChatGPT, and more (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-03-20 00:13:40

Fact Check: It's NOT Authentic, That Viral Image of A Candidate Putin 'Stability' Billboard Surrounded By Flames:
2024-03-20 11:27:32

Yes indeed! Extremists are benefiting from the persistence of problems that shouldn’t be so hard to solve: Germans Want to Sideline the Far Right. The Government Isn’t Helping.
2024-04-21 02:01:10

Triston Casas Undergoing Testing Following Early Exit
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-03-20 23:03:00

Animation, Performance, Innovation: Die Unreal Engine 5.4 im Detail​
Die Unreal Engine 5.4 bringt erstmals echte Filmqualität in die Animation und bohrt "Nanite" gehörig auf: Den Auftakt macht jedoch nicht Tim Sweeney.​

What’s fueling the return of supersonic passenger flights
There hasn’t been a commercial #supersonic #passenger #jet since the Concorde stopped flying in 2003.
Since then, supersonic jets — which travel faster than the s…
2024-03-19 15:16:12

Dat zat er aan te komen. PVV levert alle kwalijke zaken in, als dat kabinet er maar komt. Hier hadden ze wel een keer iets goeds te pakken maar ook dat gaat in de prullenbak. Stel je voor dat ze BBB voor het hoofd stoten ...…