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2024-05-23 10:54:44

So! Many! Kittens!
(Going to record a demo of the new interactive shell – REPL to some – and multi-page Settings this afternoon, just planning it out now.)
Oh and is that me creating and calling web routes interactively in the REPL on a live server? Why yes, yes it is.
#Kitten #SmallWeb

Screenshot of terminal window on the left, browser on the right. In the terminal window, the following command is run several times:

🐱 💬'GET', '/cats').handlers[7](null, {end: output => console.log(output)})

The output has more kittens in it each time. One copy of the output is below:

<meta charset="utf-8"><h1>🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱</h1>

Then the following command:

🐱 💬 count

Output: 31

In the web browser, you see the HTML rendered shown above …
2024-05-23 19:27:47

Dziś podziwiamy "żelazka".
Na pierwszym zdjęciu SA108-008 w Krzyżu, który dopiero przyjechał ze Złotowa, i niedługo wyruszy do Piły. Wozi nim #PolRegio.
Na drugim zdjęciu SA105-001 (pierwszy tego imienia!) w Zbąszynku. Przyjechał z Leszna, i niedługo znów tam ruszy. Ten słodziak należy do Kolei Wielkopolskich.

Dwuczłonowy szynobus SA108, stojący przy krawędzi sąsiedniego peronu. Ma charakterystyczny trapezowaty kształt i biało-czerwone malowanie. Wewnętrzna część płyty czołowej i rozłożone symetrycznie okna boczne są czarne. Pośrodku każdego z członów są czerwone, podwójne drzwi. Położenie okien okazuje, że dookoła nich znajduje się niskopodłogowa część pociągu, a skrajne części każdego z członów są wysokopodłogowe. Tablica czołowa i tablica kierunkowa wskazują relację Złotów — Krzyż. Po boku naniesi…
Jednoczłonowy SA105, stojący przy sąsiednim peronie. Ma długość 17 m i charakterystyczny, trapezowaty kształt. Malowany jest na czerwono-biało, ze zdecydowaną przewagą czerwieni. Prawie cała płyta czołowa jest czarna, za wyjątkiem białej obwódki u spodu. Pośrodku jednostki jest szereg nisko położonych, czarnych okien, po obu stronach kończących się wąskimi, białymi drzwiami — to niskopodłogowa część pojazdu. Po obu stronach, za drzwiami zaczyna się, ciągnącą się do końca pociągu seria wysoko za…
2024-04-22 16:39:29

New Orleans signs: Birds edition
1) Bayou St. John
2) City Park
3) Uptown 13th Ward
4) Faubourg Maringy
Photos by Infrogmation of New Orleans.
#NOLA #NewOrleans

A calm body of water with park with trees and lawn in background. 
In foreground is a utility pole with a hand-painted sign affixed to it. Drawings of a large duck and a small duck.
Text: "SLOW DOWN - Baby Ducks in Road Ahead".
Large pond in park. Museum building on far shore.  On near shore is a sign reading "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS ON DIRT BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM SICK.  - PLEASE FEED THEM IN THE WATER OR ON THE GRASS." 
Silhouette artwork of 3 ducks at lower right of sign.
Interior of small restaurant. Large sign on wall reading: "GOOD BIRD". 
A smaller sign at top reads: "Our CHICKEN is Free Range - Hormone-Free Antibiotic-Free - and our Bread is Organic Locally Sourced Wild Flour Bread".  

At bottom of photo is a restaurant counter with containers holding paper napkins, straws, salt and pepper shakers.
Sign, red lettering on white. 
At top "Loretta's New Orleans Authentic Pralines" with logo depicting 3 pecan nuts and a leaf.
Larger text below: "NO Alcohol - NO Profanity - NO Smoking - NO Nudity - NO Penguins".
2024-05-23 12:22:39

The newly released - not yet cosmological but science-heavy nonetheless - #Euclid results are described in 15 papers linked from ("Euclid on Sky") and in the press releases and (not identical).
2024-04-21 23:11:09
Content warning: Hockey playoffs

Like a lot of Canadians, I’ll be watching many of the NHL playoff games as long as there’s still a 🇨🇦 team in the hunt. Wondering if we could organize around a hashtag and share highs and lows. #NHLCanada? Better idea?
And… Go Jets!
2024-05-23 18:20:13

#Lees #bookstodon
2024-04-22 20:35:53

Newsletter service Ghost says it plans to add ActivityPub support in 2024; rival service Buttondown also plans ActivityPub support (Nilay Patel/The Verge)
2024-04-23 07:46:48

Whooping cough / covid erasure
BBC & UKHSA giving "immunity debt" rhetoric...
"Dr Ben Rush, from the UK Health Security Agency in the East Midlands, said ... “We were expecting a spike in cases, particularly after the reduced social mixing from the pandemic ... But it is a bigger spike than many of us were expecting.”"
Well that would probably be because you're in denial about covid's role in messing up people's immune systems.
#WhoopingCough #pertussis #CovidErasure
2024-04-22 16:39:29

New Orleans signs: Birds edition
1) Bayou St. John
2) City Park
3) Uptown 13th Ward
4) Faubourg Maringy
Photos by Infrogmation of New Orleans.
#NOLA #NewOrleans

A calm body of water with park with trees and lawn in background. 
In foreground is a utility pole with a hand-painted sign affixed to it. Drawings of a large duck and a small duck.
Text: "SLOW DOWN - Baby Ducks in Road Ahead".
Large pond in park. Museum building on far shore.  On near shore is a sign reading "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS ON DIRT BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM SICK.  - PLEASE FEED THEM IN THE WATER OR ON THE GRASS." 
Silhouette artwork of 3 ducks at lower right of sign.
Interior of small restaurant. Large sign on wall reading: "GOOD BIRD". 
A smaller sign at top reads: "Our CHICKEN is Free Range - Hormone-Free Antibiotic-Free - and our Bread is Organic Locally Sourced Wild Flour Bread".  

At bottom of photo is a restaurant counter with containers holding paper napkins, straws, salt and pepper shakers.
Sign, red lettering on white. 
At top "Loretta's New Orleans Authentic Pralines" with logo depicting 3 pecan nuts and a leaf.
Larger text below: "NO Alcohol - NO Profanity - NO Smoking - NO Nudity - NO Penguins".
2024-04-23 01:20:46

New Orleans signs: Gators edition (volume I).
1)Bourbon Street, French Quarter
3)French Market
4)Bayou St. John
Photos by Infrogmation of New Orleans.

Night view of illuminated circular neon sign. 

Text around outer ring: "CAJUN CABIN - Live Cajun Music - Authentic Cajun Food".  

Cartoon artwork in center depicts an alligator sitting in a large pot, holding a mug of beer.

Rectangular neon sign below: "BALCONY DINING".
Wooden bench beside brick staircase. Clay plant pots are on either end of the bench, with more pots underneath.  Along the length of the bench is painted a green alligator. 
Text underneath: "OH BAH LEI BOOGALOO"
Multicolored statue of an alligator standing upright, licking its lips and rolling its eyes up, wearing purple green and gold colored human clothes. One hand is raised holding a tray.  On the tray is a wooden sign reading "U CAN'T BEAT GATOR MEAT!"
Scene along a bayou with grassy banks. A large raised house is in the background. In foreground is a rectangular metal sign, black text on yellow background, "ALLIGATORS IN AREA" with a pictogram of an alligator.  The sign has been modified with black marker to read "ALLIGATOR'S SIN AREA",  with additions of a joint in the gator's mouth, a can of beer in the gator's hand, and a sign reading "XXX".