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2024-05-23 10:54:44

So! Many! Kittens!
(Going to record a demo of the new interactive shell – REPL to some – and multi-page Settings this afternoon, just planning it out now.)
Oh and is that me creating and calling web routes interactively in the REPL on a live server? Why yes, yes it is.
#Kitten #SmallWeb

Screenshot of terminal window on the left, browser on the right. In the terminal window, the following command is run several times:

🐱 💬'GET', '/cats').handlers[7](null, {end: output => console.log(output)})

The output has more kittens in it each time. One copy of the output is below:

<meta charset="utf-8"><h1>🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱</h1>

Then the following command:

🐱 💬 count

Output: 31

In the web browser, you see the HTML rendered shown above …
2024-05-23 19:27:47

Dziś podziwiamy "żelazka".
Na pierwszym zdjęciu SA108-008 w Krzyżu, który dopiero przyjechał ze Złotowa, i niedługo wyruszy do Piły. Wozi nim #PolRegio.
Na drugim zdjęciu SA105-001 (pierwszy tego imienia!) w Zbąszynku. Przyjechał z Leszna, i niedługo znów tam ruszy. Ten słodziak należy do Kolei Wielkopolskich.

Dwuczłonowy szynobus SA108, stojący przy krawędzi sąsiedniego peronu. Ma charakterystyczny trapezowaty kształt i biało-czerwone malowanie. Wewnętrzna część płyty czołowej i rozłożone symetrycznie okna boczne są czarne. Pośrodku każdego z członów są czerwone, podwójne drzwi. Położenie okien okazuje, że dookoła nich znajduje się niskopodłogowa część pociągu, a skrajne części każdego z członów są wysokopodłogowe. Tablica czołowa i tablica kierunkowa wskazują relację Złotów — Krzyż. Po boku naniesi…
Jednoczłonowy SA105, stojący przy sąsiednim peronie. Ma długość 17 m i charakterystyczny, trapezowaty kształt. Malowany jest na czerwono-biało, ze zdecydowaną przewagą czerwieni. Prawie cała płyta czołowa jest czarna, za wyjątkiem białej obwódki u spodu. Pośrodku jednostki jest szereg nisko położonych, czarnych okien, po obu stronach kończących się wąskimi, białymi drzwiami — to niskopodłogowa część pojazdu. Po obu stronach, za drzwiami zaczyna się, ciągnącą się do końca pociągu seria wysoko za…
2024-04-24 14:05:22

New Orleans signs: Gators edition (volume II).
1) Carrollton
2) Central Business District
3) Bayou St. John
4) Lakeview
Photos by Infrogmation of New Orleans.

Street with row of 1 and 2 story buildings. 
Large business sign, painted glass in metal supports. 

To sign text: "Ajun Cajun". 
Cartoon of standing anthropomorphic alligator, wearing a cowboy hat and with a belt with a samurai style sword.

Lower sign text: "Ramen - Po' Boys - Donburi"
Interior of a supermarket. Shelf with local spices and cooking supplies has large chalkboard sign. 

Text: "Shop ROUSES For Your CAJUN Cooking Needs". 

Multicolor chalk cartoon of an alligator stirring a large cooking pot.  A colorful parasol is above the gator's head; the gator smiles broadly with rows of sharp teeth. 
Text on the cooking pot: "Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez!"  (Louisiana French for "Let the Good Times Roll".)
Bayou body of water with grassy banks, houses seen in background on far shore. In center is a square metal sign, black text and artwork on bright yellow.  Text: "ALLIGATORS IN THE XIUHMOPOILLI".  The text surrounds round artwork, copied from the center of the famous Aztec Sun Stone, depicting a stylized human face with tongue sticking out surrounded with Aztec glyphs in the form of reptile heads and an outer circle with points sticking out, a mythological depiction of the Sun. 
The pole holding…
Display in small garden space, wooden fence in background, green shrubs in soil bed.  Halloween plastic skeletons lie at left, one human form the other alligator.  
Sign in form of fake tombstone drawings of a pair of alligators at top with a fleur-de-lis in the center.  Below is text: "RIP DUMPSTER GATOR 2021".  At bottom is artwork depicting the tip of the tail of an alligator sticking up from the ground.

Note: Reference is to a large dead alligator seen sticking out of a dumpster in an urba…
2024-04-25 06:41:54

Chromium doesn't appear to have this, but everyone's aware that #Firefox includes a #PDF editor, right?

Browser window with part of the URL bar showing "MEDICAL HISTORY (1).pdf". Below, a typical doctor pdf with entries like "Client's Name:", "Today's Date", "Medical diagnosis (if any)", etc.

Drawn on top of the form, in thin pencil-like marks, the drawn letters "SQU". And next to that, outlined in a blue box (showing that it's currently being edited), the drawn letters "IGGLE". Those letters are much thicker, and partially see-through.

On the upper right, a small icon of a pencil has been …
Same browser window and PDF form as before, and the same hand-drawn "SQUIGGLE" letters. However, now the uppercase "I" icon on the upper right is selected instead of the pencil, and the popup allows you to select "Color" and "Size".

In the form, next to "Medical diagnosis (if any), there is newly added non-drawn text that's the same size as the "Medical dianosis" text, except it's in red. It says "Text". Next to that in black text, more text that says "Example". Next to that, about five time…
2024-05-23 12:22:39

The newly released - not yet cosmological but science-heavy nonetheless - #Euclid results are described in 15 papers linked from ("Euclid on Sky") and in the press releases and (not identical).
2024-04-24 16:43:11

For more on this, see #PHP #enum
2024-05-23 18:20:13

#Lees #bookstodon
2024-04-23 07:46:48

Whooping cough / covid erasure
BBC & UKHSA giving "immunity debt" rhetoric...
"Dr Ben Rush, from the UK Health Security Agency in the East Midlands, said ... “We were expecting a spike in cases, particularly after the reduced social mixing from the pandemic ... But it is a bigger spike than many of us were expecting.”"
Well that would probably be because you're in denial about covid's role in messing up people's immune systems.
#WhoopingCough #pertussis #CovidErasure
2024-04-24 14:05:22

New Orleans signs: Gators edition (volume II).
1) Carrollton
2) Central Business District
3) Bayou St. John
4) Lakeview
Photos by Infrogmation of New Orleans.

Street with row of 1 and 2 story buildings. 
Large business sign, painted glass in metal supports. 

To sign text: "Ajun Cajun". 
Cartoon of standing anthropomorphic alligator, wearing a cowboy hat and with a belt with a samurai style sword.

Lower sign text: "Ramen - Po' Boys - Donburi"
Interior of a supermarket. Shelf with local spices and cooking supplies has large chalkboard sign. 

Text: "Shop ROUSES For Your CAJUN Cooking Needs". 

Multicolor chalk cartoon of an alligator stirring a large cooking pot.  A colorful parasol is above the gator's head; the gator smiles broadly with rows of sharp teeth. 
Text on the cooking pot: "Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez!"  (Louisiana French for "Let the Good Times Roll".)
Bayou body of water with grassy banks, houses seen in background on far shore. In center is a square metal sign, black text and artwork on bright yellow.  Text: "ALLIGATORS IN THE XIUHMOPOILLI".  The text surrounds round artwork, copied from the center of the famous Aztec Sun Stone, depicting a stylized human face with tongue sticking out surrounded with Aztec glyphs in the form of reptile heads and an outer circle with points sticking out, a mythological depiction of the Sun. 
The pole holding…
Display in small garden space, wooden fence in background, green shrubs in soil bed.  Halloween plastic skeletons lie at left, one human form the other alligator.  
Sign in form of fake tombstone drawings of a pair of alligators at top with a fleur-de-lis in the center.  Below is text: "RIP DUMPSTER GATOR 2021".  At bottom is artwork depicting the tip of the tail of an alligator sticking up from the ground.

Note: Reference is to a large dead alligator seen sticking out of a dumpster in an urba…
2024-03-23 20:32:36

Minor Kitten¹ update: Even if your page routes now return nothing (e.g., null, undefined, empty string), a proper page will be rendered that includes the development-time WebSocket that powers hot reloads.
So the shortest valid page route is now:
export default () => ''
And, more importantly, e.g.,
export default () => kitten.html`
<page css>
Will also render.