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2024-06-18 16:05:36

MAGA Prophetess Claims Black Hawk Helicopters With 2020 Ballots Were Shot Down | Crooks and Liars
2024-06-11 17:03:35

Billionaire 63-year-old cryptobro Chris Larsen has a good publicist. He's slick.
It's extremely not normal for billionaires to make large donations to police and fund surveillance cameras all over SF. But he distracts you from that by pretending to shy away from supposedly more extreme right-wing policies like three strikes. (Which Walmart, Home Depot and Target are literally putting back on the ballot this year.)
A fake-moderate act the reporter, Megan Cassidy, totally e…

Larsen described the anti-police movements of 2020 as an overcorrection that tanked officer morale and damaged public safety. He compared it with another police movement on the other end of the spectrum — the “tough-on-crime” laws created as a reaction to ’90s-era violence, which overcrowded jails and prisons and disproportionately harmed people of color.

“We just keep going back and forth — three strikes, defund …” Larsen said. “Hopefully now this is getting back to a good, pragmatic place.”
2024-06-10 05:00:11

psi: Plant Photosystem I excitation energy transfer network (2020)
Weighted directed network of the light-harvesting Photosystem Ι (PSI) of the plant Pisum sativum. The nodes represent chromophores with different identities (i.e. chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, β-carotene and derivates, lutein, violaxanthin), while edges represent FRET transfer between chromophores. The link directionality connecting nodes in the PSI network depends on the energy levels of the connected chromophores. The…

psi: Plant Photosystem I excitation energy transfer network (2020). 192 nodes, 29390 edges.