2024-06-12 08:25:46
How some people are using the term "slop" as a descriptor for low-grade AI material, after emerging in reaction to the release of AI art generators in 2022 (Benjamin Hoffman/New York Times)
How some people are using the term "slop" as a descriptor for low-grade AI material, after emerging in reaction to the release of AI art generators in 2022 (Benjamin Hoffman/New York Times)
There was a ton of junk fMRI studies that were all rage and clickbait outlets made lots of money with headlines like "Your brain is adolescent 'till your 28!!!!"
but it was all bullshit.
Slate did an excellent summary:
There was a ton of junk fMRI studies that were all rage and clickbait outlets made lots of money with headlines like "Your brain is adolescent 'till your 28!!!!"
but it was all bullshit.
Slate did an excellent summary:
Heute vor 1 Jahren: Am 14. Juni 2023 erklärte der belarussische Präsident Aleksander Lukaschenko in einem Fernsehinterview mit dem russischen Staatssender Russia-1, dass #Belarus, wie am 25.03.23 durch Putin angekündigt, #Kernwaffen von Russland erhalten habe.
Doing Battle with the Sun: Lessons From LEO and Operating a Satellite Constellation in the Elevated Atmospheric Drag Environment of Solar Cycle 25
W. Scott Shambaugh