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2024-06-07 02:36:00

HTC kündigt für Mitte Juni ein neues Smartphone an, vermutlich das U24 Pro
Der Nachfolger des HTC U23 Pro aus 2023 ist ein Smartphone der gehobenen Mittelklasse, wohl mit Qualcomms Snapdragon 7. Das Handy wird am 12. Juni vorgestellt.
2024-06-09 23:00:33

2024-06-10 15:03:35

The GÉANT Annual Report 2023 is published today, at the start of #TNC24 week.
GÉANT CEO Erik Huizer @… : “These are just some of the highlights from our busy year and you will find a lot more information in this Annual Report.”

GÉANT Annual Report 2023
2024-06-10 15:15:10

#Tippingrisk of the #Atlantic Ocean's overturning circulation, #AMOC. Keynote by Prof. Rahmstorf

Screenshot from slide:
IPCC Synthesis Report 2023
"There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all (very high confidence).”

"The choices and actions implemented in this decade will have impacts now and for thousands of years (high confidence).”
Screenshot from slide:

The AMOC is weakening
The AMOC has a tipping point
It is still uncertain how close it is
Recent studies: risk is larger than we thought!
Precautionary principle should apply
2024-06-12 10:18:10

L’#UNIL vient de publier son rapport annuel 2023.
2024-06-18 17:03:28

Just as true in Europe, including unfortunately all the sad bits.
2024-06-10 12:03:20

In 2023 Haalde PVV en GL-PvdA 25% vs 17% van de beschikbare zetels, respectievelijk
In 2024 is dat 19% vs 26%.
Natuurlijk is de één gedaald en de ander gestegen, maar in percentage zetels is de overwinning van GL-PvdA in deze verkiezing groter dan die van de PVV in de vorige verkiezing.

2024-06-12 10:18:10

L’#UNIL vient de publier son rapport annuel 2023.
2024-06-10 08:46:30

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-08 02:54:24

Back in the 70s and 80s people used to say "Kids are growing up so much faster these days"
I have no idea if it was true back then.
but people just keep saying it, despite the fact that in 2023 it's plain as day that the opposite is true.
2024-06-10 06:53:49

Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt

2024-06-12 10:20:16

Quelques passages du mot du Conseil de l’UNIL:
« L’année 2023 a vu naître un nouveau dispositif de lutte contre les conflits, le harcèlement et les discriminations, dont le Conseil de l’UNIL attend avec intérêt les premiers résultats. »
2024-06-10 08:59:24

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…

2024-06-12 10:20:16

Quelques passages du mot du Conseil de l’UNIL:
« L’année 2023 a vu naître un nouveau dispositif de lutte contre les conflits, le harcèlement et les discriminations, dont le Conseil de l’UNIL attend avec intérêt les premiers résultats. »
2024-06-11 07:05:17

Analysis of non-equilibrium fluctuations in a number of COVID-19 cases and deaths based on time-convolutionless projection-operator method
Michio Tokuyama
2024-06-11 10:00:05

"Chart: US sets new record with $71B in clean energy investment"
#US #USA #America #Energy
2024-06-10 06:53:49

Sliding Window 3-Objective Pareto Optimization for Problems with Chance Constraints
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt