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2024-06-16 08:55:04

Hey friends! totally out of my weekly activity context: I just remembered our walk to #BeinnDubh above #LochLomond , #Scotland last year during our vacation in the

A serene scene captured in this photograph showcases a vast field with a sturdy wooden fence running through it. The field is filled with lush green grass and the backdrop reveals towering mountains under a cloudy sky. The dominant colors in the image are grey and brown, creating a harmonious natural color palette. The image exudes a sense of tranquility, with the rugged mountains contrasting the softness of the grassy field. This picturesque landscape is reminiscent of a peaceful rural area, i…
2024-06-16 14:14:12

Most images made by AI are awful because people making them have little imagination or talent, and yet, fascinating and strange things can be made if you look at AI as delving into the collective unconscious, viz. this series of circles of hell.
2024-06-16 10:25:07
Content warning:

It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"Hyakinthos was loved by #Apollon, who accidentally killed him while hurling a discus."
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca

Coloured drawing of the god Apollo holding a dying Hcyacinthus in his arms.
2024-06-16 10:14:20

Den Mist einfach mal vier Wochen beiseite schieben? Meine Wochenschau u.a. zur #EM2024
Und ein neues Experiment. Ich habe das Titelbild mal von Luma Dream Machine animieren lassen.
#Video #AI
2024-06-16 15:29:05

Stone-age bread is delicious. I found the recipe, and my wife baked it.
2024-06-16 12:00:00

"The UK Green Party struggles to be heard in an election where climate change is on the back burner"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Climate
2024-06-16 11:46:12

neues aus der #eichhörnchen-forschung: "Ancient Mycobacterium leprae genome reveals medieval English red squirrels as animal leprosy host"

foto der verlinkten meldung aus dem deutschen ärzteblatt
der graphical abstract zum artikel. man sieht eine kreisgrafik mit kbp-werten, eine zeichnung aus einem alten dokument,  in der eine figur ein rotes eichchörnchen auf dem arm hält, links daneben der schriftzug "one health across time", rechts eine stilisierte grafik der DNA, rechts davon übereinander zeichnungen eines eichhörnchen-schädels, eines menschlichen schädels und eines ausschnitts aus einem alten dokument, gezeigt im runden ausschnitt einer lupe
2024-06-16 14:14:12

Most images made by AI are awful because people making them have little imagination or talent, and yet, fascinating and strange things can be made if you look at AI as delving into the collective unconscious, viz. this series of circles of hell.