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2024-12-09 07:00:17

«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…
2025-01-10 10:20:16

This year’s public lecture series at #mpsgoettingen will be devoted to #Earth and its cosmic next of kin: the inner #planets

Die Erde und ihre Geschwister
Neues von den Gesteinsplaneten unseres Sonnensystems
Öffentliche Vortragsreihe am Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung
Januar - April 2025
2024-11-08 12:50:35

An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation

A skyscraper of the Hochschule Luzern with partially blue and cloudy sky in the background, and train tracks underneath. It is labelled Purpose (sky), Cloud (clouds), Code (top floors), Documentation (ground floors), Infrastructure (train tracks)
2024-11-09 07:52:03

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: Wait. Wait. Wait, on the turn... Easy now...
[Space Command] B7B1
2024-11-09 14:41:12

I asked my daughter what that big machine was and she guessed “a synthesizer?” 😂 #synthesizer
2024-12-09 16:00:04

«Can Europe build itself a rival to Google?
#Ecosia and #Qwant are teaming up to create a European search index, aiming to break the dominance of #Google and reduce
2024-11-08 14:07:56

Series D, Episode 12 - Warlord
ORAC: Why not ask them?
TARRANT: [Into comm] This is Xenon base, identify yourselves. [static] I repeat, identify yourselves. [more static] You have ten seconds or I'll open fire. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from a science fiction setting, likely from a television show. The characters are dressed in futuristic costumes, suggesting a space or advanced technological environment. The room in which they are gathered features consoles and electronic panels, reinforcing the sci-fi context.

Four individuals are gathered around a transparent tabletop model or device with circuitry visible inside. They appear to be engaged in a serious discussion …
2024-12-09 11:36:27

«Gesetz für EU-weite Produkthaftung – Hersteller von Hard- und Software haften für Fehler:
[,…] Nutzt ein Anbieter Open-Source-Komponenten in einem kommerziell angebotenen Softwareprodukt, kann dieser Anbieter für aufgetretene Schäden haftbar gemacht werden. […]»
Spannend und mMn sehr positiv aber werden auch Staaten in Europa außerhalb der EU dem auch nachgehen oder reden sich die US-Firmen raus?
2024-11-08 17:28:00

Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage
AVON: Blake, there's a mass of ionized particles, vector three nine. If we can fly into it it could confuse their scanners for just long enough.
BLAKE: Avon might be right. Tangent one eight. Go for it. B…

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image shows two individuals in a futuristic setting, likely from a science fiction TV show or movie. The setting appears to be aboard a spaceship, with sleek, metallic walls and a large, spherical, textured background. The individuals are wearing costumes that include leather or synthetic materials, suggesting a sci-fi context. The style and design elements hint at a production from the late 70s or 80s. Without being able to identify specific individuals, I…
2024-12-09 07:30:10

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