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2024-04-24 15:25:27

Sources detail NPR's struggles with declining audiences, falling sponsorship revenue, internal conflicts over turning things around, and a diversity push (New York Times)
2024-05-23 12:00:53

Just did my weekly "I am not your audience" clearout of people that either unfollowed me or never mutually followed me so we can efficiently converse.
There seems to be a bad behavior cycle of following folks just for the sake of getting followed back, just so you can unfollow to seem "popular".🤦‍♂️
I hate this behavior. If you aren't following me, I'll most likely not follow you or unfollow you at some point because my goal here is to have conversations. If we don't see each other's posts regularly to be able to engage in such conversation, then what's the point?
Stop talking AT me and start talking TO me.
This is social media, let's be social!
#Fediverse #Fedi #SocialMedia
2024-05-25 09:35:26

Rechtsextreme Symbolik und Sprache: Die Schamschwelle ist weg - Party People gröhlen auf Sylt rechtsextreme, ausländerfeindliche Parolen. Doch das ist kein einzelner Ausrutscher. Bisher Unsagbares wird jetzt vielerorts öffentlich gesagt. Die Schamschwelle scheint weg zu sein.
#Rechtsextremismus #NoAfd

Das Titelbild wurde mit nach folgendem Prompt erstellt: A chilling and unsettling dystopian scene of a crowded beach club, where a diverse group of people are packed together, cheering and dancing. At the center, a sinister male figure in a white sweater and a mask adorned with a swastika and a symbol of xenophobia is dancing exuberantly while raising their glass. The atmosphere is tense and eerie, with the crowd following the figure's lead. The walls are covered in graffiti promoti…
2024-05-24 08:10:11

@… Yep.
For my embedded projects my requirements were "key-value store for binary data", "usable on a tiny cortex-m0", "smallest flash usage possible", and "resilient to power failures, resetting the chip at any point including during a write cycle should result in writes atomically succeeding or failing".
2024-06-14 16:00:02

"Harmful gases destroying ozone layer falling faster than expected, study finds"
#Ozone #OzoneLayer #Chemicals
2024-05-13 13:30:02

If you don't live in Georgia (or even in Athens), you may not know who Bill Paul was, but this obituary penned by his family gives some idea of how important he was to art in the state. The acquisitions he made for our collection and the exhibitions he organized truly opened the door for experimental and contemporary art. RIP. ❤️
2024-05-11 07:55:12

“The rate of rise will almost certainly come down, but it is still rising and in order to stabilize the climate, you need CO2 level to be falling,” he said. “Clearly, that isn’t happening. Human activity has caused CO2 to rocket upwards. It makes me sad more than anything. It’s sad what we are doing.”
Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world’s atmosphere | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian
2024-05-16 19:06:11

My ultimate filtering move is mute-blocking a person adding their username (if they use a distinct one) to my filtering list so that mentions of them don't leak from my following list.
Yes, this is a little bit of a subtoot.
2024-05-30 13:10:10

Hey friends!
The weather forecast today was "a lot of rain". In the morning it had changed to "rain from 3pm".so we decided to do a small hike on the local #blomberg.
In the photos you see a couple of impressions from our 3h activity. It was really the best decision to go out.
We just returned, had a coffee are relaxing on the couch and the rain and thunder …

A Eurasian red squirrel, known for its fluffy tail and distinctive snout, is peacefully lying on a rock in a natural outdoor setting. The squirrel's fur is a mix of grey and white, blending with the colors of the surrounding environment. The background consists of grey rocks and wooden structures, creating a harmonious scene. The squirrel's position on the rock is serene and relaxed, showcasing its terrestrial nature. The image captures the essence of wildlife in its natural habitat, with the s…
A serene scene of a log cabin nestled in the lush green woods is captured in this image. The cabin is surrounded by tall trees, a carpet of vibrant green grass, and a clear blue sky above. The cabin itself is a charming wooden structure with a chimney, blending seamlessly into its natural surroundings. The peaceful rural setting evokes a sense of tranquility and simplicity. The image conveys a feeling of rustic beauty and seclusion, inviting viewers to imagine a quiet retreat in the heart of na…
A picturesque scene featuring a building with a white exterior surrounded by a lush green lawn. The lawn is dotted with blue umbrellas, adding a pop of color to the serene setting. In the background, a clear blue sky with fluffy white clouds can be seen. A tree stands tall on the right side of the image, adding to the natural beauty of the landscape. The building has a balcony and large windows, giving it a charming and inviting appearance. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and inviting, perfe…
A black bench is positioned in the center of a vast grassy field, surrounded by a backdrop of lush greenery. The grass is neatly trimmed, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. The bench is made of wood and appears to be weathered but well-maintained. There are no people in the scene, allowing for a peaceful and solitary experience. In the distance, there are trees and a fence visible, adding to the natural beauty of the landscape. The overall setting exudes tranquility and a sense of conne…
2024-05-01 15:41:48

Raiders’ Davante Adams Doesn’t Hold Back On Packers’ Jordan Love