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An American arrested in the Caribbean for illegally carrying ammunition received a suspended sentence Friday.
British territory Turks and Caicos adopted stricter gun laws in 2022
following a jump in gun violence and weapons trafficking.
❤️Bravo, Turks and Caicos ! ❤️
Why can't we have sensible gun control laws in the U.S.?
⭐️Don't celebrate dipshit Americans illegally carrying ammunition to places which ban ammo⭐️
The official minimum penalty for…
2024-04-26 13:29:07

Very excited to see this collaboration between 2 of the most interesting research & scholarly communication infrastructure initiatives out there. This stellar cast of scholars & infrastructure builders will undoubtedly be pushing the limits in fascinating ways. This is a project worth following. Bravo!
From: @…
2024-05-25 22:51:49

Raiders CB Nate Hobbs Destined For A 'Bounce Back' Year?
2024-04-26 12:01:15

A specific achievement: check off all the following train stops in a single journey:
#Poznań Dębiec
• Poznań Dębina
• Łódź Dąbrowa
(all the district names refer to the oak tree)
And I don't mind just passing through them, but actually getting off at Dębiec and taking the change at Dębina. It's roughly a 1 km walk over a non-colliding route, which is usually safer than running between platforms on the main station.
2024-04-26 16:40:50

Hinweis für #NextCloud Admins: Mit Version 28 wurden einige Scripte von .js auf .mjs umgestellt. Sollte euer Webserver die Endung nicht kennen und das als text/html statt application/javascript einstufen knallt es.
Zum Testen: curl -I https://your.nextcloud.tld/apps/settings/js/esm-test.mjs
Für nginx: mjs für application/javascript in der mime.types im Config-Ordner ergänzen.<…
2024-05-25 15:06:26

Happy #TowelDay #Flensburg 🐋🌷

A person holding a rolled-up towel on a grassy beach near the Baltic sea, with a blue sky and scattered clouds in the background.
2024-04-26 12:00:15

Join Hellmar Becker at this year's Berlin Buzzwords to learn how to track data lineage in a real-time, open source analytics pipeline. #bbuzz

Talk - Let's Do Data Lineage in Kafka, Flink and Druid!
Photograph of Hellmar Becker
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,
2024-05-25 22:57:43

Over on the trading forums I ply daily, I get tweaked over smartasses who pooh-pooh Edwin Lefèvre's 101-year-old masterpiece, "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" because the real protagonist, Jesse Livermore, ultimately failed. So, I wrote this to one such party pooper now:

When people talk about Livermore today they certainly mean, not the mortal man with all his failings and culpabilities, his private depression and his anachronistic foolishness, but the legend painted by by Edwin Lefèvre in his famous 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑎̀ 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑓. And that book is a wonder: a wonder of characterization, of narrative, and of insight. Trading insight. The book is a 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 that exalts and lionizes what is essentially an allegory. But wh…
2024-05-25 22:51:49

Raiders CB Nate Hobbs Destined For A 'Bounce Back' Year?
2024-04-26 12:00:15

Join Hellmar Becker at this year's Berlin Buzzwords to learn how to track data lineage in a real-time, open source analytics pipeline. #bbuzz

Talk - Let's Do Data Lineage in Kafka, Flink and Druid!
Photograph of Hellmar Becker
9th-11th June 2024, Kulturbrauerei & Online,