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2024-05-29 07:17:16

Spanish (neo-)Falangist leader meets and expresses support for Israel's PM, 2 days after the #Rafah nighttime massacre. i.e. on the day when Spain recognised #Palestine as a state with East Jerusalem/Al Quds as capital, calling for a return to 1967 border with land corridor from West Bank to
2024-05-30 07:31:19

Equivariant elliptic cohomology and the 2-loop groupoid
Matthew Spong…
2024-06-11 00:25:48

I put stuff in a web shopping cart but not buy. Prevents impulse buys and some companies email a discount code. I get this:
“This is your shopping cart. I'm waiting, loaded up, ready to go. Wanted to let you know there’s no hard feelings. You left me alone but I'll be okay. Really.
I was excited when you visited so eager, full of life. Someone who gets me, who will make my life complete!
Was I wrong? I'll take you back. Finish your shopping. Fulfill our needs. Y…
2024-06-12 12:45:33

Would you have the patience and persistence to post something like the following about a hundred times in reply to the same person over 3 years?
"'This is the semi-friendly patch-bot […] you seem to have sent a nonsensical or otherwise pointless review comment to a patch submission on a #Linux #kernel
2024-06-06 20:38:12

I am increasingly feeling like this has to be a bad dream.
The entire #GOP has been falling in line behind #Trump and openly promising increasingly unhinged anti-American behaviors as a group both now in reaction to the convictions and in their fever dream future of a “trifecta" in January.
2024-06-17 06:52:05

When hackers threatened to leak a film-maker's nude photos stored on her stolen laptop, she turned the cameras on herself to document her ordeal.
BBC News - 'Hackers leaked intimate photos after my laptop was stolen'
2024-06-03 11:55:48

Don't miss today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you might have missed over the quite newsworthy weekend, including
--Snowflake cloud provider is ground zero for breach blast that so far includes Ticketmaster, Santander, and Ticketek
--Germany's CDU party takes IT assets offline following cyberattack,
--Japanese crypto exchange lost $308m,
--Crypto hacking thefts reached $385m in May,
--Hugging Face's Spaces was hacked,
--Spanish cops break up illegal streaming network,
--Wyden urges regulators to hold UHG negligent for ransomware attack,
--much more
2024-06-02 10:40:41

Jaha, har vi fått några svenska kommentarer än om att det är för tidigt att uttala sig om vem som bombade Ukrainas största vattenkraftverk? Det går ju inte att utesluta att det var Ukraina själva som fick lite feeling och bombade sig själva, ungefär som när Nova Kachovka-dammen sprängdes.
2024-06-06 20:38:12

I am increasingly feeling like this has to be a bad dream.
The entire #GOP has been falling in line behind #Trump and openly promising increasingly unhinged anti-American behaviors as a group both now in reaction to the convictions and in their fever dream future of a “trifecta" in January.