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2024-02-04 08:55:17

I think it is important to specify that it's not "cryptocurrency" (who mostly adapted other consensus systems). It's specifically #Bitcoin that keeps burning the planet for its supporters' libertarian fantasies.
The other cryptocurrencies are just financial fraud with less significant environmental impact.
2024-04-03 21:23:02

“The humanized monoclonal antibody known as hu1F5, which specifically binds to the fusion (F) glycoprotein of both Nipah virus and Hendra virus and prevents virus infection of cells (neutralizes) has now proven effective in protecting against the often fatal Nipah virus in animal studies”
2024-04-03 06:52:58

Keeping Behavioral Programs Alive: Specifying and Executing Liveness Requirements
Tom Yaacov, Achiya Elyasaf, Gera Weiss
2024-04-03 07:01:27

Risk-Aware Real-Time Task Allocation for Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems under STL Specifications
Maico H. W. Engelaar, Zengjie Zhang, Eleftherios E. Vlahakis, Mircea Lazar, Sofie Haesaert
2024-03-04 06:18:06

The NASA SpaceX #Crew8 Postlaunch News Conference, discussing in particular the close-out issue: - also with a thread about it and a NASA press release at
2024-03-01 17:08:06

The siren song of domain-specific languages #DSL
2024-05-03 21:13:11

🔗 An Alternative Proposal for CSS Masonry
My initial gut reaction was of course masonry should be part of grid, but Rachel makes some very good points here. Whole segments of the grid specification would have to be ignored for a masonry layout, which she itemizes well. The way it would break grid-template-areas is a huge deal, IMO; that is the primary way a lot of developers use and understand grid. I think Rachel is right. Something like
2024-05-03 08:32:16

Basta password 123456! Il Regno Unito mette a tacere le password predicibili con una specifica legge
Basta password 123456! Il Regno Unito mette a tacere le password predicibili con un…
2024-03-01 17:08:06

The siren song of domain-specific languages #DSL
2024-04-03 08:41:41

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