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2024-05-26 14:20:38

Rant zum Dilemma der CDU, die sich zwischen Brandmauer und Modernisierung einerseits und Populismus andererseits entscheiden muss.
2024-04-27 10:00:11

Um viertel vor zwölf vom Einkaufen zurückkommen und beim Blick auf das analoge Zifferblatt der Küchenuhr an König Alfons den Viertel-vor-Zwölften denken müssen. 🧠👶🏻💭
2024-05-26 23:20:30

Yes, San Francisco, we have racism here too, including some very violent acts that we must work harder to stop:
2024-04-26 16:23:06

I very much appreciate this gift from my friend and colleague @… but part of me also suspects he is saying I am very old. 🤔

Picture of a man with s grey beard looking at the camera.  He is wearing a black t-shirt with a dinosaur riding a penny farthing.
2024-04-25 13:22:22

I have a list of places I wouldn't like to work for. IBM is very near the top 👋
(Oracle is #1 in the list by a wide margin)
2024-05-26 08:08:00

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 06 - City at the Edge of the World
VILA: The energy threshold of this forcefield is zero zero two. Anything more than zero zero two gets chucked back at you, right? This will push a probe into the field very slowly. Maximum energy zero zero one. When the probe reaches the door, the field will collapse. Bye-bye block. B7B1
2024-04-26 09:51:16

Stefan Schaffer (@…) stellt #CHIM, einen Chatbot im Museum, vor:

A person giving a presentation in a conference room with a projection screen displaying a slide about visitor questions in a museum context, with attendees watching and one person taking a photograph.
Projection screen displaying a presentation slide about user experience with "ChiM field test in a nutshell" as the main title. The audience is partially visible with the back of a person's head in the foreground.

@… would this work on your instance (before I spend £2)?
2024-05-24 22:24:30

someone i know is currently black box reverse-engineering a whole instruction set after i gave them a single 12 kb binary with no context
she got some things very right, some very wrong, but honestly the fact that she got as far as she did--and she isn't finished!--is incredibly impressive
angel behavior, and also very hot
2024-04-24 06:27:35

Bei #9vor9 aus dem Strandkorb und aus Siegburg nehmen @… und ich uns den Weizenbaum Report 2024 vor. Was gibt uns der Report insgesamt mit? Der Digital Divide, die digitale Kluft klafft in vielen Bereichen von der Nutzung von Informationsquellen zur politischen Informa…