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2024-04-04 06:11:25

Personal, dreams, sad
I don't know if I am capable of dreaming anymore. What are dreams, anyway? How are they different from desires, aspirations and efforts?
But I can consider what I could dream of.
I could dream of not being angry all the time. Of not being filled with hatred.
I could dream of feeling secure. Of not worrying all the time about food and shelter. Of losing health insurance and access to medicine.
I could dream of having someone to rely on, of someone who'd take care of me and the things I can't handle. Of not feeling guilty of not meeting the expectations of others and my own, all the time.
I could dream of being able to experience all that stuff that I read about in books and see in movies. Of it not being too late for me anymore.
2024-04-06 04:14:48
Content warning: Institutional Child Abuse; Is the Vatican a state; and Does Catholicism disqualify you from Australian public office under the Constitution

Well, ended up down a legal rabbit hole - thanks to Geoffrey Robertson KC’s comments on a case in Victoria, where two First Australian men abused by Catholic priests are bringing a damages claim against - amongst others - Pope Francis (
2024-04-03 15:08:44

If we don't fight back, car repair will go the way of the broader trend we have seen in electronics "repair":

New drone footage shows Chasiv Yar
— set amid green fields and woodland
— pounded into an apocalyptic vista.
The destruction is reminiscent of the cities of Bakhmut and Avdiivka,
which Ukraine yielded after months of bombardment and huge losses for both sides.
The strategically important city has been under attack by Russian forces for months.
Capturing it would give Russia control of a hilltop from which it can attack other cities that form the backbone …
2024-05-01 21:23:37

> That’s right, no more logging into the router with with user root and the password as mentioned on the sticker at the bottom. Instead, you use something called The Internet to navigate to the ISP site, log into the client portal, drown in a series of dubious links and menus, to eventually find your internet connection, click on that, and locate a button “configure”.
2024-03-31 07:36:17

Happy Easter friends!
My stats from yesterday's #cycling loop.
It's been a really nice 2.5h out in the sun. Lots of head wind in one direction but also nice tailwind on the way back.
The photo is taken at the #sylvenstein reservoir with Lot's of

The image presents a detailed screenshot from a mobile phone, showcasing an activity tracking interface with a clear focus on cycling metrics.
In the captured scene, we observe a man positioned against the tranquil backdrop of a body of water, embodying a moment of serene outdoor adventure. Clad in personal protective equipment, the focus is drawn to his bicycle helmet, a symbol of his preparedness for the rugged terrain that lies beyond the lens. His attire suggests readiness for an active day, possibly filled with cycling or hiking, as hinted by the surrounding natural elements such as mountains and the clear sky overhead. The man i…
2024-04-26 20:11:32

The ‘fake news’-ification of local news—and what to do about it
from Doron Taussig @……
2024-06-04 04:56:54

Former Las Vegas Raiders' weapon could be retiring early in his career very soon
2024-03-06 07:35:41

Behavior Generation with Latent Actions
Seungjae Lee, Yibin Wang, Haritheja Etukuru, H. Jin Kim, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Lerrel Pinto