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2024-04-20 10:44:19

Looks like @… & gang just shipped cross-platform-ish lock files for uv!?
2024-03-22 00:45:50

problems w/ Python packaging have been weighing on me ever since I got into Python circa 2014. I just tried out
and it installed a package so fast I almost couldn't believe it actually worked! Unlike pip it seems to have a correct dependency resolvin…
2024-04-24 14:07:13

#UV to zaiście przyszłość instalowania paczek Pythona.
Tyle że testy są w pełni zależne od tego, że konkretne wersje przypadkowych paczek są w danej chwili najnowszymi na #PyPI (i jeszcze jakimś przypadkowym indeksie, obsługiwanym przez osoby trzecie). Co oznacza, że testy przestają działać już *kilka godzin* p…
2024-04-24 22:03:44

Creation: A Whole New Reality - Season 3 coming soon 🌚🌠👽
Dramatized scifi horror anthology | Total listening time: 6h 21m
A whole new reality created in an instant. An astronaut lost in space and portals. A sphere encompassing all meaning of time. A feverish travel through the astral planes. A visit to the realms of the angels and of the devils. A col...
2024-03-22 00:45:50

problems w/ Python packaging have been weighing on me ever since I got into Python circa 2014. I just tried out
and it installed a package so fast I almost couldn't believe it actually worked! Unlike pip it seems to have a correct dependency resolvin…
2024-02-15 21:20:50

It's been a while since I worked on #Python, but I remember how great was Ruff as a linter replacement.
It seems that the same team behind Ruff is now releasing a pkg manager named `uv`, as a substitute for pip, poetry, pdm... and it looks great (well, I think the name is terrible, but we can live with that):
2024-04-17 17:00:15

Creation: A Whole New Reality - Season 2: Book of Portals - Finale 🌚🌠👽
Dramatized scifi horror anthology | Total listening time: 6h 21m
A whole new reality created in an instant. An astronaut lost in space and portals. A sphere encompassing all meaning of time. A feverish travel through the astral planes. A visit to the realms of the angels and of the devils. A col...
2024-02-23 02:14:39

🧠 Rye Grows With UV
2024-02-23 02:14:39

🧠 Rye Grows With UV