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2024-05-02 22:20:43

Block plans to invest 10% of its gross profit from bitcoin products each month into bitcoin purchases; its $220M BTC investment grew by ~160% to $573M as of Q1 (Paige Smith/Bloomberg)
2024-02-03 12:45:17

Movie2k-Verfahren: Mutmaßlicher Betreiber händigt BKA 50.000 Bitcoin aus
Bisher haben deutsche Behörden nur wenige Bitcoin gehalten, mit einem Schlag sind es jetzt fast 50.000. Hintergrund sind Ermittlungen zu
2024-05-02 14:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-03-03 03:39:45

The ‘halvening’ is coming — what this means for bitcoin
2024-02-03 20:47:59

Could we please not?
"Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin"
2024-03-03 08:56:35

"Traders will create a complex thicket of derivative #financial products on two flies crawling up a wall, and in #bitcoin they have particularly demented flies to bet on."
2024-02-03 04:56:22

Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin | Ars Technica
2024-05-02 14:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-02-03 20:47:59

Could we please not?
"Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin"
2024-04-30 22:10:48

Coinbase adds support for the Bitcoin Lightning Network via payments startup Lightspark, letting customers transfer bitcoin faster and at a lower cost (Derek Andersen/Cointelegraph)
2024-03-28 12:35:38

Can Bitcoin mining really support renewable energy? Nope, in most cases. - The Verge
2024-02-27 16:11:00

Bitcoin zieht vor "Halving" weiter an, Ethereum folgt
Im April werden die Bitcoin-Belohnungen für Miner halbiert. Schon vorher ist der Kurs auf mehr als 50.000 Euro gestiegen.
2024-05-03 06:07:01

Der EuGH erlaubt die #Vorratsdatenspeicherung von IP-Adressen, und die #noAfD freut sich, die Daten mit ihren Feindeslisten abgleichen zu können.
Tech-Bros verbrennen die Erde für Spekulationsgewinne aus Bitcoin.
Ein rechtsextremer Milliardär kauft Twitter und lässt Hassfabri…

Datenschutz Extra

Offener Datenschutz- und Fedi-Treff für alle Wesen

7. Mai 2024 ab 20 Uhr
und jeden ersten Dienstag im Monat

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2024-03-02 01:25:50

Filing: The US DOE settles with bitcoin miner Riot Platforms and an industry group, and agrees to cancel its mandatory survey of energy use by crypto miners (Sarah Wynn/The Block)
2024-02-29 13:36:21

This is a…surprisingly sober #Bitcoin evaluation by ECB?
2024-02-27 19:05:11

Remember like three years ago when crypto bros were trying to sell us this big story about how they were going to be friendly demand response players who could accelerate the energy transition by balancing load with supply? (I didn't bite.) Then how it turned out they were running 24x7 and keeping coal plants running that would have otherwise retired? And then how the DOE started tracking their energy consumption? Well, now the crypto bros are blocking DOE.
2024-04-24 13:41:46

Aktuell laufen wieder Spamwellen durchs Land. Eine bot einen angeblichen Schweizer #Bitcoin-ETF an, mit zuverlässiger Firma und offizieller Zulassung dahinter. Das wäre doch das ideale Investment für klamme Kassen!
Doch schon nach wenigen Klicks war klar: Da stimmt ganz vieles nicht.
Ich habe mir das für euch angeschaut und möchte euch an meiner "Schatzsuche" im Internet t…
2024-04-30 08:31:57

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-30 19:25:45

The US DOJ says it has charged Roger Ver, a well-known figure from the early days of Bitcoin, with filing false tax returns and more, evading ~$50M in taxes (Jeff John Roberts/Fortune)
2024-02-03 03:47:42

Which is it?! 16 minutes or 21 minutes!?

a newsletter says it's a 16 minute read but the amazing audio recoring of the article took 21 minutes to read.
2024-05-02 06:48:54

A Confirmation Rule for the Ethereum Consensus Protocol
Aditya Asgaonkar, Francesco D'Amato, Roberto Saltini, Luca Zanolini, Chenyi Zhang
2024-03-20 15:00:33

Amy Castor and @… analyze the composition and likely origin of the gas inside the #Bitcoin‍💩 and #Bitcoin‍ETF💩 bubbles. And recommend that
2024-02-21 11:50:03

A scam wallet app in the Canonical Snap Store swindled a Bitcoin investor of $490K.
Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: $490K Swindle
2024-04-16 13:23:55

Bitcoin Cats!
Oh, this is funny! I asked Midjourney to create a "Cat made of Bitcoin" and here are some of the results.
An attempt was made ... !
#AI #AIart #Midjourney

Bitcoin Cat made of Bitcoin logos.
Bitcoin Cat made of glowing bits.
Bitcoin Cat made of black and grey bits of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin logo Cat!
2024-03-29 14:23:22

Google reversed its decisions on advertising Bitcoin related 'investments'.
2024-02-23 19:59:49

The #Bitcoin maxis won't survive this debate on #Pizza toppings...
🍍 ...

Email #19
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009

From: Satoshi Nakamoto <>
Subject: Re: Bitcoin

The site layout is looking nicer. More impressive looking.

Regarding my previous forum post, I'd like to reiterate that pineapple and jalapenos is a good pizza topping.
2024-04-22 15:22:00

Bitcoin: Die Blockbelohnungen und Inflation sind jetzt halbiert
Das vierte Bitcoin-Halving fand am Wochenende statt. Dadurch kommen weniger Bitcoins in Umlauf. Miner kümmert das bisher aber wenig.
2024-03-26 05:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-03-27 04:09:43

Crypto Miners that keep fossil fuels running and cause other environmental damage should be prevented from doing so.
2024-02-25 13:26:08

These are some of my favourite episodes of @… ever!
2024-02-03 07:21:10

Nayib Bukele doubles down on BTC despite El Salvador's economic woes and IMF asking for BTC's removal as legal tender; 88% of citizens didn't use BTC in 2023 (Reuters)
2024-02-20 11:21:00

Erstmals seit 2021: Alle Bitcoin wieder über eine Billion US-Dollar wert
Die Kursrallye des Bitcoin geht weiter. Inzwischen ist die Kryptowährung insgesamt wieder durchgehend mehr als eine Billion US-Dollar wert.
2024-03-07 21:30:02

"On November 10, 2021, bitcoin peaked at $68,990. The price tipped over that for two minutes, from 15:04 to 15:05 UTC yesterday, March 5, 2024.
The price promptly dropped $2,000 straight away, and then another $8,000 by 20:00 UTC, as the bagholders tried desperately to cash out — while they could, as Coinbase had yet another inexplicable outage, coincidentally with all the other exchanges."
Come one kids, we know this by know. Bitcoin price is pumped with stable coins …
2024-02-28 06:58:28

A Holistic Approach for Bitcoin Confirmation Times & Optimal Fee Selection
Rowel G\"undlach, Ivo V. Stoepker, Stella Kapodistria, Jacques A. C. Resing
2024-02-10 17:06:21

"#Bitcoin #mining now consumes two whole percent of electricity in the US, all to perform math problems that are entirely pointless by design.
None of that touches on the vast architecture that has accreted around #cryptocurrency
2024-02-23 04:00:06

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-03-28 23:45:08

#Parody #NYTimesPitchbot
Via New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
Jailhouse Blockchain
Bad boy bitcoin billionaire Bankman-Fried said he was one for the money, but those who loved him tender told the judge “don’t be cruel.”
by Maureen Dowd
2024-03-28 16:40:44

Google updates Search to start showing crypto wallet balances across bitcoin and the EVM networks Arbitrum, Avalanche, Fantom, Optimism, and Polygon (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-04-16 15:05:47

Het blijft fascinerend, ondanks alle turbulentie bestaat en functioneert de bitcoin blockchain nog steeds, niet als gedroomd breed gebruikt betaal product maar het lijkt een blijvertje
#bitcoin #blockchain
2024-03-29 14:23:22

Google reversed its decisions on advertising Bitcoin related 'investments'.
2024-04-20 01:10:24

2024-03-19 14:38:37

Ein weiterer Artikel um den KI Hype und die ausgelöste Euphorie der Unternehmen.
Zwar ganz im Sinne dieser /r/lateStageCapitalism Argumentation überrascht mich dann aber das Loblied auf den Weltuntergangsaccelerator Bitcoin schon: Wirtschaftswachstum durch Steuerhinterziehung und Illegale Geschäfte!


Rogoff: Künstliche Intelligenz ist viel einschneidender, sie ist die transformativste Technologie seit Hunderten von Jahren, und sie entwickelt sich mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Aber wie im Dotcom-Boom ist es auch heute schwer zu prognostizieren, wie sich einzelne Firmen langfristig entwickeln, es wird also Volatilität geben und Boomphasen und Einbrüche. So wie übrigens auch beim Bitcoin.

ZEIT ONLINE: Mit dem Unterschied, dass der Bitcoin nicht zu mehr Produktivität beiträgt.…
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-03-28 16:08:39

Ich hoff ja, daß „durch KI“ vor allem Bullshit-Jobs sterben – z.B. die, die KI als die ultimative Lösung für irgendwas anpreisen (oder Blockchain, NFTs, Bitcoin, …).
2024-02-18 19:53:57

Hmmm. Made me think about the Chinese banning crypto in a new light. Pentagon Officials Watching a Chinese-Owned Bitcoin Mine in Wyoming: NYT
2024-02-26 06:21:02

PeckShield warns that MicroStrategy's X account has been compromised; ZachXBT: the hacker stole about $440K from users that were scammed by the phishing post (Sidhartha Shukla/Bloomberg)
2024-02-12 23:01:00

Bitcoin knackt zum ersten Mal seit mehr als zwei Jahren die 50.000-Dollar-Marke
Die Zulassung von Bitcoin-ETFs verschafft der Kryptowährung Rückenwind. Wie nachhaltig der ist, darüber gibt es verschiedene Ansichten.
2024-02-29 11:21:02

Arkham: the US government appears to have transferred out about $922M worth of bitcoin from two crypto wallets that held funds seized from a 2016 Bitfinex hack (Timmy Shen/The Block)
2024-02-15 10:35:55

Bitcoin Leading Ransomware Market, Gensler Says
2024-03-20 09:59:17

Cryptos au Nigeria
Quelqu’un a écrit un jour : “si vous croyez avoir compris le Cameroun, c’est que vous n’avez rien compris.” Pour le Nigeria, son voisin, il me semble que la situation est enco…

Guide crypto krach
2024-04-19 09:00:06

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-02-13 05:32:00

Dienstag: Bitcoin knackt 50.000-Dollar-Marke, BSI rät zu verschiedenen Wallets
Bitcoin im Aufwind Hinweise zum sicheren Bezahlen mit digitalem Euro HP senkt Forderung Google fördert KI-Kompetenzen Menschenmenge zerstört Robotaxi
2024-03-23 23:48:21

Does the EU's proposal to ban cryptocurrency payments to anonymous hosted wallets also pertain to hosted wallets that are not anonymous, e.g. have gone through full AML/KYC checks?
If so then at @… we'd probably have to stop accepting bitcoin payments. I don't like bitcoin but some customers do rely on it to pay so I keep it working for them.
2024-03-24 04:15:40

April's Bitcoin halving will slash revenue for miners, who will likely move from the US to lower-cost countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Paraguay, and Uruguay (David Pan/Bloomberg)
2024-02-17 20:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-03-14 16:25:00

Gericht in London: Craig Wright ist nicht der Bitcoin-Erfinder Satoshi Nakamoto
Vor dem High Court of England and Wales ging es einmal mehr um die Frage, ob Craig Wright den Bitcoin erfunden hat. Das Urteil kam jetzt überraschend schnell.
2024-03-24 04:15:40

April's Bitcoin halving will slash revenue for miners, who will likely move from the US to lower-cost countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Paraguay, and Uruguay (David Pan/Bloomberg)
2024-02-17 20:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-04-23 09:55:38

Kaiko: in the past year, Binance's bitcoin trading share outside the US fell from 81.3% to 55.3%, OKX's rose from 3% to 7.3%, and Bybit's rose from 2% to 9.3% (Suvashree Ghosh/Bloomberg)<…
2024-02-22 19:13:04

Cryptos / Web3 = Vaporware

Vaporware as seen by Vinton Cerf - Do I need a Blockchain flowchart
2024-02-26 14:35:53

Don't miss today's Metacurity for the crucial infosec developments you might have missed over the weekend, including
--LockBit reappears, threatens to release Fulton County data by March 2 unless ransom is paid,
--Attackers actively exploit ScreenConnect servers to deploy LockBit ransomware,
--Crypto wallets show LockBit received $125 million,
--RCMP copes with cyber event,
--MicroStrategy X account hacked to steal $440K in Bitcoin,
--Hackers stole $9.7m from Axie Infinity co-founder,
--Malicious JavaScript smuggled into Tornado Cash governance proposal,
--Facial recognition data collected by M&M vending machines,
--Auto industry knew of theft risk from keyless tech,
--Biden rival consultant created voice-cloned Biden call,
--much more
2024-05-01 13:20:44

Elliptic, MIT, and IBM release an experimental new AI detection model and its 200M-transaction training dataset to help identify Bitcoin money laundering (Andy Greenberg/Wired)
2024-03-17 23:00:46

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-03-20 10:30:49

Filing: MicroStrategy bought 9,245 bitcoin for $623M between March 11 and 18, taking its total holding to 214,246 bitcoin, worth ~$14B, or 1% of all bitcoin (Muyao Shen/Bloomberg)
2024-03-04 10:53:00

Bitcoin ist so viel wert wie noch nie
Zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte hat die Kryptowährung Bitcoin die 60.000-Euro-Marke genommen.
2024-03-17 04:00:13

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-02-27 03:50:44

Bloomberg data: BlackRock's bitcoin ETF set a single day trading volume record of $1.3B on February 26, beating its launch day record of $1B ; BTC hits ~$55K (RT Watson/The Block)
2024-03-12 19:43:44

Crypto ‘Mixer’ Convicted of Money Laundering on Bitcoin Fog
2024-02-14 09:00:06

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-02-27 03:50:44

Bloomberg data: BlackRock's bitcoin ETF set a single day trading volume record of $1.3B on February 26, beating its launch day record of $1B ; BTC hits ~$55K (RT Watson/The Block)
2024-03-21 01:01:14

A UK jury finds Jian Wen guilty of laundering bitcoin for a Chinese fugitive allegedly behind a ~$6B fraud in China; police had seized BTC worth $2.2B in 2018 (Bloomberg)
2024-03-14 12:00:14

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-03-26 08:35:40

A look at the underground bitcoin community in Austin, which attracts bitcoiners because of Texas' pro-crypto policies and ecosystem of developers and miners (MacKenzie Sigalos/CNBC)
2024-04-12 06:00:05

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-03-19 13:54:00

heise | Kryptocoins verkaufen: Wie Sie Kryptowährungen zu Geld machen können
Die Kurse für Bitcoin & Co. auf Höhenflug: Ein guter Zeitpunkt die eigenen Coins zu verkaufen. Das gilt es dabei zu beachten.​
2024-02-10 05:00:07

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-03-11 08:00:06

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-02-08 09:00:14

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-03-14 14:15:45

A UK High Court judge rules that Australian computer scientist Craig Wright is not Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, saying the "evidence is overwhelming" (Joel Khalili/Wired)
2024-02-24 01:35:58

The US DOE says it will suspend its mandatory survey of energy use by crypto miners, following a lawsuit by bitcoin miner Riot Platforms and an industry group (Reuters)
2024-03-09 15:00:15

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-04-21 01:15:50

A look at Block-funded Gridless, which operates bitcoin mines in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia, powered through solar power and wasted energy from a geothermal site (MacKenzie Sigalos/CNBC)
2024-03-08 03:00:05

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-03-08 18:00:06

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin Alpha platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 3783 nodes and 24186 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_alpha: Bitcoin Alpha trust network (2017). 3783 nodes, 24186 edges.
2024-02-09 23:15:50

How cheap power and friendly ties with China made Ethiopia, where almost half the population has no access to electricity, a haven for Chinese Bitcoin miners (Bloomberg)
2024-04-23 23:01:13

Block says it has finished the development of its own 3nm bitcoin mining chip and is working through the design with a "leading global semiconductor foundry" (MacKenzie Sigalos/CNBC)
2024-04-06 11:00:05

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-03-07 01:00:05

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-03-05 23:00:28

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-03-05 23:00:28

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013)
A network of Bitcoin transactions spanning January 2009 to April 2013. Nodes are public-key "addresses" at some time within the given period, and each edge is marked with the time (at a resolution of seconds) of the transaction.
This network has 6336770 nodes and 16057711 edges.
Tags: Economic, Cryptocurrency, Unweighted, Timestamps

bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions (2009-2013). 6336770 nodes, 16057711 edges.
2024-02-04 10:00:06

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017)
A network of who-trusts-whom relationships among users of the Bitcoin OTC platform. Each directed edge (i,j,w) represents the rating of user j by user i, in which i assigns j a weight w on a scale of -10 (total distrust) to 10 (total trust) in steps of 1.
This network has 5881 nodes and 35592 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Weighted, Signed, Timestamps

bitcoin_trust: Bitcoin OTC trust network (2017). 5881 nodes, 35592 edges.
2024-04-20 00:26:08

Bitcoin's fourth halving is now complete, lowering miners' block subsidy rewards from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC; the third halving was on May 2020 (James Hunt/The Block)
2024-02-12 17:50:39

Bitcoin pushes through $50K for the first time since December 2021, ahead of April's Bitcoin halving event, which will reduce mining rewards by half (Stephen Alpher/CoinDesk)
2024-03-08 17:15:56

Coinbase stock crosses the exchange's 2021 direct listing price of $250 after growing over 300% in the last 12 months, as bitcoin hovers around record highs (Carmen Reinicke/Bloomberg)
2024-04-18 06:30:34

Crypto miners are stockpiling bitcoins ahead of April 20 halving; TheMinerMag: Marathon Digital, CleanSpark, and Bitfarms hoarded ~$2B worth of bitcoins (Scott Chipolina/Financial Times)
2024-02-04 14:55:36

A look at the dispute between Bitcoin miners in Arkansas and residents, who say the noise is ruining lives, lowering property values, and driving away wildlife (Gabriel J.X. Dance/New York Times)
2024-03-26 22:50:43

Despite a crypto rally, VC funds focused on crypto are struggling to raise money, as limited partners prioritize tangible gains after the 2022 wipeout (Ryan Weeks/Bloomberg)
2024-02-06 23:51:14

MicroStrategy bought 31,775 BTC in Q4 2023 for an average cost of $39,411 per BTC, taking its total holdings to 190K BTC acquired for a total cost of $5.93B (Nelson Wang/Unchained)
2024-02-08 05:21:03

SEC filing: NYSE-listed Bakkt, a crypto trading platform backed by the Intercontinental Exchange, warns that it might not be able to stay in business in a year (Martin Young/Cointelegraph)