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2024-12-11 00:51:54

#Tiangong space station and #Starlink satellites over my house.

A long exposure image showing the Tiangong space station as a long streak of light, and the Starlink satellites are on the background a little bit fainter. Parts of a tree can also be seen.
2025-01-09 23:46:34

There is a long and storied history of whistles for protection. Ancient Egyptian guards used to place a blade of grass between the thumbs to alert other guards of issues that were transpiring. Later, shells were used to the same end. In China, acorns with holes drilled in them were used similarly.
As a dedicated instrument, whistles have been made of wood, bone, metal, and later, plastics. British bobbies have used whistles to communicate over distances since the 1880s. They are a commonly used tool for boatswains, crossing guards, and referees.
I wish I knew more about rape whistles, but they seem similar in functionality to hikers taking whistles with them in case of injury, as the sound carries much further than yelling, and is much less tiring.
As someone regularly stalked by a large creepy harasser, I am grateful for the whistle I was given for self-protection, even if the creeps who it was given to defend against resent the fuck out of it.
2025-02-04 09:44:05

#todayilearned that methane emissions from EU marine transport have at least doubled between 2018 and 2023, largely due to increased use of #LNG. [1] Methane is a heavy contributor to #climatechange
2025-02-22 08:36:43

We imported the data from Black Basta Ransomware group leak into AIL and there are many interesting aspects.
The federation network of Matrix servers (see the screenshot) used to communicated among the affiliates/group(s).
Activities in the chat room, especially the daily activity view in AIL. Guessing the location and timezone of groups or affiliates is an endless source of information.
They rely on many open-source and SaaS tools, including Googl…

Lists of Matrix server references involved in the Black Basta ransomware group leak. The data has been imported to AIL.
Activities in the chat room, especially the daily activity view in AIL.
Many interesting correlations with cryptocurrencies, IP addresses, CVE numbers, and chat username relationships (who talks to whom and when).
2024-12-13 19:41:37

How to Survive the Broligarchy

"‘The most important thing for ordinary people to do is do their jobs with competence. This kind of authoritarianism replaces competence with loyalty, so resisting that is vital.’ — Jason Stanley, Historian" (Carole Cadwalladr, How to Survive the Broligarchy)
2025-01-18 21:25:05

En découvrant le titre “Le désastre urbain et la crise de l’art contemporain”, je me suis interrogé sur le lien entre l’urbanisation et l’art contemporain. Serge Latouche, économiste français engagé dans le mouvement de la décroissance, est un auteur prolifique...
🌊 Lire la suite sur le Sillon...

Couverture de " Le désastre urbain et la crise de l’art contemporain".
2024-12-13 09:59:18

Mise Š jour de la population synthétique (SynPop) pour 2022
👉 Projet commun Office fédéral du développement territorial (ARE) et CFF
👉 Intègre des données géoréférencées et des attributs socio-économiques
👉 Répond aux besoins des modèles de transport SIMBA MOBi des CFF et d'utilisation des sols (land use model) FaLC utilisé par le DETEC
👉 Avec des améliorations méthodologiques et la prise en compte de nouvelles données
Projet terminé, rapport en ligne:
2025-02-15 11:36:27

Rock Is a Lady's Modesty" NEW ANIME INFO coming February 20.
Broadcasting scheduled for April 2025. Studio: BN Pictures.
#anime #manga #otaku

Rock Is a Lady's Modesty Anime Preview image
2025-02-13 09:48:25

El Anime «WITCH WATCH» estš programado para comenzar el 6 de ABRIL de 2025 ;
Tema de apertura interpretado por YOASOBI.
Emitiéndose durante 02 partes, también llamadas cours consecutivas.
Producción de animación: Bibury Animation Studios.
#anime #manga

Witch Watch PV imagen con Nico el personaje principal más grande que otros personajes a su alrededor. Debajo el nombre del anime 'Witch Watch' también escrito en katakana japonés.