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2024-06-17 06:49:00

Ärzte lehnen heimliche KI-Überwachungs-App zur Suizidprävention und Co. ab
Was darf KI in der Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigten sich Teilnehmer des Zukunftsdiskurses der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen und der MHH.
2024-05-16 14:45:16

Measure Three Times, Design Once
Measure Three Times, Design Once Most of the Hackaday community would never wire a power supply to a circuit without knowing the expected voltage and t…
2024-06-17 17:20:39

India’s Modi did a rally with Trump a few years ago.
Why are rightwing movements gaining traction globally?
I see a common theme: winning professionals via status threat.
That is, whether NYT criticizes the right, or pumps up “cancel culture” MATTERS. 1/

Trump and rightwing Indian leader Modi holding hands at a rally.

They’re the same kind of politician
2024-04-18 11:08:38

2024-05-17 13:26:29

I'm starting to have a feeling, Ayreon released something...
2024-04-18 10:12:43
Content warning:

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"Ganymedes, whom #Jupiter is said to have made cupbearer of the gods, snatching him up from his parents because of his beauty."
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2.29

Black-and-white photo of a vase painting depicting Zeus carrying off a sleeping Ganymedes. Both are fully clothed. Zeus has a long, black beard and long curly hair. Ganymedes is beardless but has long hair and his eyes closed in sleep.
2024-05-17 22:09:05

50 years ago tonight, the #GratefulDead in #vancouver, crossing the border for the wall of sound’s only appearance in #canada.

black and white ad for Grateful Dead & Commander Cody at PNE Coliseum, May 17th, 1974
golden road & purple ad for Grateful Dead & Commander Cody at PNE Coliseum, May 17th, 1974
2024-04-16 09:53:04

Pächter bekräftigt Reaktivierungspläne für Reststück der Hersfelder Kreisbahn
Die Regiobahn Thüringen bekräftigt auf Nachfrage ihre Reaktivierungspläne für das Reststück der Hersfelder Kreisbahn. Noch wächst vielerorts an der Strecke allerdings Gestrüpp.
2024-06-17 14:00:00

Konzerne wie VW, SAP oder Bayer legen teure Abfindungsprogramme auf, um Beschäftigte loszuwerden. Der Grund: Die Konjunktur ist schwach, die Wirtschaft im Umbruch, die Unsicherheit in der Wirtschaft groß. Fachwissen von gestern zählt immer weniger. Nicht nur Ältere sollen deshalb gehen – sondern auch Jüngere. In informierten Kreisen heißt es, in Bereichen wie der IT seien viele Mitarbeiter unentbehrlich. Wenigstens das, schreibt Carsten Knop von der
2024-04-17 22:14:39

I could not be more embarrassed for the Chronicle for posting this and for the DA/Mayor (Mayor is not mentioned but the DA does not seem to do anything without her blessing) for going down this path.

Instagram post from the SF Chronicle saying if you were delayed by protests on the Golden Gate Bridge on Monday you should report it because you may be a victim of false imprisonment and entitled to restitution.