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2025-01-09 00:16:22

samstag 11. jaenner 2025
16:00 ms vindobona / anlegestelle reichsbruecke und
20:00 theater am werk petersplatz
am boot
interventionen von beauchamp/geissler
susanna gartmayer
mats gustafsson
im theater am …

plakat mit text: 25 jahre
2025-01-05 19:23:58

Nice, @…'s blog post about #Bundler's new checksums is worth a read:
2024-12-18 20:19:36
2024-12-25 05:58:28

Perfume rec: Tokyo Milk Dead Sexy or Tainted Love!
Anything from Tokyo Milk Dark is 🔥🪄 Also Blackmail by Kerosene perfume, after Blackmail Boutique in Austin Tx. #scents #perfume #tokyomilk #kerosene #blackmailboutique
2024-12-18 20:19:36

Restocked my @nakatsubyjna booth @bluegenieartbazaar with more zippie pouches (all 3 sizes!), card cases (a few lenticular ones left!), star pins, and snap cuff bracelets. Open 10am-10pm at 6100 Airport Blvd every day through December 23, and 10-6 December 24. 200 local artists in one place! #nakatsubyjna #vinylbags #handmade #bagmaker #localart #bluegenieartbazaar