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2024-04-03 18:00:17

Heute habe ich Haskell endlich dahingehend bezwungen, dass mein xmonad jetzt selbst erkennt, ob ein zweiter Monitor angeschlossen ist. Sogar im laufenden Betrieb, ohne xmonad neu zu starten.
2024-04-30 09:30:13

If you're on an online community, please search "elephant in the room" and share what the elephants are.
Here's the ones from the future of coding slack:
- DCI architecture (not sure what that is)
- Haskell crypto
- Code quality
- Incoherence of ownership
- No one in UK government listens to evidence
- Functional reactive programming
- IDEs
- Browsers being crap at resizing in tiling window managers
- The elephant being the…
2024-02-28 15:08:44

Why is Haskell so confusing?? 🤯 😰
2024-04-26 07:31:38

QuickerCheck: Implementing and Evaluating a Parallel Run-Time for QuickCheck
Robert Krook, Nicholas Smallbone, Bo Joel Svensson, Koen Claessen
2024-02-14 21:17:16

TIL that there's #ImplicitCAD, a sort of #OpenSCAD dialect that's based on #SDF's, written in #Haskell
2024-03-27 06:57:23

C-minimal fields have the exchange property
Will Johnson
2024-02-11 07:55:26

"I have worked pretty extensively with all three of cabal, stack and Nix throughout my career and my intuition based on that experience is that the only improvement to the Haskell command-line experience that is viable and that will “win” in the long run is one that is directly upstreamed into cabal. It’s just that nobody wants to do that because it’s not as glamorous as writing your own build tool."
As I say, hardly anyone wants to do the boring work. Me neither.
2024-03-06 13:44:17

not to be mean, but watching ThePrimagen reaction content seems pretty helpful against my #imposterSyndrome (or whatever the equivalent is when you don't actually have any professional success and you have kinda given up on it).
like "that guy knows Rust and Haskell, he must have, like, 20 brains, how does he not know all this?"
it's silly of course, but it…
2024-04-09 10:33:43

I just submitted a grant proposal on "Functional multi-objective optimization under uncertainty"
I hope to get some research funding for work (using Agda, Haskell, Domain-Specific Languagues) well aligned both with the "P…

An example figure showing a Pareto front  for a simplified case with two control parameters and two objectives (called "cost" and "emissions"). It shows the trade-off between minimizing one or the other objective.
2024-04-08 08:05:57

I'm building the #NixOS #GNOME 46 update locally to help test it and my CPU usage graph is now a solid block because of how long the CPU has been at 100% utilisation.
Who would've guessed rebuilding 3000 packages written in Rust, Haskell, C and JavsScript could be computationally expen…