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2024-04-11 16:10:10

Israel has always done this. Nothing new...
What Gaza humanitarian aid items has Israel rejected during the war? - The Washington Post

Netanyahu says Israel will ‘stand alone’ as White House says major Rafah invasion wouldn’t help efforts to defeat Hamas
President Biden last night said the US will stop supplying specific weapons to Israel if it launches a major ground operation in Rafah in Gaza
– a move commended by progressive lawmakers like Senator Bernie Sanders and democratic US house representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
In response, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israel…
2024-05-10 21:27:33

How about: you shred the UN charter, you get booted from the UN. Sound fair?
2024-02-12 05:43:12

The ICJ just took the Holocaust monopoly away from Israel – @…

The state of Israel has been so spoiled by impunity that its leaders had no concerns about spouting outright genocidal incitement; its soldiers are so used to doing whatever they want that they filmed themselves perpetrating grave war crimes. They don’t care anymore. 

Golda Meir once told Shulamit Aloni that “after the Holocaust Jews can do whatever they want.” It seems, however, the day of judgment has perhaps arrived. The world hasn’t forgotten the Holocaust. It just turns out that “never ag…
2024-02-12 06:30:03
2024-03-10 12:19:09

Hier jetzt sogar von mir mal eine dezidiert politische Content-Warnung. Entscheidet selbst, ob Ihr so jemanden ungefiltert sehen und hören wollt.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy (Channel 4) interviewt den Hamas-Repräsentanten im Iran und stellt dabei einige gute Fragen:
2024-03-12 05:16:12

Netanyahu’s deal with the devil
Under the cover of war, Israel’s far right and ultra-Orthodox leaders are looking to turn Israel from a liberal, largely secular democracy into something more religious, nationalist and intolerant.
2024-05-10 13:51:02

Selvsagt vil europeiske kristne bibelbelter sŸrge for at det er svært sannsynlig at Israel vinner eurovisjonen. Dette burde EBU ha visst kom til å skje med det stemmesystemet ESC har.
2024-03-11 12:20:16

israel at eurovision / mention of genocide
there's no point in discussing the proportionality of the israeli reaction to october 7 with people who think israel shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place (i.e. support genocide if it is jews who get killed). who do not care about the jewish people who were displaced from muslim countries because it doesn't fit their narrative. people who deny what happened on october 7, people who cried genocide the moment israel reacted to the atrocities. i won't discuss with people who only ever demand a ceasefire from israel not from hamas.
i understand and share the compassion, grief and fear for palestinian life. but it can't come at the price of completely dehumanizing israeli people.
2024-03-11 17:10:42

Another massacre by the most ethical army in the world.
Casualties reported as Israel targets Palestinians waiting for aid in #Gaza – Middle East Monitor
2024-05-09 19:25:42

A look at Israel's long-strained history with Al Jazeera, which Israel calls a security threat, while Al Jazeera says Israel wants to hide its brutality in Gaza (New York Times)
2024-05-10 16:22:37

UN passed resolution for UN Security Council to reconsider and support Palestine membership into the UN
The UN general assembly overwhelmingly passed the resolution for the UN Security Council to reconsider and support the full membership of Palestine into the United Nations.
143 countries supported it, 9 voted against, and 25 abstained.
2024-05-09 08:21:16

"They Used to Say Arabs Can’t Have Democracy Because It’d Be Bad for Israel. Now the U.S. Can’t Have It Either."
2024-05-10 21:49:37

#Israel has violated international law in #Gaza, according to a report by the US State Department, but no specific US-supplied weapons could be linked to any violations.
Anyway, the risk of further contraventions is too high for the arms supply to continue unrestricted. Apart from weapons used t…
2024-05-11 12:36:00

Say Plainly What the Protesters Want - The Atlantic
2024-05-10 14:05:59

Biden's Israel arms embargo will go down as one of the worst American betrayals (New York Post)
2024-05-10 22:19:49

The bar for hospitals to lose protected status under international law is set very high. Those conditions were not met for any of the 36 hospitals in Gaza that Israel destroyed.
#Gaza #Hospitals #MilitaryTarger
2024-04-10 20:24:36

Iran Could Strike Israel Any Time. Are They Ready for This?:
2024-05-09 22:59:19

Trotz Demos und Buhrufen:
#Israel steht im #ESC-Finale

Text Shot: In Malmö hat sich Israel trotz Gegenwind im Eurovision Song Contest Halbfinale durchgesetzt und Jubel geerntet - während vor der Tür demonstriert wurde. Tausende forderten den Ausschluss Israels.
2024-03-12 00:42:57

The UN and everybody else is going to find out sooner or later that famine is the objective. Actually, no. The objective is the total extermination of all Palestinians, to open the way for more colonates, also in Gaza, not only in the West Bank. Extermination is not a somewhat unfortunate side effect of the war. It's the main reason for the war.
2024-05-11 06:57:28

South Africa Again Asks the ICJ to Order Israel to Withdraw From Rafah - The New York Times

Pro-Israel Pac pours millions into surprise candidate in Maryland primary
A pro-Israel lobby group has dropped millions into a Maryland congressional race as tensions remain high over the war in Gaza.
The primary race in the third congressional district,
which will be held on Tuesday,
has attracted national interest thanks to the candidacy of one Democrat in particular:
2024-04-12 05:11:01

“I would believe TV reality figure Ohad Buzaglo telling me I'm his one true love before I would believe one word from Netanyahu. …
The system is to procrastinate for as long as possible, and in the meantime – lie.”
2024-04-11 18:02:11
2024-03-09 14:19:15

Israel tortured UNRWA employees to extract false confessions to smear the UN agency
2024-05-10 17:16:59

Und das ist halt der Punkt!
»Und wenn es hart auf hart kommt, gibt es einen kleinen Fleck auf dieser Erde, wo ein Jude immer willkommen ist.«<…
2024-05-11 13:06:15

So you come into my replies on my instance and then block me.
This is what you think happens:
“Haha, everyone will see my reply and he can’t respond.”
Here’s what actually happens:
- You piss me off
- I suspend your account and delete your data from my server so it no longer distributes your reply
- I post a screenshot of your reply so everyone can see the mental gymnastics you have to employ to defend Israel
- You learn something new

Screenshot of my post:

Folks, if your strategy is to vote multiple times (at ~€1/pop) to try and influence the Eurovision Song Contest outcome against Israel: please don’t. 

Financially rewarding the EBU will only make them look successful. You don’t buy all the beer at the fascist bar to teach them a lesson.
Screenshot of post by verena elisabeth

@aral and i guess you think you are an anti-fascist. sorry,: excluding and bullying a person because of their affiliation to israel is not anti-fascist, but ... You know what. 
and for 1000 times: no governments participate in the #esc, but independent broadcasters (that's why russia was also suspended, because NOT independent).
2024-05-09 01:50:23

Well damn.
2024-04-11 10:56:29

De 21ste-eeuwse Hannah Arendt zal, kijkend naar Israël, niet spreken over banaliteit van het kwaad, maar over automatisering van het kwaad. Een nachtmerrie.
@… in Trouw:
2024-03-09 17:56:42

Waterboarding - daran erinnern wir uns doch noch.
2024-02-12 02:08:29

I wonder whether someone in #Israel thinks they can avoid needing to do any paperwork for that #Genocide report they owe to the #ICJ if they've already finished murdering everyone in
2024-05-11 19:38:21

Tatsächlich gefällt mir #Israel bis jetzt am besten. #ESC2024 #ESC Angenehm gesungen. Zwar auch gejault, aber wenigstens stimmig.
2024-04-08 09:25:36

Web Summit co-founder Paddy Cosgrave confirms returning as Web Summit CEO; Cosgrave resigned in October 2023 over controversial comments on the Israel-Hamas war (TechCrunch)
2024-04-09 15:36:24

From @… for @… :
2024-05-11 22:39:38

323 Punkte vom #TeleVoting für #Israel #esc2024
2024-02-12 08:10:09

Gazans Fled Their Homes.
They Have Nowhere to Return to
2024-05-11 22:48:58

📢 Nemo aus der Schweiz gewinnt den ESC
Beim Eurovision Song Contest hat Nemo für die Schweiz den ersten Platz erreicht. Deutschland landete auf Platz zwölf. Der ESC wurde überschattet von Protesten gegen das Teilnehmerland Israel.
➡️ tagesscha…
2024-04-11 03:49:56

uspol, palestine, gaza, biden
okay, I think I largely agree with #PodSaveAmerica about #palestine / #biden - like...
1. (several months, years) "we won't even say we'll condition it, we'll ask them in private, our support is iron clad" -> zero change in gaza
2. one phone call where "if you don't change we might have to change 1" -> israel changes under the slightest hint of pressure** *
*the aid has to continue flowing for the change to be considered effective
**if israel doesn't change their assault on civilians, we'll need the administration to follow through AND CONDITION aid. otherwise item 2 backfires.
it's almost as if leverage works?
2024-05-11 12:36:00

Say Plainly What the Protesters Want - The Atlantic
2024-05-11 21:26:06

"Zwischen Joost und der israelischen Delegation soll es eskaliert sein."
2024-03-10 22:14:21

Es gibt Risse in der Beschreibung, die UNRWA sei der Hamas nah.
"UNRWA-Angestellte hätten nach ihrer Rückkehr aus der Haft von »Folter, schweren Misshandlungen und Übergriffen« berichtet.
Einige seien zu Geständnissen gezwungen worden, in denen es um das Verhältnis der UNRWA zur Hamas und Beteiligung an den Angriffen des 7. Oktober gegangen sei."

Biden breaks with Netanyahu but sticks with Israel
President Biden has begun breaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Gaza war strategy — while sticking with Israel and its fight against Hamas, which is still holding hostages.
Biden hoped for weeks that he could use the war to push his Saudi mega-deal after the fighting. But in many ways, Biden sees Netanyahu as the one responsible for the deal slipping away.
Biden's "State of the Union"…
2024-04-11 21:01:09

Scoop: Senior U.S. general to visit Israel to coordinate on Iran attack threat (Barak Ravid/Axios)
2024-04-11 23:52:18

Geheimdienst-Infos - Israel-USA: Sorge vor der Rache Teherans wächst #News #Nachrichten
2024-03-11 08:45:38

israel at eurovision
the ultimate victim blaming in the community is unbearable. imagine being from a country whose representatives have always needed serious protection anywhere they went (remember what happened in 1972). there was a massacre of people dancing at a music festival not even 6 months ago.
and the fans most voiced concern is that it's too expensive for the host country to provide that security. (beside the demands for the country to be banned from participation altogether)
#eurovision #israel
2024-03-08 10:30:40

Regardless everyone's views on the conflict, let's agree we should stop children dying from hunger in Gaza.
2024-05-11 14:41:08

(Zwischenstand zur Detoxzeit) #Israel auch und Judentum und praktische Dialektik #Polizei: Die Synagoge in Kassel musste wie viele nach dem Anschlag in Halle am 9. Oktober 2019 polizeilich geschützt werden.
2024-04-12 01:17:16

As media framing goes, running profiles about people who become maybe famous (but for the fake accounts, maybe?) polemicists isn’t the best use of the #Times’ ink.
From: @…
2024-05-11 22:52:58

Que collons Israel rebent tants punts del públic. Han hagut de ser bots, no em crec que tanta gent amb cervell hagi votat a Israel.
Durant un moment m'he espantat, contemplant que poder guanyen, però grŠcies a déu que no ha estat el cas.
#Eurovision #Eurovision2024
2024-04-10 22:04:22

Oh that’s easy. They won’t be.
2024-02-12 07:08:15

50 people died. It's now 23 dead #Palestinians for every Israeli #Hamas killed. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
Israel Says It Struck Rafah as Diversion to Rescue 2 Hostages - The New York Times
2024-04-09 12:58:46

Article unpaywalled via my sub:
“I’m Jewish, and I’ve covered wars. I know war crimes when I see them.” #Israel
2024-05-11 07:10:25

And they said "may", *MAY*.
"US says Israel may have breached international law with American weapons in Gaza".
2024-03-08 21:30:03
2024-03-12 06:15:34

An interview with Channel 4 News foreign correspondent Secunder Kermani on journalists' duty to go into Gaza, embedding with the IDF, impartiality, and more (Charlotte Tobitt/Press Gazette)
2024-03-12 02:50:28

Putin, Netanyahu and Trump: A Lying, Dangerous Trio
2024-05-11 00:21:07

Criticizing Israel? Nonprofit Media Could Lose Tax-Exempt Status Without Due Process (Seth Stern/The Intercept)
2024-04-10 08:54:05

Remember kids, we should all oppose genocide UNLESS it’s the genocide of Brown people on the other side of the world funded by our tax dollars, euros, and pounds.
Never again!™*
* Terms and conditions apply. Offer not available to Brown people.
#israel #palestine
2024-03-10 02:21:24

Biden says Netanyahu ‘hurting Israel more than helping’ | The Hill

Pro-Israel Pac pours millions into surprise candidate in Maryland primary
When news of UDP’s investment broke last month, #Harry #Dunn responded by calling on all candidates to “condemn this dark-money spending bankrolled by Maga [Make America Great Again] Republicans”.
In a statement to the Guardian, Dunn framed…
2024-05-10 20:17:47

In all seriousness, I think nothing portraits better today's #Israel than the clown that is currently the ambassador of that genocidal state in the #UN shredding by his own hands the UN charter while accusing everybody else to do what he was proudly doing himself.
Stop the genocide in
2024-05-10 10:35:00

Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN
2024-04-11 03:49:56

uspol, palestine, gaza, biden
okay, I think I largely agree with #PodSaveAmerica about #palestine / #biden - like...
1. (several months, years) "we won't even say we'll condition it, we'll ask them in private, our support is iron clad" -> zero change in gaza
2. one phone call where "if you don't change we might have to change 1" -> israel changes under the slightest hint of pressure** *
*the aid has to continue flowing for the change to be considered effective
**if israel doesn't change their assault on civilians, we'll need the administration to follow through AND CONDITION aid. otherwise item 2 backfires.
it's almost as if leverage works?
2024-05-11 22:16:08

Waiting for thinkpieces about Israel not winning #Eurovision to be “antisemitism”
2024-03-10 22:25:30

A look at AI-enabled dolls, such as those made by South Korea's Hyodol and Israel's Intuition Robotics, which offer companionship and assistance to older adults (Boone Ashworth/Wired)
2024-05-11 14:06:15

Biden's isolation grows as Gaza report both criticizes and clears Israel (Washington Post)
2024-03-12 06:15:34

An interview with Channel 4 News foreign correspondent Secunder Kermani on journalists' duty to go into Gaza, embedding with the IDF, impartiality, and more (Charlotte Tobitt/Press Gazette)
2024-03-12 02:50:28

Putin, Netanyahu and Trump: A Lying, Dangerous Trio
2024-04-11 16:17:23

Im Blick und auf der Basecap steht "Boycott #Israel" und das "Boycott" wurde gestrichen, gestrichen wie drei Streifen vom Tiger bis zu #Adidas

Biden threat to stop Israel arms shipments welcomed by Democrats and criticized by Israeli officials and Republicans – live
US representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York,
said that “[Biden]’s historic shift to include Israel in US standards makes the world safer and our values clear.”
“President Biden enforcing conditions on US military aid and holding the Israeli gov to the same bar we hold all our allies to is the responsible, secure, and just thing to do,” she ad…
2024-04-06 11:04:38

Google Won’t Say Anything About Israel Using Its Photo Software to Create Gaza “Hit List”
2024-04-09 21:00:54

“My experience of war crimes taught me that being Jewish means standing against any nation that commits war crimes.

Biden threat to stop Israel arms shipments welcomed by Democrats and criticized by Israeli officials and Republicans – live
US representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York,
said that “[Biden]’s historic shift to include Israel in US standards makes the world safer and our values clear.”
“President Biden enforcing conditions on US military aid and holding the Israeli gov to the same bar we hold all our allies to is the responsible, secure, and just thing to do,” she ad…
2024-05-07 17:01:21

Israel insists it has a right to defend itself from ceasefire agreements
Prime satire. Read & weep.
* * *
‘…Israel said no to the deal that would have freed the hos…
2024-05-10 15:27:11

This is why we should do a cultural boycott of this country, Song Contest and all.
Many of you weren’t around in the 80s when it helped toppling apartheid in South Africa and establish actual democracy there.
(Reagan and Thatcher admins opposed UN sanctions, waving the “but Marxism” wand).

Anjali Dayal

Israel's ambassador to the UN just
wound up his speech before today's vote
on Palestinian statehood by shredding
the UN Charter from the UNGA rostrum
2024-05-10 16:37:23

„Der jüdisch-amerikanische Autor Nathan Thrall gewann am Montag den Pulitzer Preis. Wenige Tage zuvor wurde in Frankfurt ein Event mit ihm zu Nahost abgesagt.“ @…
2024-05-08 23:02:29

Biden will cut weapons shipments if Israel invades Rafah - National Zero
2024-03-06 11:33:51

Google engineers tossed from tech conference for protesting company’s contracts with Israel
2024-02-12 00:45:07
Content warning: iran pol

RT by @Aras_Nathan: Hey @… , we thought your journalists were supposed to give unbiased reports on situations, not actively participate in creating them on the front lines as Hamas terrorists.
2024-05-10 01:18:59

Israel names illegal Golan settlement after Trump
2024-03-10 21:40:35

Netanyahu denies Palestinians are starving (Politico)
2024-05-11 16:28:17

The problem with the “we’re all friends” approach of stuff like Eurovision is that no one there takes any responsibility when one of the participants comes from a place that is actively not a friend.
At the very latest—and the least they could have done— they should have disqualified Israel and put membership of Israeli TV stations on hold when the ICJ decision dropped.
2024-05-08 21:30:45

U.S. reviewing other military aid to Israel, State Department says - Raw Story

Even as U.S. President Joe Biden flew to Israel after the Oct. 7 catastrophe to show his complete support
—the Biden administration began warning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government not to make the same mistakes the United States did after its own 9/11.
2024-05-11 12:35:55

Folks, if your strategy is to vote multiple times (at ~€1/pop) to try and influence the Eurovision Song Contest outcome against Israel: please don’t.
Financially rewarding the EBU will only make them look successful. You don’t buy all the beer at the fascist bar to teach them a lesson.
#eurovision #ESC
2024-05-10 21:46:07

People leaving Rafah describe yet another fearful flight from Israeli assaults. (New York Times)
2024-03-10 01:54:43

"Pro-#Israel spin and complicit mainstream media claim UN report upheld Israel’s claims – it didn’t and even the UN’s political collusion collapses under scrutiny" #Gaza
Video: ‘unfounded, unverified’ – what UN really said about Israel’s ‘Hamas rape’ claims – SKWAWKBOX
2024-05-10 14:50:59

Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center (Tamara Qiblawi/CNN)

House Speaker Mike Johnson is negotiating with the White House as he prepares for the treacherous task of advancing wartime funding for Ukraine and Israel through the House, a top House Republican said Thursday.
House Republican Leader Steve Scalise told reporters that Johnson had been talking with White House officials about a package that would deviate from the Senate’s $95 billion foreign security package and include several Republican demands.
It comes after Johnson has delaye…
2024-04-07 16:55:21

Israel may have started a forever war in Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera
2024-05-09 21:15:53

Cease-Fire Talks Stall as Anger Flares Over Israel's Incursion Into Rafah (Reuters)
2024-05-09 23:46:47

Japanese American Civil Rights Group Pushes for Gaza Cease-Fire - The New York Times

Israel approved Rafah military operation🔥 and started striking Hamas targets🔥
The decision by Israel’s War Cabinet came💥 hours after Hamas agreed to a cease-fire that Israel hadn’t previously accepted.💥
Israel launched a volley of strikes in the Gazan city of Rafah
and said it would continue military operations there,
even as the Biden administration has openly warned against the launch of any large-scale mission in the city without civilian protections.
In resp…
2024-05-09 23:05:58

House GOP drafting Biden impeachment articles over Israel aid cutoff threat (Elizabeth Elkind/Fox News)
2024-05-09 22:15:59

Day Before Biden Admin Announced It Would Withhold Weapons From Israel, It Issued Sanctions Waiver To Allow Arms Sales to Qatar and Lebanon (Adam Kredo/Washington Free Beacon)

Israel-Gaza war live:
Ceasefire talks to resume in Cairo;
Over the last few hours, Hezbollah says it has carried out a drone attack on an Israelimilitary position near the northern Israeli town of Metula on Monday according to Reuters.
The Israeli military later confirmed two soldiers were killed in the attack.
Hezbollah also says it has sent dozens of rockets towards military targets across the border with Israel.
Israel and Hezbollah have been engaged in daily …
2024-05-08 23:15:02

Antisemitism Awareness Act and Israel: The House bill is bad for American Jews.

For Biden, a tough call looms on whether Israel violated laws in Gaza
The Biden administration is expected to notify Congress this week whether it believes Israel has violated U.S. or international law in Gaza,
a determination with significant moral and political stakes for Israel and for President Biden.

The forthcoming report, portions of which are expected to be made public after its transmission to Capitol Hill on Wednesday,
arrives at a difficult time for U.S.-Is…