samstag 11. jaenner 2025
16:00 ms vindobona / anlegestelle reichsbruecke und
20:00 theater am werk petersplatz
am boot
interventionen von beauchamp/geissler
susanna gartmayer
mats gustafsson
im theater am …
Hey Canada, Greenland and Panama, did you know that "...the U.S. government argued that Bin Laden and Soleimani posed an imminent threat and that the killings were defensive and, therefore, justified under international law."
I'm not saying anyone should hurt anyone. Violence is never a good answer. I also think someone threatening to invade and take possession of you by force is...bad.
quote source:
"Schon eine leichte Erwärmung reicht, um das Eis [in der westlichen Antarktis] zum Schmelzen zu bringen. Das macht uns ziemliche Sorgen."
Physik und Klima verhandeln nicht. Sehr Interessanter Artikel, can recommend!…