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2024-11-23 11:34:07

Sonnet 044 - XLIV
If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,
Injurious distance should not stop my way;
For then despite of space I would be brought,
From limits far remote, where thou dost stay.
No matter then although my foot did stand
Upon the farthest earth remov'd from thee;
For nimble thought can jump both sea and land,
As soon as think the place where he would be.
But, ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,
To l…
2024-11-18 13:28:14

My dear dear friend had been misdiagnosed with lingering pneumonia in the spring, and had spells of being very sick, nothing was helping. She finally got a breast cancer diagnosis a couple of weeks ago, and it had already spread everywhere, two weeks later she passed. I’m still in shock. Please stay up to date with your self exams and mammograms, and if you have an ailment that’s not clearing up, keep seeing doctors until they figure out what it is, get second opinions! Don’t wait. Love you Mary.
2024-11-11 20:10:22

Lovely account of a fun foray with ancient web tech that's pretty much begging to be reverse engineered, and made into something beautiful at #JumboHack
Winning a hackathon, losing my sanity — Jerome Paulos
2024-11-07 07:07:50

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 10 - Ultraworld
CALLY: [V.O. still faint] Help me, please. I don't know where I am.
AVON: Cally, where are you? We need your location.
2024-11-20 18:16:11

[ May 2, 2025 - May 3, 2025] Conference or similar: 2025 Mountain-Pacific Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers
2024-12-31 16:42:01
Content warning: rant

For the upcoming year, I hope furries get shit on by the major platforms to the point where they *have* to leave... And please let the people who lead the charge to the next platform choose something that's *not* going to be the exact same old story.
I'm tired of having to split my attention three ways because there's the Discord crowd, then there's the Telegram crowd, and then there's the few people who actually care enough and try alternatives like at least Signal or Delta Chat.
#furry #furrycommunity
2024-11-03 16:12:58

Adieu, mon ami. Dans nos jeunes années, nous étions camarades de classe, et plus tard dans nos vies, nous avons partagé la place de la Palud lors de nos campagnes politiques. Je garderai en mémoire ton écoute et ta présence. Chaque soir, en traversant la ville, lorsque je vois un feu tricolore clignoter en orange, je penserai Š toi. Ce souvenir restera pour moi un moyen de te garder proche. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté.
2024-12-15 20:59:45

Gestern wurden zwei SPD-Wahlkämpfer von verirrten Nazis zusammengeprügelt. Die Schlägertypen wollten wohl zur Demo?
Hatten die Lichtenberg mit Lichterfelde verwechselt? Dummheit macht leider nicht weniger gefährlich.
2024-11-06 21:23:08

Series B, Episode 09 - Countdown
VETNOR: There's a main rotonoid link. If I cut through its primary impulse vein, it might break the circuit. Then again -
CAUDER: It might not. We'll chance it. [Vetnor reaches into the console and drops a tool, Grant and Cauder exchange looks. Vetnor pulls out some wires and cuts them. There is small explosion and the ticking that marks the countdown stops]