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2024-04-25 11:19:26

On the other hand Thursday is actually almost pleasant, only about a tenth of my colleagues are not working from home.
It would be nice to be able to work in shifts in this sense, except for needing to discuss things with colleagues which IME is almost always better on person.
Ruth_Mottram - the enraging search for a desk on a Wednesday.
There is a special place in hell for whoever came up with hotdesking in large shared offices
2024-05-26 00:08:31

With added @… branding... 🫣
2024-04-25 16:24:53

A very Danish protest: Tomorrow should be public holiday "Big Prayer day" - created originally by gathering up previous saints holy days into just one. Last year the government decided to remove it, in order, allegedly, to pay for more defence after invasion of #Ukraine. (I'm still not sure how that's supposed to work). This year although no holiday tomorrow, Danes are buying record numbers of wheat buns ("hvede") traditionally eaten on #StoreBededag
2024-04-26 16:33:49

In Greenland we have the @… to keep a near real-time view on what's going on with the ice sheet , in #Antarctic we don't really have quite the same thing, but I'm happy to announce that our data and that of some colleagues from Belgium is now presented on a #SCAR #AntClimNow webpage. Some details are still misisng, and I'll probably blog next week what it all means - but for now you can see what's going on here:
2024-04-26 08:20:16

So this is the timeline that will be steering everything we do for the next few years...
#ClimateModels #CMIP7
2024-04-26 08:11:09

This morning's science talk is by my ace DMI colleague Shuting Yang on the plans for #CMIP7 (the next #ClimateModel intercomparison project. Thanks to @… colleagues, this is an extraordinary graphic of the size of the effort...
2024-04-25 16:27:46

The wheat buns are apparently bought the day before and then eaten warm on store Bededag with lots of butter.
Tbh, I'd always found them a bit dry and rather underwhelming (compare for example the utter bomb of deliciousness that are fastelavnsboller!) but even our work canteen served them up today and they were delicious.
Perhaps the reminder of Store Bededag, after it was removed is enough to remind people to go out and buy them?
2024-04-24 09:33:32

the enraging search for a desk on a Wednesday.
There is a special place in hell for whoever came up with hotdesking in large shared offices
2024-05-23 23:30:14

On the loss of #earthworms - another casualty of the #biodiversity crisis, the article is about Britain but I suspect it applies elsewhere too..
From @… 🎁 You can open the link five times within seven days. After that it will expire.
What’s behind Britain’s earthworm cataclysm?
2024-04-24 06:13:19

🎁 Anjana Ahuja quite correct here, we should try to reduce emissions as much as possible. But we're also going to need to learn to adapt to #ClimateChange
Beware the pragmatism of the nonchalant ‘hot earthers’ - via @FT