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2024-02-25 22:23:04

Big photo session taking high-res photos of each and every circuit board in a #Siemens EWSD #ISDN switch yesterday. Will all go to the #retronetworking wiki after editing.

Siemens EWSD BCM
Siemens EWSD CCG11A
2024-03-27 06:09:00

Twitter-Alternative Truth Social: Börsengang bringt Trump potenziell Milliarden
Nur wenige Tage nach der Freigabe ist Trump Media an die Börse gegangen. Für die Aktien ging es steil nach oben. Das könnte Donald Trump Milliarden einbringen.
2024-03-26 14:46:34

#PhanpySocial changelog ✨
🌪️ Keyword filters UI
📝 Allow ‘Lists’ in Shortcuts (except multi-column view)
🖋️ Edit Profile (only name, bio & extra fields)
🐛 Bug fixes
For upcoming Mastodon v4.3 :
🪣 Filtered notifications

Screenshot of Edit Filter form sheet, with options to add keywords and set filter preferences.
Screenshot of Notification Settings sheet with options to filter out notifications from certain types of accounts and a 'Save' button.
Notifications page showing filtered notifications from 4 people with options to "Allow" or "Dismiss".
Screenshot of Edit Profile form sheet with fields for name, bio, and extra fields.
2024-04-25 20:38:10

Schwanzmeisen - Federbällchenfotos, noch aus'm März ❤️
Serie 2/2
#DietmarSchneider #Fotogalerie #Foto
2024-02-26 19:55:46

During oral arguments, justices seemed reluctant to completely strike down Texas and Florida social media laws but worried about impacts to companies' 1A rights (Bloomberg)
2024-04-27 04:43:53

It’s so sad that I can no longer share my photos online without also involuntarily training future #AI models.
I’ve been playing with #Nightshade to “poison” my images against training, but the tool introduces quite a lot of distortion and artifacts that grate on my nerves. I guess this is the immediate…

A dark teal classic Singer Porsche.
A dark teal classic Singer Porsche. The image has subtle distortions.
A dark teal classic Singer Porsche. There is some distortion in the image.
2024-02-26 18:01:54

From above (132) Via @… /111505519618925050
2024-03-27 12:17:23

Die Antennen für das Satelliteninternet Starlink von #SpaceX landen immer häufiger auf dem Schwarzmarkt und werden in Ländern in Betrieb genommen, in denen der Dienst offiziell nicht verfügbar ist oder sogar US-Sanktionen gelten. 🛰️🌐
Zum Artikel:

Bild: Eine Starlink-Antenne steht auf dem Boden vor einem LKW.

Überschrift: Illegale Nutzung 
von Starlink-Antennen nimmt international zu

Unterzeile: Offiziell ist Starlink in vielen Staaten nicht zugelassen, benutzt wird es dort trotzdem. Dazu gehören auch Bürgerkriegsgebiete wie der Sudan.
2024-03-26 14:46:34

#PhanpySocial changelog ✨
🌪️ Keyword filters UI
📝 Allow ‘Lists’ in Shortcuts (except multi-column view)
🖋️ Edit Profile (only name, bio & extra fields)
🐛 Bug fixes
For upcoming Mastodon v4.3 :
🪣 Filtered notifications

Screenshot of Edit Filter form sheet, with options to add keywords and set filter preferences.
Screenshot of Notification Settings sheet with options to filter out notifications from certain types of accounts and a 'Save' button.
Notifications page showing filtered notifications from 4 people with options to "Allow" or "Dismiss".
Screenshot of Edit Profile form sheet with fields for name, bio, and extra fields.
2024-04-25 20:37:29

Schwanzmeisen - Federbällchenfotos, noch aus'm März ❤️
Serie 1/2
#DietmarSchneider #Fotogalerie #Foto