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2024-02-11 17:26:45

The renaissance of the open web continues to flourish — today it’s David Cassel in The New Stack, walking you through the most unforgettable apps of the last year on @…. And they’re all sterling examples of how regular people are making the most inspiring and innovative things on the human internet.
2024-02-11 17:26:45

The renaissance of the open web continues to flourish — today it’s David Cassel in The New Stack, walking you through the most unforgettable apps of the last year on @…. And they’re all sterling examples of how regular people are making the most inspiring and innovative things on the human internet.
2024-04-11 12:00:18

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-05-09 07:05:32

I haven't used stackoverflow much, just had two answers I'd posted there. I deleted them both, and got the same email others have got.. Probably the most passive-aggressive email I've ever received.
By the way if you delete your account, they anonymise your posts. AFAICT, that's against the creative commons attribution share-alike license of the posts.


We're writing in reference to your Stack Overflow account:

You have recently removed or defaced content from your posts. Please note that once you post a question or answer to this site, those posts become part of the collective efforts of others who have also contributed to that content. Posts that are potentially useful to others should not be removed except under extraordinary circumstances. Even if the post is no longer useful to the ori…
2024-02-11 07:55:26

"I have worked pretty extensively with all three of cabal, stack and Nix throughout my career and my intuition based on that experience is that the only improvement to the Haskell command-line experience that is viable and that will “win” in the long run is one that is directly upstreamed into cabal. It’s just that nobody wants to do that because it’s not as glamorous as writing your own build tool."
As I say, hardly anyone wants to do the boring work. Me neither.
2024-03-11 06:55:21

On the set partitions that require maximum sorts through the $aba-$avoiding stack
Yunseo Choi, Katelyn Gan, Andrew Li, Tiffany Zhu
2024-05-09 04:42:03

The Stack Overflow rugpull is another data point in my head which discourages me from contributing *any* content to a hoard owned by a corporation.
I’m hoping that ActivityPub will one day enable SO-style knowledge bases in which the individual nuggets of content are owned by independent servers and cannot be purchased by anyone.
2024-05-08 05:50:59

If you post to #StackExchange, you license that content to them under CC-BY-SA. You can't revoke that license, so you can't remove that content.
It shouldn't surprise you that they stop you from trying. Imagine a Wikipedia editor trying to remove their edits.
However, what it does give you is the right to host _all_ of SE elsewhere. To fork it, if SE violates its co…

| would like to bring the following pieces of history to the foreground. This is an excerpt of Joel Spolsky speaking on the Stack Overflow podcast #84 Oh, expropriation of community content that... We created Stack Overflow to be against it. If there's anything that's more in the DNA of Stack Overflow than that, | don't know what it is. That's one of our most core things. You can see this all over the place in the design of Stack Overflow. First of all, from day one, we use the CC-wik…
2024-05-10 20:02:50

The main effect of Stack Overflow selling data to ChatGPT is that from now on, the chatbot will reply to any and every programming question with a passive-aggressive RTFM.
2024-05-10 07:37:47

@… please: what was the tipping point, for you?
I do still use the Stack Exchange network, occasionally, as a point of reference.
I don't refrain from asking questions, or offering answers, but (for no particular reason) my presence has naturally dwindled to near zero over the past two decades or whatever.
2024-05-09 02:59:05

"Stack Overflow, a legendary internet forum for programmers and developers, is coming under heavy fire from its users after it announced it was partnering with OpenAI to scrub the site's forum posts to train ChatGPT...
"AI may consume a quarter of the U.S.'s power grid by just 2030, according to reports from industry professionals and agencies."
2024-05-10 04:07:12

Go die in a fire, Stack Overflow

This account is temporarily suspended for rule violations. The suspension period ends in 6 days.
2024-04-11 08:35:57

This has been replaced.
2024-05-09 11:11:26

As an EU citizen, I'm using my right to deletion to get #StackOverflow to remove my data for me.
Here is the link to the form:

Screenshot of confirmation email:
Dear Luca Hammer,

One more step is required before we can start working on your request. Please confirm your email by clicking on the button below.

Your Request ID is SHP79MQPD7, please keep this for your records.

Request ID: SHP79MQPD7

Date Submitted: 05/09/2024 07:05 AM UTC

I am a (an): Consumer
Select request type(s): Data Deletion, Data Portability
First Name: XXXX
Last Name: XXXmer
Country: XXXXany
Request Details: XXXXXXXX…
2024-03-08 00:34:18

Allow me to re-stack two of the AP’s graphs. #Uvalde
“… an investigator hired by Uvalde officials found that the city’s officers did not deserve punishment, and in some cases, praised their actions …”
“… prompting shouts of “cowards” from the audience and causing several family members of the victims to angrily walk out of the meeting.”
2024-05-09 04:57:40

“Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT”
Yet another amazing the-not-exploitative-alternative business opportunity.
2024-05-10 17:53:44

FINALLY! No doubt got lucky, but I do think I’m improving.
#CellTower 709
2024-05-06 15:10:33

Stack Overflow signs a deal with OpenAI to supply data to its models; new integrations between Stack Overflow and OpenAI will be available by the end of June (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch)
2024-03-11 08:33:32

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2024-05-10 14:42:09

Now would be the time to start HeapOverflow and switch from stack to heap based resource allocation. Still without automatic garbage collection but purely manual 😃
2024-05-07 09:18:02

The guide to #Git I never had
2024-04-09 08:43:39

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2024-04-08 14:50:39

Ever wanted to do something with the #stackoverflow data dumps but found their multi gigabyte XML files too hard to deal with?
SEqlite's for you! It's the info from the dumps you probably care about, preprocessed into SQLite databases with indexes.
The 2024-04-01 version is now up at

sleeping shaq meme

stack exchange data dump in pile of xml files: i sleep

stack exchange data dump in sqlite databases with indexes, y'know so you can actually use it: real shit
2024-05-10 08:38:46

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2024-04-09 06:53:27

The Fact Selection Problem in LLM-Based Program Repair
Nikhil Parasaram, Huijie Yan, Boyu Yang, Zineb Flahy, Abriele Qudsi, Damian Ziaber, Earl Barr, Sergey Mechtaev
2024-05-10 04:07:12

Go die in a fire, Stack Overflow

This account is temporarily suspended for rule violations. The suspension period ends in 6 days.
2024-04-11 08:35:57

This has been replaced.
2024-04-03 19:35:23

A post from the archive 📫:
View the origin of a repeating call stack
2024-04-11 06:47:17

Temperature Prediction for Stored Grain: A Multi-model Fusion Strategy Based on Machine Learning
Donghao Chen, Binkun Liu
2024-03-08 16:25:33

The Intro to CS exam my daughter is preparing has questions about the space complexity of recursive functions in C. I have no idea if they are supposed to include the stack and whether tail recursion was ever mentioned.
2024-04-03 18:46:32

Just improved the display of error messages in Kitten¹.
They should be far more robust now.
Run `kitten update` to get the latest.
¹ #Kitten

Screenshot of error message in browser: There’s a cute illustration of a kitten playing with a ball of purple yarn.

The error code (in pink) is 500. The error message reads ‘ReferenceError: meow is not defined’

Under that is a Stack trace split into two sections, ‘From your app’ and ‘From Kitten’.

In the first section, there’s a coed snippet shown with syntax highlighting, line numbers, and striped lines (white/pink):

export default () => kitten.html`

The ‘m’ in meow has a pin…
2024-05-10 06:52:52

#CellTower 736
2024-03-05 18:35:36

2024 NFL offseason: My ranking of the top nine quarterbacks available via free agency, draft or trade
2024-04-09 08:52:06

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2024-05-08 21:38:42

No more user-generated content, I think. Right? No more? POSSE all you can? Help others do the same?…
2024-05-08 09:14:56

Who's going to be sifting Stack Overflow for relevance and accuracy before OpenAI incorporates it?
Or is this for an entirely new offering "All The Wrong Answers, But Not Necessarily In The Right Order"?
#AI #Stupidity
2024-04-07 21:55:25

"build exciting things with boring technology"
2024-05-09 17:34:34

Exactly same here. I got a 7 day ban for deleting 10 year old posts from my homebrew time.
I am going to delete my account (seems I have to wait 7 days)
From: @…
2024-03-04 12:52:21

The CDC recommends developers to write all new code in C and C in a strong rebuke to field experts.
It also dropped the requirement to use -fno-stack-protector on code exposed to the network for government and defense contractors to maximize America’s computational power.
2024-03-05 07:47:05

Cathedral of the Sea #ArchitectureyCrap cc @…

Greatly zoomed in photo of Ball’s Pyramid, the tallest sea stack in the world (572m). The photo was taken from Lord Howe Island, 17kms to the north.
2024-02-27 18:53:43

Check out the monster amp stack at my band's gig over the weekend... Pumpin' out the jams.

Two guitar amplifiers (one branded 'Blackstar', the other 'BOSS') stacked on to of one another on carpet in front of a leather couch. The legs and bass of our bass player is showing next to/behind the 'stack' for scale (the amps go part way up his shin, height-wise). This was our Spinal Tap moment. *Stonehenge*!
2024-05-06 07:22:44

Securing the Open RAN Infrastructure: Exploring Vulnerabilities in Kubernetes Deployments
Felix Klement, Alessandro Brighente, Michele Polese, Mauro Conti, Stefan Katzenbeisser
2024-03-05 09:11:34

The automation of smart EV charging enables precise response to a variety of signals. Dynamic electricity prices, hourly prices reflecting the day-ahead wholesale market, are an important input for EV drivers in more and more European countries. But hourly prices need not be the only input:
#EV #SmartCharging

Three blocks of different colours stacked on top of each other. Plug in the foreground.
Text underneath: Stack multiple services smart charging.
2024-05-07 05:01:33

Someone recently complained that #StackOverflow is “misusing” their answers for commercial purposes and now wishes to have all their content deleted under GDPR.
Here's the thing: Everything published there is #CreativeCommons-licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. If you don't li…
2024-05-04 17:01:31

2024-05-09 08:28:57

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initial toot:…
2024-05-07 08:48:48

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initial toot:…
2024-03-31 19:34:20

i feel like i am never going to get through this stack of books by my bed #alas

M. Mitchell Waldrop, The Dream Machine: J. C. R. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal

The Refugees, Viet Thanh Nguyen

Graham Greene, The Honorary Consul

Inverting the Pyramid, Jonathan Wilson

Doppelganger, Naomi Klein

Martha Wells, All Systems Red

Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory

Diane di Prima, Recollections of My Life as a Woman: The New York Years

Octavia E. Butler, Kindred
2024-04-07 01:40:48

The historiography is almost entirely Jewish/Western, but it’s going to blow people’s minds when I bring my stack of #Israel #Palestine books to the church class. Gotta start somewhere, e.g. the indices...
2024-03-07 11:00:14

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-05-10 06:53:09

CrashJS: A NodeJS Benchmark for Automated Crash Reproduction
Philip Oliver, Jens Dietrich, Craig Anslow, Michael Homer
2024-03-06 07:18:35

G-EvoNAS: Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search Based on Network Growth
Juan Zou, Weiwei Jiang, Yizhang Xia, Yuan Liu, Zhanglu Hou
2024-04-08 08:35:20

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2024-05-01 06:58:13

Non-semisimple Crane-Yetter theory varying over the character stack
Patrick Kinnear
arXiv:2404.19667v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: We construct a relative version of the Crane-Yetter topological quantum field theory in four dimensions, from non-semisimple data. Our theory is defined relative to the classical $G$-gauge theory in five dimensions -- this latter theory assigns to each manifold $M$ the appropriate linearization of the moduli stack of $G$-local systems, called the character stack. Our main result is to establish a relative invertibility property for our construction. This invertibility echoes -- recovers and greatly generalizes -- the key invertibility property of the original Crane-Yetter theory which allowed it to capture the framing anomaly of the celebrated Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev theory. In particular our invertibilty statement at the level of surfaces implies a categorical, stacky version of the unicity theorem for skein algebras; at the level of 3-manifolds it equips the character stack with a canonical line bundle. Regarded as a topological symmetry defect of classical gauge theory, our work establishes invertibility of this defect by a gauging procedure.
2024-05-02 07:09:01

"By 1973, the first volume of the defining work of our craft, “The Art of Computer Programming” had been available in bookstores since 1968, and its first chapter literally consisted of a 100-something page long introduction to various mathematical concepts. Induction, logarithms, series, matrices, elementary number theory, permutations and factorials, Fibonacci numbers, are some of the subjects exposed in those beautifully typeset pages."
2024-02-25 13:28:02

The Marine Museum of the Great Lakes is an amazing place to visit when in #Kingston, ON. The recent acquisition of the SS Keewatin just makes it better. The volunteers who maintain this facility's operations definitely deserve this award.

image/jpeg an old black and white photograph of a large white passenger ship with a single aft stack flying flags on its three masts. SS Keewatin
2024-04-06 16:55:46

My last title was principal engineer and I was considered to be a full-stack guy that could put frontend and backend bits to release a system/app end to end. But UI was definitely my weak spot and I would go seek help from the designers/frontend people at work quite regularly. Now that I am on my own, LLMs have replaced the designer part and I have to say the results are very similar, and I am learning much more.
2024-02-23 00:52:32

A really detailed superconducting magnet paper; all about the physical build, of a huge one for fusion use; 270km of REBCO tape, and weighing 10 Tonnes; some bits are fascinating, like the flood filling of the tape with solder.
2024-05-06 16:50:15

This is incredibly tone-deaf of StackExchange. They're a community-driven project, and the community has been very clear that they are skeptical of AI and AI-driven business.
However, all SE data is also CC-BY, same as Wikipedia, which means OpenAI is pretty well-justified in just crawling the SE data. I'm not sure what this agreement buys either party.
2024-05-06 14:37:51

Welp, it's official. All Stack Overflow contributions are simply grist for the AI mill. If you're still contributing there, it's probably time to stop. #stackoverflow
2024-03-07 08:32:54

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2024-05-06 06:51:35

Matter: IoT Interoperability for Smart Homes
Saeid Madadi-Barough, Pau Ruiz-Blanco, Jiadeng Lin, Rafael Vidal, Carles Gomez
2024-03-08 07:31:35

Student behaviour and engagement with adaptive exercises on a thermodynamics course
Matti Harjula, Ville Havu, Inkeri Kontro, Kimmo Kulmala, Jarmo Malinen, Petri Salo
2024-05-03 07:02:38

Subleading analysis for $S^3$ partition functions of $\mathcal{N}=2$ holographic SCFTs
Seppe Geukens, Junho Hong
2024-05-08 11:50:45

at the end, it´s always "Stack Overflow" 😂
#OpenAI and #StackOverflow partner to bring more technical knowledge into #ChatGPT
2024-04-04 00:34:36

What do you mean, ancient computers with no stack? My first BASIC interpreter didn't have a stack, and it felt really modern! Well, back then. So I passed arrays around and an index. Worked "fine" even for recursion.
But then I wanted to port my recursive generate-a-christmas-tree algorithm to my little cousin's BASIC interpreter, as a Christmas present, and it wouldn't let me pass the array to the subroutine either. That's when things got a bit difficult ...<…
2024-02-29 19:58:17

DASH - Season 1 finale 🕵️‍♂️🔍🌈
Dramatized queer detective series | Total listening time: 4h 49m
1940, Los Angeles. Openly gay private eye Dash Malone combats society a dishonest lover, and a rash of brutal murders connected with his new mysterious client. As the bodies stack up, Dash discovers the seemingly unrelated parts of...
2024-04-07 21:55:25

"build exciting things with boring technology"
2024-03-27 15:03:49

@… this is the stack we used with netlify dot com back when I worked on it—I think the primary struggles I remember were typical to API-based CMS systems. Primarily that we had to manage draft content manually which ended up being a bit of a pain and the data wasn’t versioned to git so deploy previews always built with the latest production data set (which may or ma…
2024-05-09 07:02:21

#CellTower 735
2024-03-07 06:53:41

Automatic Bi-modal Question Title Generation for Stack Overflow with Prompt Learning
Shaoyu Yang, Xiang Chen, Ke Liu, Guang Yang, Chi Yu
2024-02-29 14:20:50

Stack Overflow launches OverflowAPI to give AI companies access to its knowledge base, starting with Google, which will use the data for Gemini for Google Cloud (Frederic Lardinois/TechCrunch)
2024-03-06 11:00:16

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-05-06 06:55:28

The Order of the (123, 132)-Avoiding Stack Sort
Owen Zhang
2024-04-04 07:25:14

One Stack to Rule them All: To Drive Automated Vehicles, and Reach for the 4th level
Sven Ochs, Jens Doll, Daniel Grimm, Tobias Fleck, Marc Heinrich, Stefan Orf, Albert Schotschneider, Helen Gremmelmaier, Rupert Polley, Svetlana Pavlitska, Maximilian Zipfl, Helen Schneider, Ferdinand M\"utsch, Daniel Bogdoll, Florian Kuhnt, Philip Sch\"orner, Marc Ren\'e Zofka, J. Marius Z\"ollner
2024-05-09 06:56:44

#CellTower 712
2024-02-23 00:52:32

A really detailed superconducting magnet paper; all about the physical build, of a huge one for fusion use; 270km of REBCO tape, and weighing 10 Tonnes; some bits are fascinating, like the flood filling of the tape with solder.
2024-03-08 06:54:37

On products of K-moduli spaces
Thedoros S. Papazachariou
2024-03-07 21:22:41

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stackexchange data dump torrent downloading
2024-03-08 16:00:09

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016)
Networks of interactions among users from four online Q&A sites: Stack Overflow, Math Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu. A directed edge (i,j) indicates a user i responded to user j's post. Edges are timestamped. For each Q&A site, four differently defined networks are provided, based on the definition of an edge: (i) a user answered a question, (ii) a user commented on a question, (iii) a user commented on an answer…

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016). 167981 nodes, 430033 edges.
2024-04-08 07:22:33

R5Detect: Detecting Control-Flow Attacks from Standard RISC-V Enclaves
Davide Bove, Lukas Panzer
2024-04-24 19:15:38

Stripe says some of its products will be available to companies that are using other payments providers, and unveils new embedded finance features and AI tools (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-05-05 17:00:16

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-03-24 02:42:37

Saying that "community is the future of AI" is suspiciously close to the baronies of precarity calling themselves "the sharing economy"
(Also OMG was this…


Throughout history, great thinkers have made predictions about how new technology would reshape the way in which humans work and live. With every paradigm shift, some jobs grow, some change, and some are lost. John Maynard Keynes wrote in 1930 that new technology meant humans would be working 30 hours a week or less,
2024-03-07 06:54:41

On the stack of 0-dimensional coherent sheaves: structural aspects
Barbara Fantechi, Andrea T. Ricolfi
2024-05-08 06:53:29

$\textbf{Splat-MOVER}$: Multi-Stage, Open-Vocabulary Robotic Manipulation via Editable Gaussian Splatting
Ola Shorinwa, Johnathan Tucker, Aliyah Smith, Aiden Swann, Timothy Chen, Roya Firoozi, Monroe Kennedy III, Mac Schwager
2024-03-05 17:00:15

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-03-01 07:23:01

StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation
Anton Lozhkov, Raymond Li, Loubna Ben Allal, Federico Cassano, Joel Lamy-Poirier, Nouamane Tazi, Ao Tang, Dmytro Pykhtar, Jiawei Liu, Yuxiang Wei, Tianyang Liu, Max Tian, Denis Kocetkov, Arthur Zucker, Younes Belkada, Zijian Wang, Qian Liu, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Indraneil Paul, Zhuang Li, Wen-Ding Li, Megan Risdal, Jia Li, Jian Zhu, Terry Yue Zhuo, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Nii Osae Osae Dade, Wenhao Yu, Lucas Krau{\ss}, Naman Jain, Yixuan S…
2024-05-08 08:39:13

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initial toot:…
2024-03-05 17:00:15

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-05-06 19:44:20

I’m always too impatient and use the hint!
#CellTower 716
2024-04-05 08:35:14

This has been replaced.
2024-05-07 13:58:12

#CellTower 733
2024-05-04 02:00:16

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-04-09 06:53:10

How Do OSS Developers Utilize Architectural Solutions from Q&A Sites: An Empirical Study
Musengamana Jean de Dieu, Peng Liang, Mojtaba Shahin
2024-05-07 04:00:11

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016)
Networks of interactions among users from four online Q&A sites: Stack Overflow, Math Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu. A directed edge (i,j) indicates a user i responded to user j's post. Edges are timestamped. For each Q&A site, four differently defined networks are provided, based on the definition of an edge: (i) a user answered a question, (ii) a user commented on a question, (iii) a user commented on an answer…

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016). 137517 nodes, 280102 edges.
2024-03-07 06:54:36

Rational motives on pro-algebraic stacks
Can Yaylali
2024-04-03 02:00:15

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-03-01 22:00:16

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.
2024-03-01 22:00:16

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011)
A bipartite network of users and the posts they have favorited, from the online Q&A site Stack Overflow. An edge (i,j) connects a user i to a post j if that user "favorited" that post (a kind of a rating). Edges are timestamped.
This network has 641876 nodes and 1301942 edges.
Tags: Economic, Preferences, Unweighted, Timestamps

stackoverflow: Stack Overflow favorites (2011). 641876 nodes, 1301942 edges.