Mullvad reparieren – #internet
"mono" TV anime key visual & PV:
Just came back from Las Vegas & had a really great time doing everything I wanted to do including everything at Area15. Sure glad I didn't miss any----- WHAT THE @#$% THE CRYSTAL METHOD PERFORMING LIVE GODDAMMIT…
Linkdump 50/2024 – #fundstücke
Excited about the new xLSTM model release. There are many well-though designs compared to transformers: recurrence (which should allows composability), gating (like Mamba & LSTM which is based on, which allows time complexity independent of the input size), state tracking (unlike Mamba & transformers). For now, these advantage aren’t apparent on benchmarks, but most training techniques are secrets, and the recent advances of LLMs evidenced that they matter a lot.
Ich lese gerade in einem Newsletter, "85 % der Personaler berichten, dass sie kaum noch qualifizierte Kandidaten finden. "
Das kann man auch umdrehen, "85 % der Kandidaten berichten, dass sie kaum noch mit qualifizierten Personalern Kontakt haben".
Mein Arbeitsplatz Ende 2024 – #technik
Linkdump 49/2024 – #fundstücke