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2024-04-06 16:36:16

I wanna take a nap
and I don't know why
I'm pretty sure I got
enough sleep last night
But my brain's feeling fuzzy
I've gotten of track
I'm gonna take a nap
and be right back 💤
2024-06-04 13:17:06

Check out this show by Grateful Dead from Sun, Jun 4, 1978 at Campus Stadium, UC Santa Barbara on Live Music Archive!
#GratefulDead #TIGDH #LiveMusic
2024-04-02 18:54:28

Three best team fits for LSU WR Brian Thomas Jr.
2024-03-25 22:05:04

"...episodic memory can allow us to construct alternative realities..."
Such as conspiracy theories? Do conspiracy theorists perhaps have too much episodic memory?
The big idea: why am I so forgetful?…
2024-03-30 18:30:21

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3:
- Wagner's The Flying Dutchman
Bryn Terfel takes the title role of the Dutchman cursed to roam the seas for all eternity in this Royal Opera production, with Elisabet Strid as Senta, the woman who might save him.
Relisten now 👇
2024-05-10 14:02:08

Flying visit to Sheffield for a half day on 'AI in GLAMs' - nice to make old and new connections to folk - and now heading back to London for a fabulous evening book launch with artists and their things! courtaul…
2024-05-28 12:39:07

The hopefully final version of the Barduino. I really wanted to keep it as through-hole as possible, so everything except for the ATmega328PB, the FTDI IC, and the USB connector are through hole. Pretty happy with how it turned out, now it's time to get the boards ordered and make sure everything works...then order a bunch #electronics

The front of the Barduino PCB.  Standard pin headers flank the sides of the board measuring 47mm in width and 65.5mm in height.  The MicroUSB B connector is on the bottom with the ATmega328PB in the middle.  3mm LEDs are on the bottom for power, RX, and TX info and an island for the 2x3 ICSP below and to the right of the middle of the board.  The PCB is green and all of the pins are labeled.
The back of the Barduino PCB which has a listing of all the capacitor values.  It also reminds folks who are building it that you'll need to burn a bootloader for it to work as "Step 0".  The Open Source Hardware logo is on the top-right of the board, and links to my website and GitHub repo because the schematics and such will be living there.
2024-03-30 18:30:21

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3:
- Wagner's The Flying Dutchman
Bryn Terfel takes the title role of the Dutchman cursed to roam the seas for all eternity in this Royal Opera production, with Elisabet Strid as Senta, the woman who might save him.
Relisten now 👇
2024-06-03 19:37:51

Bird of the Day — Bald Eagle flyby near our local reservoir, Kansas, this morning
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife

large brown bird with white head, white tail, and yellow beak, flying in front of a dead tree snag
2024-04-13 15:14:19

Hey friends, we just finished a 6h walk with about 600m elevation from #badWiessee to #lenggries
We walked some new and some well known trails. Enjoyed the sound of a stream and also cleaned up nature a bit.
Oh and everything by foot or public transport (train and bus). We've be…

A peaceful trail winds through a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and lush greenery. The ground is covered in a mix of brown dirt and vibrant green grass, creating a natural carpet underfoot. Sunlight filters through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the path. The scene is serene and untouched, with no signs of human presence except for the well-worn trail. The forest is a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, creating a diverse and rich ecosystem. This tranquil woodland se…
A serene scene of a stream gently flowing through a lush forest is depicted in this image. The forest is filled with various shades of green from the trees and plants surrounding the stream. A large rock covered in vibrant green moss sits in the middle of the stream, adding to the natural beauty of the landscape. The water is clear and reflects the surrounding trees and sky. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and tranquil, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and contemplation. The image cap…
A middle-aged man with a grey sun hat and a backpack is captured in the image. He is standing outdoors, surrounded by trees and mountains in the background. The man is smiling and appears to be on a hiking adventure, equipped with hiking gear. He is wearing casual outdoor clothing and sunglasses. The dominant colors in the image are grey, with a blue accent color. The man's face is visible and he is wearing a hat with a wide brim. The image also includes a close-up of a camera. The man is the m…
A peaceful trail winds through a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and lush greenery. The ground is covered in a mix of brown dirt and vibrant green grass, creating a natural carpet underfoot. Sunlight filters through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the path. The scene is serene and untouched, with no signs of human presence except for the well-worn trail. The forest is a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, creating a diverse and rich ecosystem. This tranquil woodland se…