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2024-04-05 14:30:29

I have a longtime habit of abruptly making a flurry of clicking/popping sounds with my mouth as a way of expressing feelings, fulfilling a similar function to swearing, for example.
However, now that I'm going to college I've been struggling with occasionally starting to do this and then catching myself once I register what's happening. I can't tell if other people aren't bringing it up just to be nice, or really if my feelings of embarrassment are rational. What…

Edited screenshot of a tiktok with text that reads "I love hanging out w ppl that make random noises out of the blue. Like reajdiejdibeep bop boop dinggg to you too babe."
2024-06-05 11:49:31

Over on hell-site @… shared the following she found in the wild:
<nav aria-label="Navigation header with 5 links and 1 dropdown menu with links">
It gave wrong counts, it was verbose, it used lingo, and it was utterly unnecessary (there was one other `<nav>` on the page, but in the `<footer>`).

2024-04-03 09:48:03

Interesting research: Long #COVID in a highly vaccinated but largely unexposed Australian population following the 2022 SARS‐CoV‐2 Omicron wave: a cross‐sectional survey

Numbers of symptoms reported by adult Western Australian residents with long COVID who responded to our long COVID survey, 14 October – 1 November 2022*
2024-05-06 13:18:22

Alright, more progress. I figured it would be "nifty" if you could use an SD card and just read off of it to display images on the LED matrix. However, I also wanted a fairly straightforward file format to do that. It needed to be sequentially read and very simple. Right now this is what I've got and I think it will get the job done. #electronics

This is a screenshot of the ImHex program showing the data pattern for the new file type.  The first bit is an ImgHeader frame then one or more ImgFrames following.
2024-06-06 05:19:08

I continue to progress and enjoy the Adrift Expedition in No Man's Sky. I have acquired a couple more starships to go along with the basic ass hauler I started with. The Solar Ship came by way of the Phase 2 "find a crashed ship and repair it" milestone. Oddly enough, I could swear I got one with the same name in the last Expedition I played through. I've been carrying around some odd thing in my inventory almost since I started, and finally used it and had a Sentinel ship …

Looking at the front end of a yellow space ship. It is named The Hammer of Clouds. There's a large semicircular but in a square way vent in the nose. Two very large pointed black nacelles are on either side of the main body of the ship. A blacked out cockpit sticks out of the middle of the main body. The ship is sitting slightly sideways on a very green section of the planet I'm on. A very pale green/blue sky with white clouds forms the background behind the ship.
The Sentinel Ship, as seen from the game's menu screen. This one is called Flameborn-tx, although the "tx" part is in an odd font. on the left you can see the tech/cargo slots of the ship. On the right is the ship itself, a very pointy black affair that's kinda hard to accurately describe, honestly. It's basically a flying wing looking thing, with 3 spider leg looking landing gears. the wing is thick, and on each end is a box shaped appendage. The center cockpit section has no windows and is on…
2024-04-05 15:53:18

uh oh!
The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3320620AS_3QF00BSV, Self-Test Log error count increased from 0 to 1
$ readlink /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3320620AS_3QF00BSV
Maybe you don't make your 15th birthday, sdd. 🙁
Need to speed up with getting shot of this machine.

Screenshot of the output of a Linux command:

'$ ./

sdd 123715 hours (14.11 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sdb 119080 hours (13.58 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sda 117550 hours (13.40 years) 0.29TiB ST3320620AS
sdk 82076 hours ( 9.36 years) 2.73TiB WDC WD30EZRX-00D sdh 71195 hours ( 8.12 years) 0.91TiB Hitachi HUA72201 sde 50923 hours ( 5.80 years) 0.91TiB SanDisk SDSSDH31 sdc 44356 hours ( 5.05 years) 0.29TiB ST3320418AS
sdf 33935 hours ( 3.87 years) 1.82TiB Samsung SSD 860 sdj 338…
2024-04-06 23:21:09

Have decided to try to do a 1.0 release on a useful but neglected piece of code. Oops, poor test coverage. Filling it in, expectedly finding bugs.
Wondering if this is a good place for an LLM code extruder? “Write unit tests that cover as many possible lines of code.” You wouldn’t get *smart* unit tests, but even dumb coverage is immensely better than none. Because a lot of the bugs unit tests find are dumb shit anyhow. And retroactively improving test coverage is boring.
2024-05-04 22:53:48

I watched #Tangled for the first time. One of the better recent #DisneyAnimation films. My eleven year old used the term #gaslighting about Rapunzel's situation.
2024-04-03 17:28:02

🙄 It’s taking too long!
Elon Musk’s reputation is falling — and it’s taking Tesla with it
2024-06-04 22:27:16

“How to develop automatic French sign language?” (I machine translated that from French; the post is in French):

An anime boy wearing glasses and holding a book gesturing at a butterfly, except the butterfly has been replaced with the following paragraph: Sign language gloves, stair-climbing wheel­chairs, sonar canes, seeing-eye robots, haptic belts, sub­titling visors, glasses that make you see color, … He asks, Is this accessibility?