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2024-03-26 15:35:43

Filing: Dell cut 13,000 employees over the last fiscal year, a steeper reduction than initially announced, and had 120K staffers globally as of February 2, 2024 (Brody Ford/Bloomberg)
2024-02-26 11:21:13

That must be what you call rugby Š treize
2024-03-26 13:59:42

PSA - While #Threads is starting to connect with the #Fediverse, they do not yet have full #ActivityPub integration. Right now:
-If you LIKE a post coming from Threads, the user is notified but only …
2024-04-25 13:57:23

Hey I found the one person on Mastodon who thinks that militarized cops beating up peaceful protests are actually a good thing
2024-04-26 09:35:59

#byncnd #techno
2024-02-26 13:05:38

Suche: mobile Dokumenten-Scanner App, aber nicht Open Note Scanner (nicht auf Calyx installierbar), Android. Gern open source. Unbedingt ohne Account irgendwo oder Transport der Dokumente sonstowohin. Tipps?
2024-04-25 13:52:13

Interested in holding Elon Musk accountable for his damage to democracy?
Yesterday a big Ukrainian non-profit asked our media regulator, the FCC, to investigate his fitness to hold Starlink licenses.
Guess what? Republican FCC commish Carr says no.
We should support this.

Republican Brendan Carr doesn’t think rightwing Republican billionaires can be investigated under existing l law.

What a surprise. Republicans putting libertarian speech over our law
2024-04-27 06:38:13

2024-02-25 13:13:57

Man killed in Nikopol after Russian drone drops explosives on truck:
2024-03-26 13:00:47

Velociraptor > Volocopter
2024-03-27 07:13:51

[2024-03-27 Wed (UTC), 13 new articles found for astro-ph.HE High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena]
2024-02-26 13:13:31

Navigate text fields with virtual cursor in NVDA:
⌨️ Press E
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⌨️ Press E
Navigate text fields with virtual cursor in VoiceOver:
⌨️ Call a friend over and use their hand to help press Caps Lock Ctrl Option ⌘ J
2024-03-26 13:36:42

DW (dollar whores)
2024-03-26 13:27:42

Well, fuck. I’ve always felt like the Serif apps are too good to be true and wondered who and when will ruin them.
The answers are “Canva” and “now”. :(
At least they don’t lie to us like Redis and only promise that nothing changes “today” and no changes to the pricing model are “planned at this time”.
2024-02-25 20:13:13

Thanks to @… I found this product list:
2024-02-26 02:13:50

I did a ton of stuff today, pretty much offline all day... 3 mile bike ride, followed up by a 1 mile walk, then lots of stuff around the house, had Indian food for lunch, saw a movie, and now I've got office work to do for an hour or so. Totally solid weekend day!
2024-02-26 06:13:12
Content warning: shitposting

“who negatively impacted society more, elon tweeting memes or hitler”
#google #googleGemini #ai
2024-03-26 13:45:59

Verfolgungsfahrt nach Verkehrsunfallflucht -
2024-04-26 07:13:01

Checkliste: Bevor ich ein Produkt kaufe
2024-02-25 13:15:13

The #Sun's white-light disk is now dominated by Activity Regiom (1)3590 - from
2024-03-26 18:13:46

Berdorfer Felsenweg in Luxemburg.

Foto einer mächtigen Felsformation, aus der Froschperspektive gegen einen blauwolkigen Himmel fotografiert. Darauf im gleichen Blau des Himmels der Text: Manchmal, draußen in der Natur,
fühle ich mich plötzlich 
ganz unbedeutend und klein.
Ich mag das. Es erdet mich und 
bestätigt mir jedesmal aufs Neue,
dass diejenigen Menschen,
die sich für wichtig halten,
einem fundamentalen 
Irrtum unterliegen.
2024-04-25 13:10:09

People say that they should teach "filling our your taxes" in school.
My 22 year old did their own taxes this year, and the most difficult part of doing their taxes was "creating a login to the state DOR website in order to submit them", and asking me for where the 1095-C document that I had on their behalf was.
"Doing your taxes" is annoying for many reasons, but the reasons aren't ones that can be resolved by teaching the process in school.
2024-03-26 11:47:33

The Special Interest Group on Management of Service Portfolios (SIG-MSP) had their spring meeting on 13 March hosted by DeiC in Copenhagen, Denmark. They discussed #NREN risks and challenges in 2024, #service sharing, and NREN strategies.
Find out more below 👉
2024-02-25 11:13:01

Question for yhe #AnalogPhotography #BelieveInFilm crowd: I seem to get a lot of foaming with Ilfotec LC29 compared to DD-X. Is that a known thing or am I screwing up somewhere? I’m doing gentle inversion agitation, washed everything beforehand to avoid any potentially residual washing agents and also did pre-soaking in water in the tank without any foaming. 🤔
2024-03-25 10:50:43

2/ Weil es gerade passt. Vor einigen Monaten habe ich mal Aktivist*innen fotografiert, die gegen Ausbeutung entlang der Lieferketten protestiert haben. Ein Person hatte einen #Puma-Rucksack. Puma wird genau solche Ausbeutung vorgeworfen.
#NoLogo? Logo!
Man kann die Logos übermalen. Schwarzer permanent Marker oder eben Sachen ohne Logo kaufen.
Ich hatte ja mal hier gefragt, wo man logofreie Kleidung kaufen kann. Die Antwort war #Grundstoff. Hab's probiert und bin sehr zufrieden. (Sorry, jetzt gibt's hier doch noch Werbung, aber das ist das einzige Problem, das logo-freie Firmen haben: Niemand kann einfach herausfinden, wo es so tolle schwarze Pullover gibt.)
Hier mein Blog-Post zu Aktivismus, Gedankenlosigkeit und Logos. Puma ist ein schönes Beispiel, aber da gibt es noch mehr. Menschen vom BUND mit Jeep South Africa-Mütze usw. usf.
Auch ein paar lustige Positivbeispiele.
2024-03-26 02:33:16

I did my 48th(!) intensive #meditation retreat last week, and I hear in Hironari's post something that resonates for me—how much contemplative practice is about a profoundly simple engagement with the living truth.
And I'm reminded too of a line in the 1981 movie "Chariots of Fire," where the Christian sister of an Olympic runner is concerned about him practicing on Sun…

post by user Hironari which reads:

Living a life that accords with Buddhist teachings may start not from denying one's own characteristics, but rather from making the most of them. Developing my strengths while putting the Buddha's teachings into practice - I want to find my own way, step by step.
2024-03-26 13:50:46

Elon Musk has fully bought into the 'great replacement' (Gaby Del Valle/The Verge)
2024-04-26 13:17:43

Waiting room, doctor's office. Is it possible to OD on '80s music? This stuff is definitely past its expiration date.
2024-03-25 11:47:08

i saw a fish, i think! #visdeurbel
2024-02-25 13:26:08

These are some of my favourite episodes of @… ever!
2024-01-27 04:57:13

Really cool Fango piece on the differences between The Thing film and the book it was based on. Some wild differences, and some good history on the movie. This was a great read.
2024-03-26 07:13:27

#goodmorning ✅ Morning walk
2024-04-26 08:39:13

Russland meldet Todesopfer durch ukrainischen Beschuss
In der russischen Stadt Kursk soll durch ukrainischen Beschuss ein Mensch ums Leben gekommen sein. Das teilte der Gouverneur der Region Kursk, Roman Starovoit, bei Telegram mit. Durch den Beschuss seien auch Häuser beschädigt worden. Vonseiten der Ukraine gab es keine Bestätigung für den Angriff.
2024-02-25 13:12:45

Wir versuchen, @… zur @… herbeizubeschwören. Zur Opfergabe bieten wir Salz. Is that how it works?
2024-04-26 13:04:52

Oh, Mike Pinder has left with the Lost Chord, I hope on a spaceship.
But probably not.
2024-03-26 08:13:18

#audiodusche #gtnmrgn 🚀
2024-03-26 11:23:40

I suppose it was always going to require the manufacturers and public charging system providers pushing this to make councils exercise their prerogatives to install on-street charging. Let’s see if anything comes of it.‬
2024-04-26 16:50:54

Heureusement, j’ai trouvé ce bogue sérieux dans le style de citation avant de donner la formation continue…
2024-03-26 21:47:10

Looks like Facebook keeps maintaining the tradition of giving borderline cringy names to their internal projects.

Tesla Autopilot feature was involved in 13 fatal crashes, US regulator says
US auto-safety regulators said on Friday that their investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot had identified at least 13 fatal crashes in which the feature had been involved.
The investigation also found the electric carmaker’s claims did not match up with reality.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) disclosed on Friday that during its three-year Autopilot safety investigation, <…
2024-02-25 19:42:56

Neue Cybercrime-Inspektionen bei der Polizei NRW | heise online
2024-02-25 18:13:24

'Heartless dictator-sympathizer': Fox News guest turns on #Trump over 'murderous' #Putin - Raw Story
2024-02-25 13:28:02

The Marine Museum of the Great Lakes is an amazing place to visit when in #Kingston, ON. The recent acquisition of the SS Keewatin just makes it better. The volunteers who maintain this facility's operations definitely deserve this award.

image/jpeg an old black and white photograph of a large white passenger ship with a single aft stack flying flags on its three masts. SS Keewatin
2024-02-25 13:49:56

この曲は後に오승근によって何度も録音されていますが、アルバムへの収録はこれが最初だった筈。 ☞
금과 은 - 떠나는 님아
from the album "외기러기/언약" (1978)
Side A Track 3
( 音楽 / 音樂 / 音乐 / 음악 / music )
2024-03-26 13:41:35

404 Media Now Has a Full Text RSS Feed
2024-04-25 13:51:34

A bad package removal after upgrading to Ubuntu Noble somehow deleted /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadow... I've rarely had a system so hosed before. I feel like such a n00b again!
2024-02-26 13:11:49

Just realised that the only thing I'm using snmpd for now is disk space monitoring, and I'm also running other agents that can do that, so I might as well shut it down…
2024-02-27 07:13:32

Oscillations-Aware Frequency Security Assessment via Efficient Worst-Case Frequency Nadir Computation
Yan Jiang, Hancheng Min, Baosen Zhang
2024-02-26 13:56:00

There’s actually two fundamentally different types of tech hype:
1. Works
2. Doesn’t work
Both normally have in common that they turn out to not be very useful while having serious, dealbraking drawbacks.
For example:
- VR/AR is 1. (isolating and uncomfortable, makes people sick, lack of “killer app”)
- LLM’s are 2. (lying, produce mediocre output, definitely not intelligent, unsustainably expensive to run)
2024-03-26 10:25:37

The US OFAC sanctions 13 entities, including Netex24, and two individuals for aiding Russian nationals' potential sanctions evasion by building crypto services (Timmy Shen/The Block)
2024-03-26 13:17:35

What would we do without women ?
Still having a bridge ?
Ahh come on that’s sexist.
Yeah i know, and?
2024-02-25 20:13:13

Thanks to @… I found this product list:
2024-04-27 03:44:58

Norway to allocate $13.7 million for Ukrainian Leopard tank maintenance in Poland:
2024-02-26 21:22:13

China is planning a national record 100 orbital #launches in 2024, according to the country’s main space contractor: - the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) plans around 70 launches to send more than 290 spacecraft into orbit. The remaining launches will be performed by China’s growing commercial launch sector.
2024-03-24 13:13:21

Anlässlich des neuen Blogposts freue ich mich nochmal darüber, dass mein Blog hier einen eigenen Account hat, über den ihr nicht nur den Blogpost, sondern auch die Kommentare dazu lesen könnt(et, falls ihr denn wolltet).
-> @…
Leider ohne die Bilder, und die spielen diesmal ausnahmsweise tatsächlich auch eine Rolle. Die dann nur bei anna…
2024-02-26 06:35:13

This is a pretty interesting video on the tech industry’s #layoffs phenomenon of the last few years. There seem to be a lot of vague and hand-wavy factors, but the bottom line appears to be:
a. Profit-maximizing to satisfy investors, by reducing payroll that has grown because companies over-hired based on unrealistically rosy projections of growth during the COVID years.
b. Taking money f…
2024-03-27 07:13:59

Cosmic-ray Acceleration in Core-Collapse Supernova Remnants with the Wind Termination Shock
Shoma F. Kamijima, Yutaka Ohira
2024-03-26 13:35:47

Cargo ship hits Baltimore's Key Bridge, bringing it down. Rescuers are looking for people in water (Lea Skene/Associated Press)
2024-02-25 13:11:35

Hey you, I see you right now. I know how you feel. Life sucks right now.
Can I encourage you for a second? This moment will get better. In a year or 2 or 3 you will be in the best possible place ever. Better than you ever thought you deserved.
Today I look back at where I was years ago and I didn’t expect to be where I am now. With someone who I never thought I deserved to be with because I doubted my worth.
Don’t give up. Today sucks, but tomorrow will be better. 💜

Jae and James kissing on a beach
2024-02-26 12:55:34

Scholz klar gegen "Taurus"-Lieferung
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat der Lieferung von "Taurus"-Marschflugkörpern an die Ukraine zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt eine klare Absage erteilt und dies mit dem Risiko einer Verwicklung Deutschlands in den Krieg begründet.
"Wir dürfen an keiner Stelle und an keinem Ort mit den Zielen, die dieses System erreicht, verknüpft sein", sagte Scholz bei der Chefredaktionskonferenz der Nachrichten…
2024-04-26 09:48:58

L’état des travaux pour le #tramwaylausannois Š l’hauteur du viaduc.
2024-02-25 19:41:14

BfDI zu Gesundheitsdatennutzung: Teilweise nicht mal grundlegende IT-Sicherheit | heise online
2024-02-25 17:13:00

My daughter was born through #IVF. There’s nothing ‘pro-life’ about the Alabama ruling.
2024-03-26 13:56:06

Trump Media & Technology Group shares jumped up to 58% to hit $78.80 on its trading debut before the Nasdaq briefly halted trading, following the DWAC merger (Bailey Lipschultz/Bloomberg)
2024-03-26 13:33:38

Assange Extradition Delayed: UK High Court Asks US To Offer 'Assurances' Or Face Limited Appeal
2024-02-27 07:13:30

Physics-Informed LSTM-Based Delay Compensation Framework for Teleoperated UGVs
Ahmad Abubakar, Yahya Zweiri, AbdelGafoor Haddad, Mubarak Yakubu, Ruqayya Alhammadi, Lakmal Seneviratne
2024-02-26 15:13:47

確かに "使える" の程度にもよるんだけど、低いな。
2024-03-26 13:14:00

Okay okay
We are getting close to get answers, kind of 🙄
Look at this thread
2024-04-27 03:44:58

Norway to allocate $13.7 million for Ukrainian Leopard tank maintenance in Poland:
2024-03-27 07:13:58

Suzaku observation of an iron K-shell line in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946
Shigeo Yamauchi, Azusa Inaba, Yumiko Anraku
2024-03-26 13:40:59

Source: Tencent agrees to release some of its most important apps on the Apple Vision Pro (Wayne Ma/The Information)
2024-03-26 13:30:43

Trump loves to play the victim -- NY appeals court bailout shows he's the most coddled person alive (Amanda Marcotte/Salon)‬
2024-04-26 08:51:58
Content warning:  

@… All the best!
My wife has a check-up appointment today for a foot injury she sustained in January. That it’s coming along so well is certainly also due to the fact that we were already in the ER one hour after the accident. But you often don’t realize how bad it is until much later, and by then there’s further damage.
2024-04-26 22:14:13

Also, “Providence trained staff to aggressively ask for payment from patients who were likely eligible for financial assistance, or simply billed them without determining if they qualified.”
Providence Catholic health care system to pay more than $200 million for unpaid wages
2024-03-26 13:01:57

Samsung-Backed AI Image Generator Produces Nonconsensual Porn
2024-03-26 07:05:46

State-Augmented Linear Games with Antagonistic Error for High-Dimensional, Nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability
Will Sharpless, Yat Tin Chow, Sylvia Herbert
2024-03-26 13:08:38

The transportation Minister is in full swing.
2024-03-26 13:20:39

Chinese government data: iPhone shipments in China fell ~33% YoY to ~2.4M units in February 2024, after dropping 39% YoY to ~5.5M units in January 2024 (Bloomberg)
2024-03-27 07:13:57

Robust integration of fast flavor conversions in classical neutrino transport
Zewei Xiong, Meng-Ru Wu, Manu George, Chun-Yu Lin
2024-04-26 14:14:30

Prosecutor's Office: Number of injured in April 25 Russian attack on Kharkiv Oblast rises to 13:
2024-03-26 13:30:43

Key Bridge collapses into Patapsco River in Baltimore after vessel hits support column; state of emergency declared (Baltimore Sun)
2024-03-26 13:05:48

Sony plans to add a new opt-in Community Game Help feature on the PS5 later in 2024 to automatically create clips that can help other players complete games (Tom Warren/The Verge)
2024-02-25 17:12:13

He could never admit he didn't do it all by his little self...
#Trump ‘would’ve lost mind completely’ if #Putin admitted interference, Fiona Hill says | Donald Trump | The Guardian
2024-03-26 07:05:44

Spline Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Agents via Convex Optimization
Akua Dickson, Christos G. Cassandras, Roberto Tron
2024-03-27 07:13:56

Black hole mass estimate in OJ 287 based on the bulk-motion comptonization model
Sergey Kuznetsov, Lev Titarchuk
2024-04-26 14:14:30

Prosecutor's Office: Number of injured in April 25 Russian attack on Kharkiv Oblast rises to 13:
2024-03-26 13:15:43

'Feeble, Confused And Tired': Donald Trump Torched After Bizarre Gaffe-Filled Appearance (Ed Mazza/HuffPost)
2024-03-26 20:48:13

Sources: the US FTC is investigating TikTok over allegedly faulty privacy and data security practices, and could bring a lawsuit or settlement within weeks (Josh Sisco/Politico)
2024-03-27 07:13:54

The Mass Density of Merging Binary Black Holes Over Cosmic Time
Aryanna Schiebelbein-Zwack, Maya Fishbach <…
2024-03-26 07:05:40

State Space Models as Foundation Models: A Control Theoretic Overview
Carmen Amo Alonso, Jerome Sieber, Melanie N. Zeilinger
2024-03-27 07:13:53

A semi-analytical model for the propagation of a structured jet in a magnetized medium
Leonardo Garcia-Garcia, Diego Lopez-Camara, Davide Lazzati
2024-03-26 07:05:38

Semantic-Aware Remote Estimation of Multiple Markov Sources Under Constraints
Jiping Luo, Nikolaos Pappas <…
2024-03-27 07:13:52

Cosmic hide and seek: the volumetric rate of X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions
R. Arcodia, A. Merloni, J. Buchner, P. Baldini, G. Ponti, A. Rau, Z. Liu, K. Nandra, M. Salvato
2024-03-26 07:05:35

Energy Efficiency Optimization Method of WDM Visible Light Communication System for Indoor Broadcasting Networks
Dayu Shi, Xun Zhang, Ziqi Liu, Xuanbang Chen, Jianghao Li, Xiaodong Liu, William Shieh
2024-03-26 07:05:33

Resource and Mobility Management in Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks: A User-Centric Learning Approach
Han Ji, Xiping Wu
2024-03-26 07:05:29

Scheduling Power-Intensive Operations of Battery Energy Storage Systems and Application to Hybrid Hydropower Plants
Stefano Cassano, Fabrizio Sossan
2024-03-26 07:05:19

An LLM-Based Digital Twin for Optimizing Human-in-the Loop Systems
Hanqing Yang, Marie Siew, Carlee Joe-Wong
2024-03-26 07:05:11

Privacy Preservation by Intermittent Transmission in Cooperative LQG Control Systems
Wenhao Lin, Yuqing Ni, Wen Yang, Chao Yang
2024-03-26 07:05:05

Policy Gradient-based Model Free Optimal LQG Control with a Probabilistic Risk Constraint
Arunava Naha, Subhrakanti Dey
2024-03-26 07:04:58

A Blotto Game Approach to Ride-hailing Markets with Electric Vehicles
Marko Maljkovic, Gustav Nilsson, Nikolas Geroliminis