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2024-12-16 17:43:58

Felicemente, le servitor ancian ha revenite in linea durante tempore sufficiente pro permitter me de terminar le migration.
In ultra, io ha notate que es ben possibile migrar verso un conto ja establite; le sequites/sequitores del conto ancian simplemente se fusiona in le nove conto.
Iste guida me ha adjutate multo al migration: #Mastodon #AccountMigration
2024-12-16 09:44:21

Ich hab zuletzt ja viel gemeckert über den Wahlkampf der Grünen. Jetzt kommen sie mit richtig guten Ideen um die Ecke.
Nicht mal originellen Ideen. Aber wenn dieser „Grüne Bürgerfonds“ für die Rente kommt und Einnahmen aus Kapitalanlagen auch als Einkommen für die Berechnung des Krankenkassen-Beitrags zählen, bin ich dabei.
2024-12-16 17:27:42

Thankfully, the old server has now come back online long enough for me to complete the migration.
As it turns out, you can migrate to an existing account that already has some follows/followers -- it will just add the ones from the old account.
For anyone else looking to migrate, I found this guide very useful: #Mastodon #AccountMigration
2024-12-15 20:59:45

Gestern wurden zwei SPD-Wahlkämpfer von verirrten Nazis zusammengeprügelt. Die Schlägertypen wollten wohl zur Demo?
Hatten die Lichtenberg mit Lichterfelde verwechselt? Dummheit macht leider nicht weniger gefährlich.
2024-12-13 17:04:21

#sunset #landscape #Photo

A sunset view over a residential area, featuring silhouetted trees in the foreground and a warm orange sky. The scene includes buildings and greenery, with sunlight peeking over the horizon.
📍Kouba, Algiers, Algeria
2024-12-09 07:00:17

«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…
2024-12-13 03:04:17

Today was a nice day

  • I got a 10 out of 10 on my Physics test (relativity)
  • I made some tasty desserts (I’ll post some pics tomorrow, the ice cream wasn’t entirely frozen yet today so the pic wasn’t pretty)
  • WITCHER 4 WITH CIRI!! :blobcataww: :neocat_flag_lesbian: :ablobcatbongo:
2024-12-13 18:17:38

I switched from Windows to Linux for personal home use a few years ago. Here's a hot tip. After running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for a while, I moved to OpenSUSE Leap and love it. Everything works just the same, but updates are significantly faster.
#OpenSUSE #Linux

OpenSUSE logo, a stylized green lizard made of simple lines and curves, with its tail curled up under its head, appearing to smile
2024-12-14 18:17:31

Ich wollte ja gern beeindruckt sein von #DieSaatDesHeiligenFeigenbaums. Er hat drei tolle Frauen in den Hauptrollen, keine Frage. Schöne Bilder. Ein brandheißes Thema.
Aber irgendwo in diesem Drehbuch hakt es ganz gewaltig. Irgendeine Info fehlt mir, warum der Mann, der seine Familie retten will, sich dann gegen sie wendet.
Ich versuche, mir das zusammenzureimen.…
2024-11-11 17:31:25

Series C, Episode 04 - Dawn of the Gods
DAYNA: It had a sort of claw.
AVON: Designed to tear things apart. Space craft, for example. B7B4

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image shows a scene from a science fiction television show set. It appears to be inside a futuristic spacecraft, characterized by angular and geometric patterns on the walls and high-tech controls. There are two individuals: one standing at what looks like a control panel, wearing a teal outfit, and another seated closer to the viewer, wearing a black top. The overall atmosphere suggests a dramatic or intense moment, typical of many sci-fi narratives."

2024-12-11 16:00:05

Mastering Rust's Error Handling: A Guide to Writing Reliable Code
Rust's error handling system is a cornerstone of the language's commitment to writing safe and reliable code. As a Rust developer, I've come to appreciate the power and flexibility it offers. The system is designed to make error cases explicit, ensuring that developers consider and handle potential failure scenarios. […]
2024-12-07 17:46:35

Crap, we may have a problem.
#masks #disguises
2024-10-23 17:17:36

Was mich an der Sache noch besonders abfuckt … die minderjährige Tochter des Fahrzeugführers war mit im Auto. Nicht nur ein Leben zerstört, sondern auch noch dem eigenen Kind ein Trauma verpasst. Wie kann man sich so sehr nicht im Griff haben, als erwachsene Person?…
2024-12-14 15:14:21

Keine Ahnung, wie es die #OmasGegenRechts geschafft haben, dass die Kreuzung plötzlich begehbar war. Überall war abgesperrt, plötzlich war die Straße frei. Unterschätze niemals eine Oma. #b1412
2025-01-06 17:45:15

I think that I might have a neat idea for something at a #Ruby / #Rails #conference that people might talk about.
To do that I'd need someone to
2025-01-06 17:04:42

Warum ich aktuell eher dazu tendiere die Grüüünen zu wählen.
1. Die CDU wird die stärkste Kraft werden, solange Merz nicht an der falschen Stelle lacht. Dann habe ich als Koalitionspartner lieber eine starke Grüne als eine starke SPD.
2. Noch lieber hätte ich eine starke Linke.
Aber die Kackfaschisten sind gerade bei 20%, Leute. Wir können nicht 10 x% linke Stimmen an der 5%-Hürde scheitern lassen.
2024-11-04 17:50:48

Gegen jeden linken Antisemitismus.
2024-12-11 10:50:14

«How to Learn Rust in 2024: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Rust Programming»
– from @… on @… blog
Yes, I admit, I have to seriously go through this because I still find learning Rust difficult.
2024-12-14 12:56:00

Frieren gegen den Faschismus. Ich fahre demnächst mal da hin, wo die wohnen. Sollen die mal gegen uns demonstrieren. #b1412
2024-12-12 04:17:09

Edited Volume 2024 : Religious Encounters: Text, Travel, and Tradition #acrel
2024-12-07 12:34:17

da bemühst du dich tagtäglich, trotz vieler vielleicht wichtigerer dinge, vielleicht nicht allen dingen #müll auf einen haufen zu werfen, und wenn du ihn dann wegbringst, hat ein (kleiner!) teil deiner nachbarschaft die ungeliebten prospekte auf der kellertreppe verteilt, den siffigen toaster in die hecke und den plastikstuhl mit kaputtem holzbein vors
2024-11-10 17:07:36

Series C, Episode 01 - Aftermath
MELLANBY: Come and sit down.
AVON: Thank you. B7B4

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image appears to be from a science fiction television setting. It shows two individuals in conversation, dressed in futuristic attire with distinctive accessories. The man on the left is wearing sunglasses and has a stylish badge around his neck. The setting suggests a high-tech or space-themed environment, possibly on a spaceship or a futuristic facility, given the metallic and industrial backdrop. The clothing and props suggest a show from the late 20th c…
2024-11-03 17:32:54

"Code is, ultimately, characters on a screen, and software engineers do nothing but hammer that code into shapes that spark Joy and Money. The fear and dread comes from a culture where people feel bad that they can't work quickly enough in the terrible codebase, where they feel judged for slowing down to hammer the code into better shapes that sadly aren't on the Jira board, and where management looks down on people who practice craftsmanship."
-- Ludicity
2024-12-17 17:34:04

Russia is intentionally humiliating Trump, and blowing holes in his proposed ceasefire...
The sooner Trump gets righteously angry and tired of being a sap, the better.
2024-12-17 17:02:17

Falleció #BeatrizSarlo. Podría recordarla por un millón de ensayos, logros y entrevistas. Pero elijo hacerlo con estas anécdotas porque cuando sea grande apunto a ser igual de hincha pelotas y lúcido.
Gracias por tanto

Captura de pantalla de un tweet del usuario @FedeSioux:
"La última vez que vi a Beatriz Sarlo no fue en la televisión, fue en la línea A peleándose con una pendeja a la que le decía que si le molestaban los empujones no sabía usar el subte 😭"
Extracto de una entrevista a Sarlo:
-Vuelvo sobre un tema, Beatriz: el pueblo quiere saber qué opina Sarlo del ChatGPT.
-No lo he pensado. Es un desarrollo que no me causa sorpresa. Pero no he pensado todavía sobre sus consecuencias. No creo que viva para verlas.
-Mirá que vienen rápido.
-Lo mío también.
2024-12-14 08:01:34

Wurde dieses Jahr schon #WinterMate gesichtet? Bisher ist sie mir noch nirgends untergekommen.
2024-12-11 09:01:18

Ja ja ja, ist künstlich aber nicht intelligent! Wenn dies nicht evt. ein schlecht stellen von Open-Source #Software ist von den Kapitalgläubigen?
«Open Source-Entwickler ertrinken in KI-generierten Bug-Reports:
#KI soll dabei helfen, Sicherheitslücken in
2025-01-02 17:10:40

Autsch. Der #Jahresrückblick der @… mit #Larissa schmerzt schon ganz leicht.
2024-12-07 17:43:11

I've seen outlashes of #violence from #selfrighteous #elderly SURGE in Los Angeles.
(Also seen these aggro-
2024-12-11 08:45:04
Content warning: Wer hat nun Pause?!??

Ich kam wieder nicht in der Mitte an und war deswegen wieder links unterwegs – meine Position in der Kantine ;)
#kaffee #pause #kaffeepause

Schild auf Kaffeemaschine:

Kaffeepause für Maschine! ☕
Die Kaffeemaschine ist defekt und braucht eine Auszeit.
Bitte nutzen sie die Maschinen rechts und links – die arbeiten noch!
Vielen dank für ihr Verständnis!
Kleines Tablett in der Kantiene mit einem Fruchtkuchen und einem Kaffee darauf.
2024-12-03 17:32:29

Der Lernort Kislau ist extrem unterfinanziert. Bundesmittel sind weggefallen und die Inflation stieg schneller als die Erhöhung der Landes-Finanzierung. Wenn ihr ein Demokratie-Projekt fördern wollt, seid ihr hier richtig.
2024-11-22 07:25:17
Content warning:

Gibt es bei den DJI-Actioncams wirklich keinen Fotomodus, bei dem einfach alle X Sekunden ein Foto (mit Standortdaten) gespeichert wird (Zeitrafferfoto)? 🧐
Eigentlich möchte ich wegen der Softwareprobleme keine Gopro mehr, aber diesen Fotomodus brauche ich definitiv.
Die DJI Osmo Action 4 erfüllt sonst alle Kriterien und ist preislich auch sehr attraktiv...
2024-11-09 17:52:16

Series C, Episode 02 - Powerplay
DAYNA: Whh, he's just one less to deal with, do we care why? [pause] But why leave him sitting there?
AVON: To delay discovery and give the murderer a chance to get away. B7B4

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image features two individuals in a futuristic setting reminiscent of a sci-fi TV show. The person in the foreground is wearing a metallic, space-themed outfit and holding a futuristic weapon, suggesting a tense or serious situation. The background shows another individual, wearing an elegant white outfit with decorative elements, seated on a modernistic, metallic-looking structure. The setting includes geometric patterns and metallic hues, typical of a spa…
2024-11-03 17:35:14

Okay, das ist schon wieder lustig: Weil 3 Bahnübergänge defekt sind, muss der hochmoderne ICE jeden Bahnübergang, wie vor 100 Jahren händisch mit Personal des Zuges gesichert, in Schrittgeschwindigkeit queren. So wird aus "pünktlich" ganz easy " 30" 😁 #Bahn #Digitalisierung
2024-12-13 11:28:30

Soll ich einfach warten, bis #Wicked2 rauskommt? Ich gehe doch im Musical auch nicht in der Pause raus und komme ein Jahr später wieder, um den Rest zu sehen.
2024-11-24 15:17:36

#Fosstodon If I post a post with at least two #hashtags, how long does it take to be able to find the post by #searching for the two hashtags ? Is there a certain amount of time it takes?
2024-12-20 22:54:17

@… I definitely would enjoy learning more about this stuff. Do you have any good places to start?
2024-11-23 20:17:50

„Out Changing Climate“ hat ein tolles Video über #organizing gemacht, das die Methode kurz einführt und in erster Linie mit vielen Beispielen wie von #UAW & #endegelaende zum Handeln inspiriert:
2024-12-10 14:00:30

Google 'Retrofits' Spatial Memory Safety Onto C
Google researchers showed they were able to "retrofit" spatial #safety onto their C #code'bases, and to do it with a surprisingly low impact on #performance
2024-12-13 17:39:45

Okay, wait
There’s a native port of Shadow of The Tomb Raider? Can I get it if I only own Shadow on Epic?
#LinuxGaming #Linux #Gaming #TombRaider
2024-12-11 17:44:12

OT 2024 : Open Theology - call for Section Editors #acrel
2024-12-03 17:22:07

Der Trailer des Lernort Kislau. Ansehen und vor allem auch die Playliste weitergeben. Demokratie bewahren. Nie wieder ist jetzt.
2024-12-05 17:11:03

The Xbox Year in Review is back, with your most memorable moments of 2024. Your personal look back at gaming has returned with brand new features. Relive your victories & unforgettable gaming feats.
#Xbox #YearinReview 2024 Is Here: Your Games, Your Stats, Your Look
2024-11-20 17:05:53

J'ai testé l'offre "Apple Silicon" de #Scaleway
Cela fonctionne bien 🙂
2024-11-22 12:33:17

لو لم أتهجأ اسم المتصفح "فَيَرْفُكْس" بالحركات القصيرة منذ 2008 يوم عرّبناه كاملا و ثَنْدَرْبِرْد أنا و @… في معرض عملنا على SiaB فكيف كان سيمكن اليوم تمييز الاسم العربي للطراز الفرعي فَيَرْفُكْس فُوكَس Firefox Focus!
هتان هما البرمجيتان الحرتان الوحيدتان المعرب اسمهما على هذا النمط، وسط مقاومة شديدة لاستعمال الحركات القصيرة في أوساط معربي البرمجيات.
2024-12-10 07:00:23

«Nextcloud Talk – Open-Source-Tool will Microsoft Teams ablösen:
Mit dem Paris-Update erhält Nextcloud Talk einen Desktop-Client. Generative KI soll digitale Meetings effizienter gestalten.»
Wenn @… von der Masse der Industrie wie ua zB auch @…
2024-11-21 19:19:17

Vantaalaisesta joutomaasta viherkeitaaksi #Vantaa #luonto #ympäristö
2024-12-17 22:26:46

The ruble has lost 1/3rd of its value vs. the yuan, but if you factor in OTHER extra costs...
China strongly limits Russian access to tech in mech. engineering, aviation, and microelectronics.
"...they openly tell us: if you want to get some technologies, buy the product as a whole. We say: no, at best we need components that we'll replace soon. They tell us: we understand this, but aren't going to do it at normal prices. Here is double the price - please.&…
2024-11-09 11:12:17

Series D, Episode 02 - Power
GUNN SAR: Go where?
NINA: Escape. B7B2

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a scene from a science fiction television show. The setting appears to be a futuristic or space-based environment, suggested by the high-tech console seen in the background with various colored buttons or lights.

There are two characters in the scene. The person on the left has long, blonde hair and is wearing a metallic, armor-like outfit with studs, indicating a possible warrior or guard. They are holding a piece of fabric and seem to be fo…
2024-12-30 17:45:43

"…Carter often struggled to implement key parts of his agenda, and disability rights was no exception. So disabled people had to step in to do the work that the non-disabled simply couldn't get done on their own."…
2024-11-22 09:17:11

Ah, Ruf farmen für den Winterspring Frostsaber. #wow
2024-12-05 17:03:57

Heh heh heh... this would go great with my green 456 track suit costume.
✅ "Game Over: Xbox Unveils Controllers and Fan Activations for Netflix’s “Squid Game” Season 2"
Read more at:
2024-12-09 16:00:04

«Can Europe build itself a rival to Google?
#Ecosia and #Qwant are teaming up to create a European search index, aiming to break the dominance of #Google and reduce
2024-11-08 17:28:00

Series B, Episode 08 - Hostage
AVON: Blake, there's a mass of ionized particles, vector three nine. If we can fly into it it could confuse their scanners for just long enough.
BLAKE: Avon might be right. Tangent one eight. Go for it. B…

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image shows two individuals in a futuristic setting, likely from a science fiction TV show or movie. The setting appears to be aboard a spaceship, with sleek, metallic walls and a large, spherical, textured background. The individuals are wearing costumes that include leather or synthetic materials, suggesting a sci-fi context. The style and design elements hint at a production from the late 70s or 80s. Without being able to identify specific individuals, I…
2024-12-11 11:47:09

Dass Ex-Finanzsenator Daniel Wesener der @… hilft, den planlos zusammengeschusterten Kulturhaushalt von Joe Chialo auseinander zu klamüsern, rechne ich ihm hoch an.
Dürfen wir schon Chialos Rücktritt fordern? Monika Grütters können wir uns nicht einfach ausborgen, damit sie das gerade biegt, oder?
2024-12-11 16:47:17

CFP: Making Boundaries 2025 #acrel #Religidons #AARSBL
2024-12-09 11:36:27

«Gesetz für EU-weite Produkthaftung – Hersteller von Hard- und Software haften für Fehler:
[,…] Nutzt ein Anbieter Open-Source-Komponenten in einem kommerziell angebotenen Softwareprodukt, kann dieser Anbieter für aufgetretene Schäden haftbar gemacht werden. […]»
Spannend und mMn sehr positiv aber werden auch Staaten in Europa außerhalb der EU dem auch nachgehen oder reden sich die US-Firmen raus?
2024-12-17 10:29:53

Having picnic with @… at Jardin d’Essai Hamma.

An outdoor dining setup featuring a variety of food items, including a container with home made baked goods, a dish with a colorful mixture of ingredients topped with cilantro, a water bottle, and some snacks packaged in colorful wrappers.
2024-11-20 22:50:46

"Tiling with Three Polygons is Undecidable"
Erik D. Demaine; Stefan Langerman 17 Sep 2024
We prove that the following problem is co-RE-complete and thus undecidable: given three simple polygons, is there a tiling of the plane where every tile is an isometry of one of the three polygons (either allowing or forbidding reflections)? This result improves on the best previous construction which requires five polygons.
It remains open whether tiling …
2024-12-17 21:37:27

After discussing the possibility for several months, European nations are finally forming a unified barrier of insurance checks and enforcement around areas where Russia's shadow fleet operate... a very important development, as it either will deprive them from the ability to keep evading sanctions, or significantly increase the costs and risks of doing so.
Big ramifications. This could have a major impact on Russia's recent long term oil delivery deal with India, i.e.
2024-12-09 08:04:45

Fall Nr. 6'696'7686'564'636 von bewusster Onlineabzoke-Abhängigkeit allen User:
«Buchung in fremdem Konto – sieht trotz Panne keinen Handlungsbedarf:
Im Konto eines landete unvermittelt eine fremde Buchung – offenbar aufgrund eines Tippfehlers. Obwohl es dem Nutzer sogar gelang, die Identität der Person zu enthüllen, sieht die Buchungsplattform sich nicht in der Verantwortung.»
2024-12-04 22:17:00

Join Microsoft’s official Discord server for Copilot: #Copilot #Microsoft
2024-11-07 17:29:19

C08 - Rumours of Death
[Avon and Tarrant break into Servalan's empty office, and leave. They then break into Surveillance. Avon shakes Grenlee in his chair.]
AVON: Hey! Wake up! [Grenlee groans throughout.] Where is Servalan? Where is Servalan!?

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts an intense scene in a futuristic control room or spaceship setting, with several monitoring screens visible in the background. Two individuals are at the center of the scene, where one appears to be aggressively holding the other by the collar. The room's design and the characters' attire suggest a science fiction context, possibly from a television show or film.

Unfortunately, I can't identify or provide names of the individuals in the image…
2024-12-09 07:30:10

Mastodon Archive to HTML
Convert a Mastodon account export into a human-friendly webpage
:mastodon: #ArchiveTools
2024-11-30 05:10:17

Chinafake tip: if you visit frequently or have it bookmarked/favorited, you might be able to search it in Safari on iOS by adding "chinafake" before your search query! Try it out!

A screenshot of the search bar in Safari on iOS. Entered into the search box is "chinafake funny crawl spider". The top search suggestion is "Search for 'funny crawl spider'".
2024-12-17 09:27:26

Almost noticed this too late, and I would’ve been greatly upset if I had missed it: Voting for the #Latin Word of the Year 2024 has started, with candidates curated from the new (“newly discovered”?!) words added to the Thesaurus linguae Latinae! Make sure y’all vote!!
2024-11-06 17:41:57

Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
AVON: What did it say - decode.
ZEN: It is in Federation code nine. Message reads, "Top priority signal to any Federation pursuit unit, from Kommissar, planet Horizon. Request assistance. Ruler of Horizon unreliable, am disposing of him. Rebel spaceship at grid reference ten by thirteen double-u zed. Request you destroy this spaceship at once. Also inform Federation Central Control of this action. Await confirmation."

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image shows a man wearing a futuristic silver outfit in what appears to be a science fiction setting, likely a spaceship or a high-tech control room. The environment is dimly lit with sleek, modern design elements, featuring consoles and screens. The person is seated, looking focused and composed, as if engaged in an important task or decision. The outfit and setting suggest a scene from a sci-fi TV show or film, evoking an atmosphere of adventure and explo…
2024-12-07 09:40:20

I didn't get Hexcodle #485 :( Score: 55%
Do you know the RGB value by heart for your website customers? Well, I don't either and have to check every time.
2024-12-07 08:00:05

"WATCH ROOM" (2020)
Three maverick computer scientists work to develop human-friendly artificial intelligence within the safety of a virtual reality environment... until the AI learns it's at risk of being shutdown.
2024-12-07 07:41:53

«Pegasus-Spyware lässt sich mit Tool um einen Dollar aufspüren:
Ein Cybersicherheitsunternehmen hat eine Software entwickelt, die Smartphones sehr preiswert auf das umstrittene Spionageprogramm überprüft»
Ich kenne und nutzte es nie, deswegen habe ich diesbezüglich kA, evt. wer von euch und ist es zu empfehlen?
2024-11-06 18:03:17

Series D, Episode 06 - Headhunter
TARRANT: Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
TARRANT: Slave? B7B4

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "This image features a person dressed in a futuristic or sci-fi outfit, characterized by a high-collared design with contrasting panels and a belt. The setting appears to be a spaceship or a space station, based on the metallic interior, control panels, and padded chairs visible in the background. The individual is pointing, which could indicate giving directions or engaging in conversation, often typical of scenes in science fiction shows or movies. The atmosph…
2024-12-17 23:40:23

Drawing attention to this thread of comments of mine from a few days ago, as it goes deeper into apparent efforts from European nations to Trump-proof Ukraine, which is actually VERY important for European security.
It's nice seeing news articles pointing out Ukrainian funding & Russian appeasement isn't something Trump gets to dictate, but rather, a situation where Europe is trying to diplomatically push back against Trump to defend their legitimate security interests.
2024-12-07 07:00:06

Task Manager with a TUI written in Python
kanban-tui is a customizable task manager in the terminal.
:python: #kanban
2024-12-17 09:23:47

Fast zu spät bemerkt, und das hätte mich richtig geärgert: Die Wahl des #Latein-Worts des Jahres 2024 steht an, aus der vom Thesaurus linguae Latinae kuratierten Auswahl neu aufgenommener („entdeckter“?!) Wörter! Unbedingt alle abstimmen!!
2024-11-22 16:21:24

Plus j'utilise #Hasura plus je préfère #postgraphile
2024-12-17 23:25:32

To paraphrase John Gilmore,
*"Europe interprets Trump as damage and routes around him".*
2024-12-03 17:29:10

[ March 6, 2025 - March 8, 2025] Conference or similar: Society for Philosophy of Religion
2024-12-17 23:05:07

This situation actually reminds me a bit of the dotcom bubble collapse in the late '90s / early '00s, with slight differences.
Declining stocks & VC led to a bunch of startups initially being unable to obtain additional funding. To make matters worse, ad demand started falling, leading to lower revenues for ad-based internet services.
In this case, a decline of ad demand is trailing dotcom revenue shortages. I suspect currency & stock weakness & a slowing econ…
2024-12-17 22:44:28

One obvious reason this could be the case, despite the stimulus impact of the war, is that a lot of dotcoms / tech companies are highly sensitive to the stock market, VC funding, etc.
IOW, revenue from the stock market & VC funding suddenly disappeared, leaving them at the mercy of high rate loans, due to the historically high Russian central bank key rate.
And so, huge swathes of high tech are at risk of debt spirals and ever-increasing rates on loans.
2024-11-17 21:17:00

Rethinking Thanksgiving webinar starting in 10 minutes
2024-12-17 22:40:04

Sounds like Russia's tech industry - including internet, software, etc. - is seeing sharp declines in revenue, with widespread, major layoffs.
"The economy is in s***. It seems like everyone really needed IT specialists, there was a shortage of personnel, and all that. But the market has no money for development, the marketing tools have collapsed. Although both marketers and IT specialists are needed, there is no money. But everyone is hiding this."
2024-11-19 17:13:46

Photos from the last time I lengthened my pockets #sewing #clothingmod #ithaspockets #pockets #pocketsforeveryone
2024-12-18 06:01:24

You know the North Koreans are getting owned when I can share a new, 4 minute long video of them getting owned and owned and owned by a plethora of drone strikes, AND share an article about how they are getting owned and owned and owned by cluster munitions, to what appears to be an even greater degree.
2024-11-30 01:50:17

[ July 9, 2025 - July 11, 2025] Conference or similar: Workshop on Walter Benjamin’s “theory of fascism”
2024-12-16 22:13:30

Wer wissen will, was so schwierig an der Energiewende ist, sollte einfach mal versuchen, so ein Mieterstrom-Modell für Solaranlagen zu verstehen.
Man darf den Strom nicht einfach so nutzen. Man braucht einen „Enabler“, der einem den Strom abkauft und dann wieder zurückverkauft.
Und das soll die neue, vereinfachte Variante sein, bei der man kein Unternehmen mehr gründen muss, um sich selbst den Strom zu verkaufen.
2024-12-10 14:10:03

«Schon wieder Ausfälle bei #Microsoft 365:
Erneut gibt es Probleme mit den #Office #Web-Anwendungen. Auch das #Admin
2024-11-29 03:02:17

[ April 28, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null
2024-11-27 17:00:25

[ March 25, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null
2024-12-18 04:10:33

Wishing the Russians and North Koreans a very merry season's defeatings!
"Fighters from the UA_REG Team unit of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck almost a company of Russian army personnel, as well as their North Korean mercenaries.
A video of the combat operation was released on December 17 on the unit's channel.
In total, special forces drones destroyed 50 enemies and wounded 47."
2024-11-18 17:11:12

[ September 4, 2025 - September 6, 2025] Conference or similar: The British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, 2025 Biennial Conference: Creativity and Creation