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An American arrested in the Caribbean for illegally carrying ammunition received a suspended sentence Friday.
British territory Turks and Caicos adopted stricter gun laws in 2022
following a jump in gun violence and weapons trafficking.
❤️Bravo, Turks and Caicos ! ❤️
Why can't we have sensible gun control laws in the U.S.?
⭐️Don't celebrate dipshit Americans illegally carrying ammunition to places which ban ammo⭐️
The official minimum penalty for…
2024-04-26 15:25:08

knife feelings
"knife feelings"
2024-04-26 13:55:17

As developers we pay Apple 30% to have a great App Store platform that they keep free of garbage...
...after being told what the garbage is by journalists.
2024-05-26 14:54:35

Slop is filling up the Internet.
Today my Google Now feed even suggested (!) the following page which was focused solely on the height of Anson Mount.
The artic…
2024-04-26 12:01:15

A specific achievement: check off all the following train stops in a single journey:
#Poznań Dębiec
• Poznań Dębina
• Łódź Dąbrowa
(all the district names refer to the oak tree)
And I don't mind just passing through them, but actually getting off at Dębiec and taking the change at Dębina. It's roughly a 1 km walk over a non-colliding route, which is usually safer than running between platforms on the main station.
2024-04-26 07:38:36

Guardian covid erasure (again)
This morning, the Guardian gives us a whole article about the increasing rate of strokes in the UK - somehow failing to mention the word "covid" at all.
Instead of a link to their denialtastic article, here's some actual research on covid, strokes etc:
"People who survived the first 30 d of COVID-19 exhibited increased risk of stroke (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.52 (1.43, 1.62)"
#stroke #CovidErasure #Guardian
2024-04-26 14:01:13

Apple removes three AI image generation apps from the App Store after 404 Media probe found the apps advertised the ability to create nonconsensual nude images (Emanuel Maiberg/404 Media)
2024-05-26 14:54:35

Slop is filling up the Internet.
Today my Google Now feed even suggested (!) the following page which was focused solely on the height of Anson Mount.
The artic…
2024-04-25 10:30:42

Garry's Mod is removing "all Nintendo related stuff" from its Steam Workshop, covering "20 years of uploads", after receiving a takedown request from Nintendo (Andy Chalk/PC Gamer)
2024-04-25 10:30:42

Garry's Mod is removing "all Nintendo related stuff" from its Steam Workshop, covering "20 years of uploads", after receiving a takedown request from Nintendo (Andy Chalk/PC Gamer)