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2024-05-26 19:00:07

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012)
These datasets contain the temporal network of contacts between students in a high school in Marseilles, France. The first dataset gives the contacts of the students of three classes during 4 days in Dec. 2011, and the second corresponds to the contacts of the students of 5 classes during 7 days (from a Monday to the Tuesday of the following week) in Nov. 2012.
This network has 180 nodes and 45047 edges.
Tags: Soc…

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012). 180 nodes, 45047 edges.
2024-04-26 17:03:30

“For evidence of that look no further than Tesla. “
Yes... because apparently the failing car company run by a “mercurial” Nazi-buffoon and the companies who bet on him (Hertz) are the best measures…
2024-05-24 06:45:21

This is fun!
#Google #AI

Google search: can I use diesel to cook spaghetti

AI answer: Diesel fuel can be used in a diesel stove for cooking, as diesel stoves are considered safe and easy to use and don't require preheating or air filling. However, diesel fuel has a harsh taste and consuming it can cause delayed injuries, including holes forming in the throat, esophagus, stomach, or lungs. These injuries can lead to severe bleeding and infection, and may be fatal.
2024-04-26 13:29:07

Very excited to see this collaboration between 2 of the most interesting research & scholarly communication infrastructure initiatives out there. This stellar cast of scholars & infrastructure builders will undoubtedly be pushing the limits in fascinating ways. This is a project worth following. Bravo!
From: @…
2024-05-27 03:01:59

Hey! I've been doing a lot of work stuff. Senior engineer slash engineering manager life. But I'm really fucking pumped that the FCC is moving to restore net neutrality in the US. You might be able to tell how pumped I am from the *checks notes* meme I just found on my NAS, that I made in 2017, when I felt there weren't enough net neutrality memes on the internet :)

A comic strip depicting a class with a cool teacher wearing sunglasses.

Teacher: "Okay class, net neutrality is now a school subject so it's time to save the interwebs. Let's start with an example, who wants to go first? José! Get up here. If some paid shill caught your eye, what would you say?"

José: "I hope you enjoy shamefully calling your ISP to buy the 'access to PornHub' package"

Teacher is surrounded by flames and wipes off sweat with an :O face, then slams an A+ stamp on José many ti…
2024-04-26 23:15:00

Über die von der EU verpflichtete Browser-Auswahl von iOS 17.4 habe ich über die Tage wieder #Firefox für iOS ausprobiert:
Ohne die fehlenden Browser-Add-Ons v.a. für Ad-Blocker und WebKit statt Gecko als Engine ist das nutzlos für mich. Das liegt aber mehr an Apple als an Mozilla.
Als die App mich um eine Rezension gebeten hat, habe ich das dort so geschrieben.
Darauf kam eine E-…

"Dear Martin,
We are writing to inform you that your customer review for Firefox: Private, Safe Browser is not in compliance with the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions, Submissions Guidelines under Section L.
Due to the violation of the Submissions Guidelines noted above, we removed your submitted review as part of routine moderation practices, during which automated processes were used.
You can submit a review by following the Submissions Guidelines, or learn about your Redress Rights …
2024-05-24 06:45:21

This is fun!
#Google #AI

Google search: can I use diesel to cook spaghetti

AI answer: Diesel fuel can be used in a diesel stove for cooking, as diesel stoves are considered safe and easy to use and don't require preheating or air filling. However, diesel fuel has a harsh taste and consuming it can cause delayed injuries, including holes forming in the throat, esophagus, stomach, or lungs. These injuries can lead to severe bleeding and infection, and may be fatal.
2024-05-23 01:19:35
Content warning: child assault

So an #AmericanAirlines flight attendant recorded a video of a 9-year-old girl going to the bathroom on a flight. The parents rightfully filed a civil suit against the airline.
But get this—the airline’s lawyers filed a statement that said the harm to the child was caused by her “own fault and negligence”, because “she knew or should have known [the toilet] contained a visible and ill…
2024-05-23 01:19:35
Content warning: child assault

So an #AmericanAirlines flight attendant recorded a video of a 9-year-old girl going to the bathroom on a flight. The parents rightfully filed a civil suit against the airline.
But get this—the airline’s lawyers filed a statement that said the harm to the child was caused by her “own fault and negligence”, because “she knew or should have known [the toilet] contained a visible and ill…