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2024-04-25 19:11:05

we need Kiwamu Miyakubo on the Fediverse

A real video of a man fading into a room, pulling out a Japanese sword (Katana) from its shaft, then flames and sparkles going everywhere. The video is by Kiwamu Miyakubo who is a flame artist.
2024-05-27 10:53:08

i think someone with a large following should boost this post so that every being on the fediverse can observe me and pet me
am a cat btw and need a lot of pets to be happi
2024-05-23 12:00:53

Just did my weekly "I am not your audience" clearout of people that either unfollowed me or never mutually followed me so we can efficiently converse.
There seems to be a bad behavior cycle of following folks just for the sake of getting followed back, just so you can unfollow to seem "popular".🤦‍♂️
I hate this behavior. If you aren't following me, I'll most likely not follow you or unfollow you at some point because my goal here is to have conversations. If we don't see each other's posts regularly to be able to engage in such conversation, then what's the point?
Stop talking AT me and start talking TO me.
This is social media, let's be social!
#Fediverse #Fedi #SocialMedia
2024-05-27 10:53:08

i think someone with a large following should boost this post so that every being on the fediverse can observe me and pet me
am a cat btw and need a lot of pets to be happi
2024-06-16 01:18:40

Does the #Mastodon or #activitypub API have the (beginnings of) the ability to integrate with these platforms so people can share game content onto the #fediverse ?
Seems …
2024-06-14 13:47:14

Happy Friday to all of you amazing individuals around the #Fediverse
How are we feeling today and what are we all up to today?
For me, it's another pretty busy day at work, though not as busy as yesterday and no meetings today, so that's a huge plus.
Just going to rest and relax for the day and enjoy some video games here and there.
Not sure what the week…

An animated image that says Happy Friday and there are several emojis in a GIF format in the middle of the image.
2024-06-16 01:18:40

Does the #Mastodon or #activitypub API have the (beginnings of) the ability to integrate with these platforms so people can share game content onto the #fediverse ?
Seems …
2024-06-13 12:58:24

Good morning and happy Thursday #Fediverse
How are we all feeling today and what do we all have planned before the day ends?
For me, it's already been a TON of work stuff due to the Discord release of Nova 8.1.0 yesterday that introduced Smart Folders and Nova Now. I'm still not quite caught up.
Work meeting at 12pm today that will likely be sort of long, but ho…

An image with a white background and a cloud looking image that says Happy Thursday with some colored clouds behind those words.
2024-05-06 00:03:14

It feels so nice to have follow relationships with many of the leaders in this space and have them say such nice things.☺️
I have a feeling my social media experience will never be the same soon, due to all the massive great things these people are doing to ensure the interconnectivity of these platforms.
PS. This is a Threads screenshot. To follow Mike on Fediverse. Search for Mike McCue.😉
2024-06-06 13:15:32

Happy Thursday #Fediverse
How are we all feeling today and what are the plans?
For me, it's the usual work day but luckily I'm all caught up from yesterday, so it's back to normal in the inbox. No meetings today either.
Later, it'll be more of the Destiny 2: The Final Shape legendary campaign that I started last night, and then just resting and relaxing…

An image with a light colored background and the words happy Thursday in an orange font.