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2024-05-24 19:50:17

I managed another 5 miles in under 30 minutes this morning, so hooray for me.
#biking #mke #milwaukee

Map of a bike ride.

In the 1980s as railroads abandoned thousands of miles of track following deregulation,
Congress provided for “#railbanking,” seeking to preserve rail corridors while allowing for interim use as trails.
Today, there are nearly 26,000 miles of rail-trails in the U.S., according to RTC.
• More than $830 million in U.S. Department of Transportation funds announced last week under the ⭐️R…
2024-03-23 05:43:33

The Active Communities Plan isn't dead but is now the Biking and Rolling plan and has been delayed "to be responsive to community needs." It will seek to find ways "goals can be reworked to focus on vibrancy, economic vitality and thriving communities." #BikeSF
2024-05-24 17:24:27

heeyyy! Finally Friday and I'm still reviewing a couple of photos from last weeks hiking days ... I'm falling a little bit behind!
Anyways: I just wanted to share this piece of trail that we walked last weekend. It's right those paths that I really like: narrow, surrounded by green, some trees aside, along a mountain slope ... I felt really good when we walked there!
And that's why I want to share it with you as well 🙂
the blog:

A serene and tranquil scene unfolds in this image, showcasing a trail meandering through a lush forest. The dense canopy above casts dappled sunlight onto the vibrant green foliage below, creating a soothing ambiance. The dominant color palette consists of various shades of green, reflecting the abundance of vegetation in the woodland setting. The path is flanked by tall trees, their trunks standing strong and majestic. The overall composition evokes a sense of peace and harmony with nature, in…
2024-04-23 16:03:40

I started working on a silly logo for my joke about there being a group of people who ride biked in the cemetery by my house but it's really just me...
#biking #logo #art

A (fake) logo for the "Holy Cross Bicycle Club"
2024-05-23 12:55:05

I felt pretty good this morning so got the bike out for a ride and managed to get 5 miles in under 30 minutes, which has been a goal for a while! Finally got my average speed over 10mph. Whew!
#biking #mke #milwaukee

Stats from a bike ride showing workout time of 27 minutes and average speed of 11.1mph
Map of a bike ride
2024-05-21 05:48:27

Yesterday's #parenting achievements:
✅ shared a gigantic bowl of ice cream with the 1,75yo for the first time
✅ whole lot of #biking together
✅ kid screamed :gitannex: #gitAnnex!!! when …
2024-04-19 14:05:08

“With every pedal stroke, I could feel my jaw loosening, heaviness lifting from my shoulders, my heart opening to optimism again. I was finding a way up, and through.
“I spent practically every day last fall, a year since our daughter’s death, ably sailing up hills, with twigs and leaves crunching beneath my tires.
“Slowly, through every swerve and switchback, grief has given way to gratitude. But only because I have help moving through it.”
2024-05-23 19:01:22

Hey friends, I really tried to avoid procrastinating and finalized our #hiking day on monday with #photos, #video aaand now also the blogpost!
Honestly, everytime I write ablog post I struggle with th…

A close up image of a green flower in a field, with a dominant color palette of green and black. The flower is the focal point of the image, with two roses also visible in the background. The photo captures the intricate details of the flower petals and plant stem. The image is vibrant and full of life, showcasing the beauty of nature. There are no adult, racy, or gory elements present in the picture. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and serene, evoking a sense of tranquility and appre…
A close up image of a green flower in a field, with a dominant color palette of green and black. The flower is the focal point of the image, with two roses also visible in the background. The photo captures the intricate details of the flower petals and plant stem. The image is vibrant and full of life, showcasing the beauty of nature. There are no adult, racy, or gory elements present in the picture. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and serene, evoking a sense of tranquility and appre…
2024-05-24 09:40:06

"My son was 9 when he started biking to school. But he couldn't bike to & from the afterschool program because they didn't allow that until age 12."
From a comment on our FB page:
2024-03-23 02:07:06

North side SF is full of 3-lane one way roads.
They all encourage dangerous speeding and do nothing to help people choose walking, transit, or biking to meet our climate goals.
Andrew Zieman was killed on one with this same layout.
They should all be immediately converted to 2 lanes plus a 2-way protected bikeway. Cheap, makes everyone safer (even drivers), massively expands bike network. #BikeSF

A 3 lane (not counting curb parking lanes), one way street through a residential area lined with trees, facing in the direction of traffic.
Facing against the direction of traffic on same street. In the distance it goes up a hill. There’s an intersection with yellow striped crosswalks.
2024-05-19 11:22:21

Fave photo is one of car lined street. biking through Bedford Stuyvesant and saw something similar. The kid goes running out of the street. Parents ibehind him screaming not to do that. driver hits the child. Horrible noise which car wasn't even going fast. No visibility. Kid appeared out of nowhere. Nothing to blame but the stupid system. takeaway. Intolerance for bad decisions.
Driver strikes, kills 5-year-old boy who ran out on to Queens street
2024-04-21 14:18:18

Did 7 miles in 45 minutes today and it looks like this…
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
2024-05-17 17:38:25

In other news, I saw my first Cybertruck today while biking. In Queens. NYC. Where they definitely absolutely belong. 🤦
2024-04-01 21:33:19

Trying to take part in #30DaysOfBiking. Discovered it only today after dinner. Thanks to @… for making me aware of it and @…
2024-05-09 09:05:59

It’s Gym day for me, some Biking and a good dinner.
It’s nice to have an off day in the middle of the week. 😎
2024-04-18 17:16:52

Whoah! That explains all the NYPD cars on 120th this morning at around 6:15am which I saw while biking up to Riverbank State Park on Riverside Drive.
2024-04-09 00:55:20

This kid rode 7 miles round trip to her playgroup tonight and I’m incredibly fucking proud rn

Selfie of me in helmet and green sunglasses in foreground, girl with black hair on her own bike in background
Girl biking on a deck structure seen from behind
2024-05-16 12:39:51

Bike ride today, just a big old loop... 5 miles in 31 minutes. Still haven't cracked that 30 minute mark!
#biking #mke #milwaukee

Map of a bike ride.
2024-05-09 01:49:19

First school run by bike since we moved to the forest last year!
Kiddo was stoked. (As was I.)
School run by e-bike vs. by e-car:
Distance: about the same
Travel time: about the same
Cost of electricity: $1.50 round trip by car, vs. $0.20 round trip by e-bike. (Car route goes around a mountain, whereas bike route goes over a mountain each way.)
Exercise benefit of biking: Immense. Looking forward to getting back in shape!
Benefit of not using fossil…

A kiddo on an ebike on a rail+trail path.
A kiddo on an ebike on a college campus bike path.
A map overlay showing the school run route by bike.
Workout stats.
2024-04-07 03:18:00

Another beautiful day out there, went biking with the whole family.

Not sure what this is
Not sure what was being loaded here
2024-05-29 17:08:56

Come support to your city's community-owned football club, @… ! They are collaborating with Muni to encourage people to take transit. The fanbase is incredibly pro transit and the team has even endorsed @…
🗓️Sunday, Jun…

Location: Boxer Stadium, Balboa Park
Meet for a picnic: 2:PM
Game: 3:00PM-5PM
Tickets: $12, available to buy in person, cheaper in groups
How to get there: BART(Balboa Park Station), MUNI Metro J K and M, Muni Busses, Biking
satellite view of picnic tables meeting location to the east of boxer stadium
Map showing the directions to walk from balboa park BART to the stadium
2024-04-15 14:04:42

Got in a 5.2 mile ride this morning, including going all the way to Appleton Avenue which is probably a good place to get killed...
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
2024-03-30 02:32:05

It's pretty obnoxious how the quickest and safest option between Brooklyn and central Queens is the car. This wouldn't be the case if we actually prioritized other modes here. #NYC
(The direct biking route is 1 hr 4 mins, but not recommended because total lack of infrastructure.)

Part of the google maps screen, showing directions where driving takes 31 mins, the subway takes 1 hr 2 mins, walking takes 3 hr 45 mins, and biking takes 1 hr 17 mins.
2024-05-09 12:26:04

I got a bag for my bike and a bunch of you helped!
➡️ #biking
2024-05-17 18:49:17

What Cycling Across the UK Can Teach About Bike Infrastructure
#RealEstate #UrbanPlanning #Bloomberg #CityLab
2024-05-27 15:12:21

A very nice sight haha
Charles Lelerc casually biking back home in #Monaco after his victory.

Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc on a bike in the streets of Monaco
2024-03-31 05:55:33

Gehen ist out.
Zu Fuß unterwegs zu sein, zeugt von Armut und Rückständigkeit.
(Meine Interpretation)
2024-04-14 22:39:22

Bike People, what are your thoughts on this kind of bike bag?
#bikes #biking

Photo of a bike bag.
2024-04-14 14:10:22

Got in 8.1 miles in 48 minutes. It’s definitely warm out there! Saw a neighbor grilling at 8am.
#mke #milwaukee #biking

A map of a bike ride.
2024-05-09 06:40:53

That's a topic for me again, #FotoVorschlag "radausflug" / "Cycling trip"
As I'm a fan of #mountainbiking my trips sometimes include quite an incline. That day it was about 1000m incline. On some parts we decided to push the bikes because we were jus…

Two bicycles are parked on a dirt road in a lush green outdoor setting. The dominant colors in the image are shades of green, creating a harmonious and natural backdrop. The bicycles, one with a tire visible in the foreground, and the other with the entire cycle in the background, are the focal point of the scene. The bikes are likely used for outdoor activities like mountain biking or cycling. The image conveys a sense of adventure and leisure, with the sky filled with fluffy white clouds abov…
2024-05-12 14:12:55

I did my longest bike ride yet… 10 miles in about 60 minutes. I’m exhausted, but pleased.
#biking #mke #milwaukee

Map of a bike ride
2024-04-13 16:04:00

Hey, longest ride yet! (Well, since I started tracking.) good ride, lots of up & down hills. So what does the route look like?
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
Award for longest ride.
2024-04-13 16:04:00

Hey, longest ride yet! (Well, since I started tracking.) good ride, lots of up & down hills. So what does the route look like?
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
Award for longest ride.
2024-04-28 19:40:35

Biking through Williamsburg, watching people in their oversized emotional-support SUVs barely fit in the streets. Like, what are you even doing here, dumbasses? #BikeNYC
2024-03-31 22:12:28

Love uploading walking and biking sequences to #Panoramax. Makes subsequent #OpenStreetMap mods easier. Learning to use #OpenCamera better. Ultimately better than

Screen grab in Panaramax showing a path under the West Side Highway at about 134th Street with the Hudson River in the distance and some controls at top to go back forward auto play and do more.  At the bottom there are controls to advance one photo forward or reverse.
2024-05-11 23:16:52

I did manage an 8 mile bike ride this morning… hills and wind were not kind!
#biking #mke #Milwaukee

A map of a bike ride.
2024-05-29 20:50:19

My high school seemed to be constantly winning awards and topping rankings of public HS in the region. Far from filling me with pride, it was depressing, because my high school was utterly dysfunctional! You're telling me THIS is as good as it gets?
Anyway, San Francisco is the second-best bike city in the country
2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…
2024-04-18 12:54:45

Got in 7 miles this morning because I was up at 4am, could not sleep anymore and was out the door by 6:30am.
Riding streets is a little more exciting than the cemetery and you definitely have to be more alert.
#mke #Milwaukee

Map of a bike ride.
2024-06-08 06:46:02

Good morning friends 🙋
One more photo from last year's hike.
I took this right after the last photo. After the path bent around the rocks, it went rather even with a very light incline along this side of the ridge.
This great view ahead, I just went on to see how far I could go in reasonable time.
I knew it would become chill quickly with the sun going down

A stunning landscape featuring a majestic mountain surrounded by lush green trees and grass. The scene is peaceful and serene, with the mountain dominating the background and trees scattered throughout the foreground. The colors in the image are predominantly brown and black, with white accents adding contrast. The setting appears to be a wilderness area or national park, with a highland terrain and a mix of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. The image evokes a sense of tranquility an…
2024-04-09 15:50:06

I only managed 4 miles this morning as I had to get to UPS to ship out a MIDI controller to some guy performing at Coachella.
#mke #milwaukee #biking

A map of a 4 mile bike ride through Holy Cross cemetery.
2024-06-07 17:55:49

Hey friends, this is one of the #photos with quite some emotions connected. A quick hike that I extended and got super views.
But I was a little unrelated as I knew that I should back down before diving into the shade.
Oh I even blogged about it a while ago!!

A scenic view of a rocky path on a mountain is depicted in this image. The path is surrounded by grass and rocks, with a tree featuring green leaves visible towards the bottom left corner. In the background, majestic mountains rise up, some with snow on their peaks. The sky above is a clear blue, adding to the beauty of the landscape. The composition captures the rugged terrain of the wilderness, showcasing the natural beauty of the highland area. The image evokes a sense of adventure and explo…
2024-04-08 13:13:12

Another 5 miles today…
#mke #Milwaukee #biking

A map of a bike ride.
2024-04-07 22:10:58

I did manage a 5.28 mile ride this morning before the rain. It’s been a while, felt good to get out there again. (I also reported a bunch of potholes to the city.)
#mke #Milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride mostly in a cemetery.
2024-06-02 11:25:48

Just wrote the recap for May and I'm ... a bit .. surprised how much my wife and me did this month!
Activities like #hiking and #cycling but also #blogging and - which is still a HUGE time ea…
2024-04-04 12:32:13

🚴‍♂️ Biking isn't just eco-friendly; it's economy-friendly too! New studies show that bike lanes can boost local business sales significantly. It's time we rethink urban spaces and promote #cyclonomics for a greener and prosperous future. #CarIsOver
📈 A protected bike lane in NYC led to a 49% sales increase for local stores, overshadowing the city average. Bike tourism in Oregon generated $400M last year. Cycling is more than a ride; it's a major economic driver. #SustainableEconomy #BikeLaneBoost #ReclaimTheStreets
2024-05-05 19:29:48

I did 7 miles this morning and the hills were killing me!
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
2024-06-02 14:44:38

I did a 10 mile bike ride in 63 minutes. I’m hoping to get in 10 miles in under 60 minutes some day…
#mke #Milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
2024-05-03 19:23:10

I sat down and wrote my April recap. And to be honest: I AM TOTALLY SURPRISED!
I thought that I was *really* lazy this month. 2 weeks of grey bad weather dominated my memory. Just recapping how I spent this month was ... delighting. I don't feel lazy now any more.
I tried to make the post easy to read with captions and highlighting the important phrases.
(Yet I wonder if I always ommited the photos of the blog posts at the bottom 🤔)

This image features a serene scene of boats floating in a body of water, surrounded by lush green trees in the background. The colors in the image are dominated by shades of brown and black, with a hint of olive green as the accent color. The photo showcases a peaceful outdoor setting, with grass and watercraft visible. The composition includes a variety of boats, including a rowboat with a motor. The overall landscape exudes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty, with a hint of adventure a…
2024-05-28 15:07:02

Got a 4.5 mile bike ride in this morning in 30 minutes. Not great but not terrible.
#biking #mke #milwaukee

Map of a bike ride.
2024-05-29 16:54:03

Boring little neighborhood bike ride this morning, just 3 miles in 20 minutes... better than nothing I guess.
#mke #milwaukee #biking

Map of a bike ride.
2024-05-10 12:46:51

I did manage to do 6 miles today in about 38 minutes. I have rode the last few days due to rain or feeling unwell in the morning. I've also been on medication that prevents me from being in the sun but this is the last day of that.
#mke #milwaukee

Map of a bike ride, mostly in Holy Cross Cemetery.