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2024-05-06 10:03:08

If you really think the best thing about your business (the Best Thing!) truly is a small discount off a coffee made by completely different company, what precisely do you think you're telling your customers about your confidence in your core offering?
2024-05-06 19:39:57

In general, never have your data exist only in one place. Cloud storage is fine, as long as you have another copy somewhere else. The second copy could also be in the cloud; it just needs to be in some other provider’s cloud.
The key is *duplication* and elimination of single points of failure, as much as possible.
2024-03-28 12:00:41

Daily Inspiration: "Always be prepared to know how little you know!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
One thing that I have always understood about my ability to interpret the future is that while I know a lot of stuff, there is a lot I do not know. I think that's a good thing, because that fact is the basis for my relentless curiosity, and I have long believed that curiosity is the key to success for anyone. If you ever lose your creativity, you lose your initiative. Lose your ini…
2024-04-01 20:26:17

I am not a fan of having everything I create on every platform which I don’t completely own being auto-opt-in for them to monetize my labor for LLM (fake-#AI) training.
2024-03-27 10:03:09

Kris @… goes into a very important issue here (in German):
Since "AI" has become the thing to do, no cloud platform is neutral anymore (they never fully were, try hosting warez there, but for your own content they mostly were): They all "need" (as in want) to use your work as training data for their neural networks - especially work that's not "…
2024-05-28 09:47:12
Content warning: Christianity

One thing I do is look at church websites of my customers.
It’s amazing how many aren’t well designed. What I want to know, as a bisexual trans woman, is will be I be welcomed and ACCEPTED and affirmed at your church?
Think of the fact your website’s goal is to go after the un-churched. If I don’t immediately see that I’m welcome I won’t ever set foot in your door.
2024-05-29 23:46:28

Like, yeah, all else being equal, end to end encrypted and highly assured channels are better.
All else isn't equal. Even most activists have a threat model that's more “cops threaten legal action against activist" than "NSA spies on communication”
Heck, most activists are more at risk from "organization did not file their tax forms on time" or “organizer is getting burned out" or “ex-member is still in the chat causing drama” than they are from comms being observable.
Especially since a good portion of the time, our power as activists comes from being willing to stand up and put ourselves in the gears. Avoiding the gears of the system isn't actually useful. I mean sure, choose your time and place. But a lot of the reason more violent protests work? Because they disrupt the system. But nobody is particularly benefitted by hiding the fact that people did do the disruptive thing.
It's naked power vs "what are you doing to do about it?”
2024-04-22 20:33:06

If you're looking for a worthy cause to support for #EarthDay, please consider this organization advocating for a Public, Province-wide, accessible, unionized bus (and rail) Intercity transit system in British Columbia!
It is completely volunteer run. All monies go towards things like posters, mailings, and other stuff for getting the word out as we try to gear up for the
2024-03-28 16:49:46

999=Taking whatever hell you're going through or whatever demons you're fighting and flipping it on it's head.
Try not to let your past control you. It's the past for a reason. You can't change it. The only thing you can do is look forward and try to live a better life, one day at a time.
2024-03-16 11:33:36

The cool thing about Biden is that he does genuinely feel bad for sponsoring genocide. The guy has heart. Trump would just enjoy it. That’s a big difference, if you ask me.
Like who would you rather have kill your children? Someone who’s sorry for doing it or someone who takes pleasure in it?
What do you mean you’d rather have someone who didn’t kill your children. What are you, a communist?
2024-05-21 06:49:25

#Microsoft's leadership don't seem to understand that this time, random Just Use Linux comments popping around the Internet are not coming from fanboying converts that have just found out about that newfangled thing called "Ubuntu." Every single one of these people was done fanboying years ago, and they know how to deploy Linux on critical or office machines in a matt…
2024-04-25 19:25:09

OLAP = Online Analytical Processing
The sorta thing that if you let accountants do wrong they'll toast your database.
OLAP is *not* a character in Frozen.
- paraphrased from @… #phptek
2024-03-31 03:21:36

another thing I meant to toot earlier but forgot: this neon skrunklies shirt I got from

Tech-y shirt design featuring stylized silhouettes of coyotes, cacti, and desert with warning symbols and notices saying "TURN BACK" and "DO NOT FOLLOW TRICKSTERS" and "FOLLOWING A TRICKSTER CAN LEAD TO YOUR MISFORTUNE! PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION IN DIRECTION OF COYOTE"
2024-04-25 04:55:29

Tweet: Here's how retrotransposons do their thing by jumping. It's complicated; let me know if there are major errors
Me: It seems unlikely to me that RT would jump that distance and still work well
Reply (3rd party): It doesn't, actually; it's only shown that way to make it easier to understand
Me: I mentioned it because I have trouble understanding
3rd party reply: Your mind's the problem, not the image or the text explanation.
* sigh *
2024-04-13 18:08:17

I know it sometimes seems like a bit of a pointless kitchen gadget, but I love my soup maker.
Grab a bunch of slightly-past-their-best veggies from the bottom drawer of the fridge. Throw them in the machine with a stock cube. Fill with water. Press the button.
Then go and waste time on Mastodon for half an hour (protip: you could do something useful with your life in this period of time, but honestly why would you!).
Come back into the kitchen 30 minutes later to find a lovely hot tasty and probably fairly healthy soup waiting for you.
I'd do that "follow me for more recipes" meme thing but realistically this is probably your lot!
2024-05-13 07:51:32

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
Basement Jaxx:
🎵 Do Your Thing
2024-04-15 18:08:51

I genuinely cannot tell if this is satire. Only this paragraph seems obviously so.

Screenshot of part of article reading:

I strenuously object to the idea that
spending time away from your phone is
somehow more virtuous. What am I going to
do, go for a walk and stare at the trees? Do
you have any idea how many articles there
are I haven't read?
2024-05-22 09:01:24

One weird thing about calling a product "Recall" is what happens when it's faulty or turns out to be ill thought out and needs to be recalled?
Will there be a Recall recall?
Sadly I still have to use Windows for a few things but I continue to turn off all widgets, all AI, all Edge, configure it to show file extensions, configure it to change browser to Firefox, install Git Bash, and now I guess also disable Recall. Uninstall all the vendor spyware etc.
Trouble with Windows is all the configuration you have to do instead of just running your computer. It's like you have to be an expert who enjoys running Windows as a hobby instead of just getting on with work.
#windows #recall #microsoft
2024-05-18 01:25:44

So…the “Slack will now train AI using your data” thing is not as much of a five alarm fire as I’d first assumed:
“We do not develop LLMs or other generative models using customer data.” ← GOOD.
“Data will not leak across workspaces.” ← Or so they say. They •are• training across workspaces, but sounds like recommender systems and not generative models, so…we’ll see. Seems fraught. Still, that public commitment does mean something — legal exposure, at least.
2024-04-23 03:25:45

This is basically slavery, right?
You lose your house = you lose your freedom, and then you must do whatever you’re told by the prison system, until you die. Because let’s face it, you’d still be homeless when they let you out, and then they’ll arrest you again.
It’s slavery.…
2024-04-21 18:02:16

If you want to argue with me about something I posted, it would be best to stick to what I actually post, not what you think your mental version of me is thinking.
E.g. If I say that one needs to assess one’s own threat model, I AM NOT SAYING A THING ABOUT EVERYONE’S THREAT MODEL! If I say most peoples’ phones are at higher risk from nasties near them than from US cops acting legally, I am absolutely NOT SAYING that US cops do not have a jones for hassling Black people, often illegal…
2024-03-19 01:09:56

As they say I don't know who needs to hear this, but he's 👏so 👏fucking 👏right
From: @…

2024-04-11 11:34:31

@… Design discussion: even though I find your tag icon really cute. I must say that there’s always cognitive work to do finding the correct button when looking for a # shape. I must admit I think it should have that like it did before.
Please also remember: even though we speak English, mostly well, at least in Germany “hashtag” it’s just a name for a thing, we d…
2024-05-14 20:38:20

Rich Tabor just recently released his dark-mode toggle #WordPress #block into the wild. Have a look, it’s a nice little plugin.

Me asking Rich Tabor within the comments of his blog: „Hello Rich,
do you mind adding your `tabor/appearance-toggle` block to the public as well?

i would really appreciate using it in the wild.
Best Carsten“

And Rich Tabors reply:
„Sure thing! I just published it.“

Republicans have had remarkable success mobilizing resentment against school teachers, or auto workers (and not, significantly, against the school administrators or auto industry managers who actually cause the problems) for their #supposedly #bloated #wages
2024-05-14 13:14:47

No, no. Let them.
Let natural selection do its thing to these drongos.
2024-04-13 18:08:17

I know it sometimes seems like a bit of a pointless kitchen gadget, but I love my soup maker.
Grab a bunch of slightly-past-their-best veggies from the bottom drawer of the fridge. Throw them in the machine with a stock cube. Fill with water. Press the button.
Then go and waste time on Mastodon for half an hour (protip: you could do something useful with your life in this period of time, but honestly why would you!).
Come back into the kitchen 30 minutes later to find a lovely hot tasty and probably fairly healthy soup waiting for you.
I'd do that "follow me for more recipes" meme thing but realistically this is probably your lot!
2024-03-08 20:31:05

White House staffers got Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a friend of Biden’s and graduate of Yale Divinity School, on the phone. “Chris, it’s Joe,” the president said. “I need you to put your divinity school hat on for a minute and just tell me — do you think this is the right thing? Should we go ahead?”
2024-05-14 23:48:38

Teens are adults. It's basic science.
Nothing happens in your body on your 18th birthday. There is no biological change there. Adulthood at 18 is an arbitrary legal thing somebody made up. It has nothing to do with human development.
2024-05-11 08:44:53

Soooo....I'm doing a thing...🤭😏
As a lot of you know, Tooters shut down recently and the way it was handled in the end is regrettable.
However, I felt for longest time while it was up, that it was consistently one of the BEST run instances on Fedi with how they protected their users from some of the insanity that happens here.
That being said, with Tooters being gone, it leaves a bit of a hole in my Fedi heart and I know a lot of others as well.
So, I'm creating a new, very limited for now, politically-light (as little politics as possible locally), AI friendly (AI art welcome), Sharkey instance for some folks within my circle that I've grown to consider my friends.
The Social Zone is meant to be a place to escape the very political society we currently all live in and just be social with one another about our hobbies, interests, and day to day lives.
I'm still working out all the details but when I launch it, it's going to be invite only because I'm new to something like this and I want to get it right. Especially because those I will invite are people that are close to me and I don't want to disappoint them.
Depending on how things go for the next few months, including if I can even get this thing started correctly, I MIGHT be open to allowing more members in, down the line.
But, this is just getting started. I registered the domain yesterday and just started researching Sharkey today and how hard it would be to spin something up. Then, of course, there's configuration settings and administration with Sharkey that I have to familiarize myself with.
All in all, I'm very nervous, but excited that I decided to take this next step in my Fedi adventure and hope to eventually "give back" to the entire community, the same positive energy that you've all given me over the past wonderful year of being on this amazing platform.
Please do not ask for invites. I will not be handing them out anytime soon. I've already asked about 5 of you along with some IRL folks and I feel I would like some time to get this right for them first.
Thanks for reading. I hope you understand why I'm choosing to do this and hope you're as excited as me to see where things can go and understand why I feel it's important to have these types of "politically-light" spaces so people can escape such topics from time to time.
Keep on keeping on, Fedi. The future is bright and I'm ready to learn along with you. More info about TheSocial.Zone coming soon!
Your friend,
2024-03-19 01:09:56

As they say I don't know who needs to hear this, but he's 👏so 👏fucking 👏right
From: @…
2024-04-13 23:51:04

#WordWeavers April 13: What are some of the tropes typical in your genre? Do you use them?
I honestly don't know what to call #Run3. Is it sci-fi because it's in space and features alien characters? That feels reductive. Is it slice of life because everyone's doing their own thing and t…
2024-04-09 20:20:53

In the ongoing saga of Bill Gets A New Mac, my overpowered machine arrived yesterday and as it turns out, if you’ve violated the advice of #Apple in the past and used a case-sensitive filesystem BECAUSE THAT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO ALWAYS, you will be PUNISHED for your IMPERTINENCE by being DENIED the services of the Migration Assistant in restoring from your TimeMachine backup. Serves you right fo…
2024-04-12 17:59:39

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
🎵 Do Your Thing
2024-05-09 07:06:03

Hi, friend. This is my Fediverse profile following you through the Momostr bridge relay.👋
I'm more active here, but I DO tend to talk about Fediverse quite a bit here, so if that's not your thing, that's okay and no need to follow this account, or if you do, you could filter "Fediverse" and should be good.👍
2024-04-14 07:21:20

One more thing about the xz/sshd backdoor, and the earlier sale of "Simple Mobile Tools".
A long time ago, I've been told an important rule of #security in IT: when threatened with violence, yield. The life and health of you and your family is more important than any #OpenSource project you may be working on. A lot of people will blame you, but the ones who matter will understand.
But what if it's the carrot and not the stick that you're getting? What if you're being offered money to "betray" your project? Should you resist, or can you yield?
Then, isn't there a stick to be expected at the other end? Won't it come upon you if you rejected the carrot? Isn't money merely the "civilized" way of washing your hands from the implied threat of violence?
Even more, what if you really need that money? What if you barely make ends meet, and rejecting the carrot becomes a stick in itself?
Well, I'm not saying that it's likely that I'll ever be in that situation with #Gentoo (as in having money offered; having no income I know too well), but I really wouldn't know what to do. And I'd understand anyone who accepted that money.
The bottom line is: if people treat #FreeSoftware developers as a free exploitable workforce, people shouldn't be surprised when the projects they rely on are sold or backdoored.
2024-05-07 22:23:24

Updated my profile a bit finally to reflect my current personality and favorite topics. Removed references to being a streamer because streaming platforms are so broken and I haven't streamed in SO long.🤷‍♂️
Maybe it'll help some more people who were hesitant to follow me based on some info there. I want to converse with tons of people. That's really important to me, to see others views on things.
Edit: cool thing I just realized, if you link your Fedi profile on Threads and do the same on Mastodon, the threads link is "verified" automatically. That's pretty neat.
2024-04-10 12:14:35

ETAPS supports students and retired community members. As a new thing now, we also support authors from countries with low level research funding.
ETAPS Association funds a free conference registration for the authors affilliated with the countries listed here: #TACAS, #FASE, #FOSSACS or #ESOP and be sure that if the paper is accepted, your participation fee will be waived.
Proud to be a part of this community. Not many research conferences do this.
2024-05-07 22:23:24

Updated my profile a bit finally to reflect my current personality and favorite topics. Removed references to being a streamer because streaming platforms are so broken and I haven't streamed in SO long.🤷‍♂️
Maybe it'll help some more people who were hesitant to follow me based on some info there. I want to converse with tons of people. That's really important to me, to see others views on things.
Edit: cool thing I just realized, if you link your Fedi profile on Threads and do the same on Mastodon, the threads link is "verified" automatically. That's pretty neat.