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2024-06-16 07:25:26

A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa (Jack Herrera/Columbia Journalism Review)<…

Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
2024-06-16 09:58:00

Die #Goldalge kann Fische töten, wenn sie Gifte bildet. Hohe Konzentrationen von 80k Einzellern/Liter wurden gemessen, ähnlich wie 2022. Es fehlen jedoch Daten zur aktuellen Giftproduktion der Alge. Fakt: Ohne salzige Abwässer hätte die Alge keine Chance.
#Brackwasseralge Prymnesium parvum (Goldalge). Diese Alge kommt normalerweise nur an Küsten vor und wird durch salzhaltige Abwässer aus polnischen Kohlebergwerken begünstigt.
#Goldalgenblüte und tote Fische entdeckt. Bergwerke leiten immer noch unkontrolliert ihre salzigen Abwässer in die Oder.
Wiederholt sich das Fischsterben von 2022 an der Oder? Sehr wahrscheinlich. Hört auf die Wissenschaft und ignoriert nicht die Fakten!
2024-06-16 10:48:11

„Wir lieben dich“ - George, Charlotte und Louis melden sich auf X #News #Nachrichten

Stephen Wolfe, an evangelical Presbyterian, advocates an ethnically uniform nation
ruled by a "Christian prince"
with the power to punish blasphemy and false religion.
Wolfe veers chapter by chapter between close readings of often obscure Reformation theologians
and mostly unsourced screeds against the dangers of feminist "gynocracy" and immigrant invasion.
For Wolfe, the nationalism part of Christian nationalism is synonymous with ethnicity…
2024-06-16 14:00:05

On the 101st anniversary of the end of the October Revolution #OTD, here's The History of the Soviet Union but it's Steamed Hams

A video of characters from The Simpson's named Seymour Skinner and Superintendent Gary Chalmers sitting at a fancily decorated table in Seymour's house partially redubbed with AI voices in order to say different things. Seymour is holding a plate of hamburgers as the original plot revolved around him not preparing the meal he originally promised named “Steamed Hams”.

In the background there's a door through which Seymour walks and afterwards gets confronted about. On the other side you can see…
2024-06-16 12:49:05

Finally replacing all the thermal paste on the workstations at the pharmacy. Some of them are getting very loud even idling (wasn't really affecting performance but the loudness was getting very annoying)

An open all-in-one PC with its internal components exposed, placed on a table. Various parts including the motherboard, cooling system, and power supply are visible. A screwdriver is resting on the PC. The table also has other tools and components scattered around.
2024-06-16 07:46:38

This is an important story for permacultue people. "The notches in the pattern are geographically disparate and murky, but they underscore one point: what oil was to the 20th century, food and water will be to the 21st – precious, geopolitically powerful and contested".
2024-06-16 06:39:07

good thread on Biden's failings w.r.t covid
See e.g. this story of the flipflop from $2000 promised to $1400 delivered:
#Biden #covid
2024-06-16 00:44:27
