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2024-02-28 22:04:30

Yep because what I need between my cold self and the warm inside of my home is a round-trip to some tech oligarch's server farm
From: @…
2024-02-27 12:27:49

Dear #lazyweb, is this a thing any other #wordpress folks have run into? I imported newsletter subscribers and the table of subscribers that used to be there disappeared.
Now it just shows the “no subscribers yet?" bit with no way to see/interact with existing subscribers. The infuriating "support chatbot" was (obviously) of no help, so I opened a forum thread here:
2024-02-22 11:46:42

Warning: this thread from the absolutely brilliant @… is not for the faint-hearted, or those expecting a baby, but it's a useful reminder, for those of us in the privileged world, just how dangerous childbirth is. And how far we've come with modern medicine. And how much we should support
2024-02-21 01:08:59

Only tangentially related to my last thread, I really, really wish @… would bring back thread support, including the ability to save a thread so I can come back and post more to it later.
2024-04-24 08:46:14

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-02-14 20:35:05

I’ve kicked off a thread in the forum around #CoSocialCa volunteering in lieu of payment for membership.
We don’t have a policy around this right now.
I’d like to support this, while acknowledging that many of us already volunteer and pay!
Dealing with co-op membership vs membership services might be a bit tricky over time.
Let’s use

Thread by @…
Somalia's government has no access to the waters off the Gulf of Aden
Would Somalia's forces attempt at capturing the region with Turkey's support?
Would Turkish forces fire on Ethiopian troops if they tried to set up a base there?
No one knows for sure.
2024-02-02 14:43:43

Well, this looks like it could solve one of my #OpenSCAD issues.
2024-03-30 14:47:58

Good thread on Twitter on burnout leading to the ssh on Linux hack.
We need to support a Job Guarantee for tech:
Every time someone posts this photo:
2024-03-30 15:38:06

Sigh. A certain thread on a certain mailing list makes me want to make another pessimistic point wrt the xz/sshd hassle.
What ain't going to happen? Long-term increase of donations and support to #OpenSource developers. And by "developers", I mean actual people who need to buy food and pay the bills, not "projects".
What is definitely already happening? Blaming, bright ideas and demands for the developers already suffering from burnout.