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2024-04-07 15:19:23

I like that Jon Stewart/TDS had FTC Chair Lina Khan on the show, but I was seriously let down by her portrayal of “Web 2.0” as when the Web turned to the big social networks like Facebook.
Web 2.0 was a period of time BEFORE the giants got giant, and before capital-S-Social took over.
It was a time of open data, public APIs, mashups, and actual humans contributing to their own little plot of the Internet.
A break between when most-EVERYTHING was driven by big money and digi…
2024-05-04 20:52:12

Just deployed a new Kitten¹ version 🎉
• Adds database backup and restore in your app’s Kitten settings page (/💕/settings)
• Upgrades version of JSDB from 4 to 5²
• You can emit and listen for events on the session object you get from `request.session` in your routes now.

Screenshot of Kitten’s settings page running on a Kitten app at💕/settings/

Section Heading: 🗄️ Databases

List with two options: Internal (_db) and  App (db)

Subheading: Backup

Link: Download backup

Subheading: Restore

File upload control with label: 
Database backup file (.kitten.databases.tar.gz)

Choose file button
No file chosen
Restore button
Screenshot of output of the kitten --version command in terminal:

Illustration of minimalist grey kitten sitting on a green hill in front of a blue sky.

   by Aral Balkan, Small Technology Foundation

 Version 1-b8d459-20.12.2-20240504203731
 Born 2024/05/04 at 20:37:31 UTC (Taurus)
 Fav. colour #b8d459 [colour swatch]
 API version 1
 Runtime Node.js 20.12.2
 Like this? Fund us! 
We’re a tiny, independent not-for-profit.

Need help?   https://codeberg…
2024-03-06 17:50:08

Actually reported a spam hitting my GMail inbox (which is essentially a spamtrap, I don’t trust Google with my email, are you high?!?) to what remains of the MailChimp abuse desk inside the Pits’of Mordor^W^W^W Intuit. I even used the web form.
Spam: sewage-grade. No time to dissect, but it is full of random text (hashbusters that really don’t work) & seems to be a phish for something called “Harbor Freight” which I gather is a bit like Menard’s or Duluth Trading. Don’t care. (1/2)…
2024-04-06 11:56:56
Beautiful words from Jonn Elledge.
2024-05-06 07:29:20

Evolution of HOD and galaxy properties in filaments and nodes of the cosmic web
Noelia R. Perez, Luis A. Pereyra, Georgina Coldwell, Ignacio G. Alfaro Facundo Rodriguez, Andr\'es N. Ruiz
2024-03-03 16:58:20

(With apologies if Mastodon is the wrong place to send this inquiry…)
I’m looking at using TelemetryDeck on my personal web site, because (1) it looks really good and (2) I know at least one of the people behind it is cool.
But…the integration instructions don’t mention using `async` or `defer` attrs on the <script> tag. Won’t tha…
2024-04-06 11:56:56
Beautiful words from Jonn Elledge.
2024-02-29 17:21:04

Insecure Features in PDFs
2024-02-07 10:54:01

Looking at the beautiful standard for "normal-gauge traction vehicles, classification and marking", I'd like to point out one more historical curiosity.
Electric multiple units are classified as designed "for local and suburban traffic, on lines with low and high platforms" (EN) and "for suburban traffic, on lines with high platforms" (EW) [1].
Let's note that the standard dates back to a time when high-floor railcars were a norm. According to Wikipedia, EN57's "floor is 1153 mm above top of rail" [2]. For these EMUs, the difference between "high-platform" and "low-platform" units boiled down to the latter having stairs leading down. So both kinds of units could be used on high-platform lines.
Most of the modern EMUs are low-floor, and are not suitable for high platforms. Therefore, they technically do not meet the definition for "EN" marking. For example, the Newag Impuls trains ordered by SKM Trójmiasto (the urban train operator) had their train floor height specially raised to 960 mm ATR [3].
[1] #rail
2024-02-27 16:59:54

Just signed the open web advocacy letter asking #apple not to fuck with web apps in the #eu.

two buttons meme for apple

button 1: kill webapps slow
button 2: kill webapps fast
2024-03-03 03:33:08

I just updated I added my "Vue Offline Boilerplate" to the projects page
I wrote this app as a common "starter app" for 2-3 other apps that I have kicking around in my head. It uses:
- Vue 3 and the Composition API
- Pinia
- The vite-plugin-pwa plugin
2024-05-02 17:11:02

Call in at 1pm today to save the pathway on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge!
2024-02-22 18:54:13

Bluesky says: Ready to federate. Their discussion of the differences between their approach and Fedi’s is interesting.
2024-04-03 08:44:24

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-03 03:23:46

Polk with the photo and Hayes’ typewriter.
Cleveland’s recorded voice, McKinley’s first phone campaign, Harding’s amplified inaugural, Coolidge’s first WH broadcast and Hoover filmed in color.
FDR on TV, Truman with the first inauguration on national TV and Ike giving the first TV news conference and first speech via satellite.
Clinton’s email, GWBush’s #SOTU streamed on the net and …
2024-02-25 19:55:45

Come on. This push to summarize all webpages and written content with #AI is ridiculous.
See this example from #Arc Search - in what world is this an adequate summary for an 8,000 word article that takes 43 minutes to read?
The amount of detail, specificity, narrative, and actual arguments that get lo…

How to
internet. me ururate
guide for SEOs
Amid unfair industry blame for the
failings of the modern web. we aim
The author challenges stereotypes about
SEO professionals and aims to spotlight real
individuals in the industry. They discuss the
impact of a controversial article, the need for
change in the web, and the misrepresented
nature of SEO subculture.
Controversial Article Impact
The author discusses the impact of a
controversial article that portrayed SEO
professionals in a nega…
Search Engine Land
How to 'un-ruin' the
internet: The ultimate
guide for SEOs
Amid unfair industry blame for the
failings of the modern web, we aim
to challenge stereotypes and
spotlight real individuals in SEO.
Mariya Delano on November 17, 2023 at 9:00 am | Reading
time: 43 minutes
2024-02-26 23:02:18

Antarctic sea ice has undergone an “abrupt, critical transition” and evidence of a "regime shift."…
2024-03-12 10:25:36

Google, Apple, Mozilla, and Microsoft release Speedometer 3.0, a benchmark to "create a shared understanding of web performance", after Speedometer 2.0 in 2018 (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-02-14 10:17:00

Web-Apps außer Funktion: iOS 17.4 Beta bereitet Entwicklern große Sorge
Mit Beta 2 von iOS 17.4 funktionierten plötzlich Web-Apps nicht mehr auf dem iPhone. Auch Beta 3 bringt keine Besserung. Entwickler fragen sich: Was ist da los?
2024-04-30 13:36:23

Don't miss today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you should know, including
--FCC fines telco giants $200 million for sharing customers' location data without Consent
--UnitedHealth breach began with Citrix flaw exploit,
--Telegram yanks and then restores Ukraine security agency access,
--TikTok ban could extend CapCut video editor,
--Canadian lawmakers in an uproar over Chinese hacker targeting,
--Google blocked 2.28 million Android apps last year,
--Apple leaves EU Safari users exposed to web tracking,
--much more
2024-02-23 00:52:55

Bluesky federation has launched.
2024-03-25 18:24:23

Tadschikistan: Erdbeben vor 4 Tagen 🤔
#haarp 🤡
2024-03-31 14:57:42

A bit of computer nerdery that's too small to be bothered blogging, but I still want to preserve for posterity:
*How to set-up ddclient to update CloudFlare DNS entries*:
1) There's a showstopper bug in the Perl5 IO Socket SSL library <= v1.081 (currently in Fedora 38). Fixed in v1.082 and Fedora 39 contains v1.083
2) If you want to determine your current public IP from a web source (rather than your router for e.g.), you probably want "use=web, web=ifconfig…
2024-03-06 08:40:55

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-02-24 19:32:13

February 22, 2024: "Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating and opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data."
2024-02-26 22:39:57

Made a bunch of performance improvements to Kitten’s startup time. It now launches in under half a second on my machine vs a couple of seconds previously.
Feels even snappier now.
:kitten: 💕

Performance statistics of a basic Kitte command:

~/Projects/kitten/app ❯ hyperfine 'kitten version'

Benchmark 1: kitten version
  Time (mean ± σ):     463.2 ms ±   4.5 ms    [User: 426.0 ms, System: 123.7 ms]
  Range (min … max):   457.5 ms … 473.0 ms    10 runs
2024-03-03 03:33:08

I just updated I added my "Vue Offline Boilerplate" to the projects page
I wrote this app as a common "starter app" for 2-3 other apps that I have kicking around in my head. It uses:
- Vue 3 and the Composition API
- Pinia
- The vite-plugin-pwa plugin
2024-02-27 04:16:42

I hesitated sharing this because the alt text is pants, the random  (yes, obj) in the middle suggests missing stuff, it targets WCAG 2.1, has “here” link text, may not grok 1.4.11 & states, maybe thinks they invented shifting left, uses “a11y” in the copy, suggests 1.4.1 is too prescriptive, uses animated GIFs, pushes Material Design, _but_ it is a nice color-blind chart design primer.
“How Accessibility Standards Can Empower Better Chart Visual Design”
2024-03-28 19:37:46
2024-02-15 07:13:04

Web 3.0 and Quantum Security: Long-Distance Free-Space QSDC for Global Web 3.0 Networks
Yew Kee Wong, Yifan Zhou, Xinlin Zhou, Yan Shing Liang, Zi Yan Li
2024-02-25 12:49:35

Ich habe für mich versucht die europäische und deutsche Gesetzgebung zur digitalen #barrierefreiheit visuell in Verbindung zu bringen. Keine Gewähr inwieweit das so stimmt; gerne Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Flussdiagramm zur europäischen und deutschen Gesetzgebung zur digitalen Barrierefreiheit. Ein Strang betrifft öffentlichen Stellen und geht von der Web Accessibility Directive (2016) über die Norm EN 301549, und BITV 2.0 zur WCAG 2.1. Ein zweiter Strang betrifft Produkte und Dienstleistungen und geht vom European Accessiblity Act (2021) zum Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetzt. Auch dieser Strang führt zur WCAG.
2024-04-25 22:29:17

"Net neutrality is back as FCC votes to regulate internet providers"
2024-04-26 08:25:18

Very touching.
2024-02-17 07:52:32

Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU
<< "While web apps have been broken for EU users in every iOS 17.4 beta so far, Apple has now confirmed that this is a feature, not a bug."
EU needs to issue a massive fine to Apple, who are simply taking the piss now.
2024-04-10 07:51:01

#KI killt das Internet - doch das alte Web 2.0 kann sich wehren - Das Internet zu #SocialMedia Zeiten war ein Fast Food-Restaurant. Jetzt ist es nur noch die Erdnuss-Schale an der Theke.
Um so schöner ist, dass es manche Ecken im Web gibt, die im Angesicht der KI-Tools und -Angebote noch ganz na…
2024-03-15 21:03:20

It took only 30 days for "Madame Web" to be available on video/streaming after premiering at theaters.
2024-04-11 15:05:11

2024-02-22 22:09:46

They have a blog to reassure their users about the changes.
A summary of some ways Bluesky differs from Mastodon:
A focus on the global conversation
Which is to say, manipulating the things you are shown such that you are broadcast to from megastars rather than talking to a community.
Your Mastodon server is part of your username, and becomes part of your identity.
I am not a handle! I am a free man! I guess that means on Bluesky you're stuck with the one identity and can't transition into a new identity 😆
breaking news, viral posts, and algorithmic feeds
Composable moderation.
Which is to say hiding the nazis instead of deleting them. Putting up a veil instead of addressing a problem.
Composable feeds:... there are currently over 40,000 algorithmic feeds to choose from!
It's just like TV!
Your Mastodon timeline is only made up of posts from accounts you follow
Damn right.
Moving hosting services should be like changing your cell phone provider — you should be able to keep your identity and data.
I'm leaning more towards auto-delete after a month lately, but that still hasn't quite overcome my inner archivist.
Losing an account when a server went down is indeed a good chunk of why I started a server.
2024-02-26 14:39:25

Actively exploited open redirect in Google Web Light
2024-03-21 13:32:12

Oh, hey! Despite it being astronomical "Spring" yesterday... it seems we have a big snowstorm coming in tomorrow night to dump maybe over 7 inches (~18cm) of SNOW on us! ❄️☃️

Web 2.0 survivor, Flipboard, recently decided integration was the best path forward.
It ditched Twitter and integrated with Mastodon while rebuilding its back end to join the fediverse
— the decentralized social web.
The social magazine app also became the first app to support Bluesky, Mastodon, and Pixelfed (a decentralized Instagram alternative) last May, allowing users to track updates across these social networks, as well as YouTube, all in one place.
2024-02-16 13:32:01

We are happy to announce the release of #FileSender 2.45.
For this release, the #Python client supports #encryption allowing upload and download of encrypted files from the command line. Newer versio…
2024-02-26 22:39:57

Made a bunch of performance improvements to Kitten’s startup time. It now launches in under half a second on my machine vs a couple of seconds previously.
Feels even snappier now.
:kitten: 💕

Performance statistics of a basic Kitte command:

~/Projects/kitten/app ❯ hyperfine 'kitten version'

Benchmark 1: kitten version
  Time (mean ± σ):     463.2 ms ±   4.5 ms    [User: 426.0 ms, System: 123.7 ms]
  Range (min … max):   457.5 ms … 473.0 ms    10 runs
2024-03-12 10:25:36

Google, Apple, Mozilla, and Microsoft release Speedometer 3.0, a benchmark to "create a shared understanding of web performance", after Speedometer 2.0 in 2018 (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-02-21 15:16:30

Me acordé de ese servicio de arriendo continuo de películas en DVD que hubo aquí en Santiago. Se llamaba "boomerang" parece. Podías tener varios DVD al mismo tiempo, de acuerdo plan que pagabas, cuando devolvías uno te mandaban otro. Era súper bueno para la era pre-streaming.
Después fue comprado por VTR y murió con la masificación del streaming.
2024-04-30 13:36:23

Don't miss today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you should know, including
--FCC fines telco giants $200 million for sharing customers' location data without Consent
--UnitedHealth breach began with Citrix flaw exploit,
--Telegram yanks and then restores Ukraine security agency access,
--TikTok ban could extend CapCut video editor,
--Canadian lawmakers in an uproar over Chinese hacker targeting,
--Google blocked 2.28 million Android apps last year,
--Apple leaves EU Safari users exposed to web tracking,
--much more
2024-04-25 02:17:04

Oh man.
I grabbed a copy of phi3, and asked it my "how do you send web push messages in python".
It repeatedly suggested I use a non-existent class. When I pressed about this it noted that the class absolutely does exist in the package and offered a link to to prove it.
I couldn't stop laughing for a good 2 minutes.
(I also found it SUPER arrogant. It was absolutely convinced that there was no reason that python couldn't use node code and…
2024-02-08 12:28:45

"It’s almost impossible to believe now, but in #2005 not one of the top ten companies in the #Fortune500 was a technology company. The highest entry was Hewlett-Packard at number 11, but it had nothing to do with the web. #Microsoft, which was coasting along at this point with its dominant Interne…
2024-02-23 00:52:55

Bluesky federation has launched.
2024-02-23 18:00:24

Actual excerpt from a FAQ on a web page about a river in the US south.
Q: How many people have drowned in the river?
All three parts of this answer are sad (the first one is maddening as well) but I need more to fully understand the third part.
#history #interesting

Black text on white background, one word redacted. Last 2.5 lines underlined in red.

Over the last two centuries I believe that somewhere around a hundred people died from drowning in the [redacted] River. They died running away from slavery. They drowned bathing in the river. They died swimming to ferries tied to the wrong side of the bank.
2024-04-25 21:45:41

Kia Orana (live long & prosper in Cook Islands Māori)
Still on the mend from that #handfootmouthdisease (#coxsackievirus A16)…
But the web dont wait, so neither does #eleventeen
2024-04-23 09:58:40

Dans 2 semaines, le studio web Internet 2000 commence l'intégration de WordPress avec @… !
Les développeurs no-code peuvent concevoir des sites WP headless, tandis que les clients modifient facilement.
Curieux d'une alternative #foss Š
2024-04-22 16:06:23

Data to view after voting, see above post
I found lots of websites (¹ ² ³ ) claiming the correct answer is "specced" and only two (Merriam-Webster and that referred to the punctuated "spec'd", naming it as an alternative to "specced" with the same pronunciation. ( also named "specking" as a second alternative. I found nothing referring solely to "spec'd".)
However, Google Books Ngram Viewer has "spec'd" as the most common printed form until recently. Continuing the trend past 2019, "specced" should now have a narrow lead. In British English books (not shown), it overtook "spec'd" in 1997 and began a commanding lead in 2010.
Google web searches put "specced" at 3.01M results and "spec'd" at 8.69M, though almost all of the hits refer to "Spec-D" headlights. This is one major advantage of the Ngram Viewer, which doesn't trip over differing punctuation types (it shows "spec-d" at a trickle). It might be more fair to compare "specced out" (348k) with "spec'd out" (739k)
2024-02-24 19:32:13

February 22, 2024: "Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating and opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data."
2024-03-11 00:58:20

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Chinese philosopher Confucius had a lot to say about knowledge, benevolence, loyalty, and virtue. Previously we played little known sayings. But, as much as he said, he axed a few. Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game Featured image, large blue hashTag and "Confucius" by Rob Web is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit Text: 9 o'clock Hashtag How to play #HashTagGames Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat! Please Boost Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse. hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live #RejectedConfuciusDrafts Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT …
2024-03-19 13:45:22

Kawałek Sycylii 🇮🇹
2024-02-20 12:16:41

I just got back from 2 hours of cycling proficiency training - the first time I've ever had any kind of cycling lesson, unless you count my old friend Gwilym showing me the absolute basics when we were about 20.
Some reflections:
🕳️ I'm tired, but not crawling-in-a-hole tired. Hopefully this is a sign that my health is improving, but I'm not going to get cocky.
🚲 I definitely should have done this years ago. I didn't even know it was a thing until recently! I wouldn't have known to what look for ('adult cycling proficiency training').
🆓 These classes are fully funded, but the Cycling Scotland web site is baffling. You need to find and contact trainers directly - they have a page to search for classes, only there aren't any because they're usually arranged and delivered one to one.
🫧 Chris Gibson of Chris' Bike Repairs was my trainer. He was encouraging and informative. Can recommend.
💪🏻 I'll probably go back for a slightly more advanced session with more on navigating traffic, junctions and so on. He's offered to base this around my commute to work!
🚘 Sharing the road with cars is scary, but it's probably been worse because I've lacked confidence in how to deal with them.
2024-04-24 06:53:00

LLMs in Web-Development: Evaluating LLM-Generated PHP code unveiling vulnerabilities and limitations
Rebeka T\'oth, Tamas Bisztray, L\'aszl\'o Erdodi
2024-05-01 06:48:47

S\~onajaht: Definition Embeddings and Semantic Search for Reverse Dictionary Creation
Aleksei Dorkin, Kairit Sirts
arXiv:2404.19430v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: We present an information retrieval based reverse dictionary system using modern pre-trained language models and approximate nearest neighbors search algorithms. The proposed approach is applied to an existing Estonian language lexicon resource, S\~onaveeb (word web), with the purpose of enhancing and enriching it by introducing cross-lingual reverse dictionary functionality powered by semantic search.
The performance of the system is evaluated using both an existing labeled English dataset of words and definitions that is extended to contain also Estonian and Russian translations, and a novel unlabeled evaluation approach that extracts the evaluation data from the lexicon resource itself using synonymy relations.
Evaluation results indicate that the information retrieval based semantic search approach without any model training is feasible, producing median rank of 1 in the monolingual setting and median rank of 2 in the cross-lingual setting using the unlabeled evaluation approach, with models trained for cross-lingual retrieval and including Estonian in their training data showing superior performance in our particular task.
2024-04-08 06:39:43

Scoperta VulnerabilitŠ Critica nel Protocollo HTTP/2: Continuation Flood Minaccia i Server Web
Scoperta VulnerabilitŠ Critica nel Protocollo HTTP/2: Continuation Flood Minaccia i Serve…
2024-04-16 04:22:38

Erinnert ihr euch daran, wie die #CSU in Aschheim versucht mit einem Spielplatz einen Cannabis Social Club zu verhinder?
Die CDU #Dresden versucht jetzt mit einem ähnlichen Manöver der Bau einer Moschee zu verhindern.
2024-02-18 22:16:10

Just my luck.
I have an issue with a piece of web software.
About to open a full on forum thread with my issue, only to try one last thing and it worked.
Changed the version of PHP from 8.1 to 8.2 and now it works.
Anyway, I can now see how many hits certain pages have got :D
2024-02-26 13:15:12

Actively exploited open redirect in Google Web Light
2024-02-23 22:08:26

gonna tell my kids web 3 was just web 2 with rounder corners
2024-04-18 08:50:32

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-15 22:42:25
Content warning: Spiders (comic)

I'm trying, I'm trying...
#Comics #Spider

A spider family at the kitchen table (with web behing).
Kid in the middle, in front of plate, waiting to eat.
Mama with an orange apron and 2 crossed arms to papa "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you!"
Papa, irritated: "I'm trying Danielle! It's not easy!"

Spiders usually have eight eyes (some have six or fewer), but few have good eyesight.
2024-02-16 13:32:01

We are happy to announce the release of #FileSender 2.45.
For this release, the #Python client supports #encryption allowing upload and download of encrypted files from the command line. Newer versio…
2024-02-08 17:54:46

That really sucks if true.
Even though I don't use any progressive web app right now.
Update: Seems from the comments that this is only for Home Screen bookmarks and real web apps continue to work.
From: @…
2024-04-08 17:53:22

Today we've shipped some great new OmniFocus features for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, visionOS, and web:
We've improved performance across the board, and introduced new custom per…

Screenshot of one of the new perspective rules in OmniFocus 4.2, which enables filtering based on the value of a specific date field (in this case, Date Due) being within a date range (specified using natural language dates which are automatically reevaluated relative to the current day/time).
2024-04-23 13:15:38

Sonos updates its Android and iOS apps, rebuilding them to become more reliable, and plans to discontinue its Windows and macOS apps in favor of web apps (Chris Welch/The Verge)
2024-04-26 08:37:27

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-02-23 16:48:05

Kitten breaking change: Route handlers, etc., now take parameter objects
Just pushed the API updates I’d posted about earlier to main and to the latest Kitten release.
This change affects:
- Route handlers (all types of routes)
- `onConnect()` handlers
- The default export on main.script.js files
I’ve updated all the examples, documentation, etc., on Kitten to use the new API but if you see anything I’ve missed, please let me know.

Screenshot of the ubiquitous counter example (Kitten version) in Kitten’s readme on

1. Create a directory for the example and enter it:

mkdir counter
cd counter

2. Create a file called and add the following content to it:

if (kitten.db.counter === undefined) kitten.db.counter = { count: 0 }

export default () => kitten.html`
  <page css>
  <${Count} />
  <button name='update' connect data='{value: -1}' aria-label='decrement'>…
2024-03-08 10:39:35

"It was Kathy Sierra who triggered a major, deeper change in the way programming was taught. To be honest, the books by themselves would already have been a major triumph. Her work happened at a time when the dot-com boom opened the door for new ideas, right in the middle of the Web 2.0 craze, and right before the rise of the smartphone and social media."
2024-04-21 11:59:58

昨日は (今日もだけど) 体調が悪くて、午後帰宅してそのままベッドで横になった。そしたら朝からつけっ放しだった NHKラジオ第1 で阪神 - 中日戦を中継してて。試合は 7回表。戦況をなかなか言わないので Web で速報を見たら、10 - 2 で中日が負けてる!
そこから更に点を取られて、中日ファンのカフェのご主人の SNS を恐る恐る除いたら「なんだこりゃ?」と一行。...胸が痛い。最終的に 15 - 2 で阪神が圧勝。そして今日も 3 - 0 で阪神の勝ち。...で、夕方ちょっと体調が持ち直したので、中日ファンのご主人のカフェへお邪魔して話が盛り上がる。
2024-03-30 17:14:37

2/ Auch die #LTO berichtete: „Die Überwachung sei zum 26. April eingestellt worden, "nachdem auf der Grundlage der bis dahin ermittelten Erkenntnisse die weitere Überwachung nicht mehr verhältnismäßig gewesen wäre", teilte die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München am Dienstag mit.
Zuvor sei die Verhältnismäßigkeit auch mit Blick auf den Verfassungsrang der Pressefreiheit ständig geprüft worden. Dabei seien Generalstaatsanwaltschaft wie Amtsgericht München zu der Auffassung gelangt, dass diese Maßnahme vor dem Hintergrund des Tatvorwurfes der Bildung beziehungsweise Unterstützung einer kriminellen Vereinigung als Straftat von erheblicher Bedeutung verhältnismäßig sei.“
Das Lustige ist: Die #LetzteGeneration ist so was wie eine #OpenAccess-Protestorganisation. Die komplette Organisationsstruktur wurde auf deren Web-Server dokumentiert. Die Namen der Aktivist*innen im Kernteam standen in der Süddeutschen und es gibt immer mal wieder Updates.
Das alles wurde von einer FDP-Undercover-Agentin bestätigt.
Es kann natürlich trotzdem sein, dass die Struktur der LG eine ganz andere ist und sie heimlich ganz anders arbeiten. Dazu muss man dann das Pressetelefon abhören. Oder? Wenn es die rechtliche Lage denn hergäbe, dann würde ich mal bei den Aktivist*innen anfangen, die sich als Kernteam bezeichnen. Wenn man die eine Woche abhört, kriegt man dann recht schnell mit, ob die was zu melden haben oder nicht. Das Pressetelefon scheint mir eher unerheblich. Nun gut. Ich bin ja kein Nachrichtendienstler. Aber sie haben es nach ein paar Monaten ja auch rausbekommen, dass das Abhören des Pressetelefons nicht (mehr) gerechtfertigt ist.
2024-04-12 01:46:39

Even when you get a ecard from an actual #friend on your #birthday from a legit birthday card website, it STILL could be from a
2024-04-16 18:45:27

“A Comparison of Automated Testing Tools for Digital Accessibility”
• 2 of 6 are overlay vendors;
• test site had 104 WCAG violation…
2024-02-18 22:16:10

Just my luck.
I have an issue with a piece of web software.
About to open a full on forum thread with my issue, only to try one last thing and it worked.
Changed the version of PHP from 8.1 to 8.2 and now it works.
Anyway, I can now see how many hits certain pages have got :D
2024-02-12 15:51:20

Some sites should fire their web developer. Checking out new dresser for bedroom. One site had a sort by price. Before clicking there are dozens, after the click nothing is found. Major fail in my less than humble opinion. They also have filters for height, length & width. Like WTF for the last 2? Which one is depth?
2024-02-18 13:10:30

You’d think that in 2024 you’d have an easier way to enter a true minus sign glyph (−) instead of a dash (-) in Linux.
And this isn’t just one for typography geeks either, it’s an accessibility issue.
Imagine you have a minus button in a web form. A screenreader would read it as a dash button unless you used the proper character. (The workaround, of course, is to use aria-label.)

Screenshot of Vial (app for configuring supported keyboards) showing the set up of a macro that types a true minus glyph (not a dash) by simulating the press of left-control + shift + e (to launch ibus character entry mode) then taps 2, waits 1 ms, taps 2 again, then taps 1 and 2 (to write out the unicode code point of the minus glyph, with is U+2212) then taps space to confirm the selection and enter to exit ibus character entry mode.
2024-02-08 17:55:47

In iOS 17.4 Beta 2, Apple demotes PWAs in the EU from standalone apps that use the whole screen to shortcuts within the default browser, to comply with the DMA (Thomas Claburn/The Register)
2024-02-10 19:08:29

CSS is dandy. The DOM is great. Web development is fine. This is fine.
2024-02-16 08:51:02

Knapp 3,3 Milliarden Euro will #Microsoft in den kommenden zwei Jahren in #Deutschland investieren, um seine Rechenzentrumskapazitäten für Anwendungen im Bereich künstlicher Intelligenz #KI und beim
2024-03-15 22:42:25
Content warning: Spiders (comic)

I'm trying, I'm trying...
#Comics #Spider

A spider family at the kitchen table (with web behing).
Kid in the middle, in front of plate, waiting to eat.
Mama with an orange apron and 2 crossed arms to papa "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you!"
Papa, irritated: "I'm trying Danielle! It's not easy!"

Spiders usually have eight eyes (some have six or fewer), but few have good eyesight.
2024-02-07 22:47:29

Next best thing to an actual king:
Was the #GOP Plan All Along to "Break" America to Make Room for an Authoritarian Strongman?
2024-03-30 21:58:50

My current take on the #xz situation, not having read the actual source backdoor commits yet (thanks a lot #Github for hiding the evidence at this point...) besides reading what others have written about it (cf. #rustlang for such central library dependencies would maybe (really big maybe) have made it a bit harder to push a backdoor like this because - if and only if the safety features are used idiomatically in an open source project - reasonably looking code is (a bit?) more limited in the sneaky behavior it could include. We should still very much use those languages over C/C for infrastructure code because the much larger class of unintentional bugs is significantly mitigated, but I believe (without data to back it up) that even such "bugdoor" type changes will be harder to execute. However, given the sophistication in this case, it may not have helped at all. The attacker(s) have shown to be clever enough.
6. Sandboxing library code may have helped - as the attacker(s) explicitly disabled e.g. landlock, that might already have had some impact. We should create better tooling to make it much easier to link to infrastructure libraries in a sandboxed way (although that will have performance implications in many cases).
7. Automatic reproducible builds verification would have mitigated this particular vector of backdoor distribution, and the Debian team seems to be using the reproducibility advances of the last decade to verify/rebuild the build servers. We should build library and infrastructure code in a fully reproducible manner *and* automatically verify it, e.g. with added transparency logs for both source and binary artefacts. In general, it does however not prevent this kind of supply chain attack that directly targets source code at the "leaf" projects in Git commits.
8. Verifying the real-life identity of contributors to open source projects is hard and a difficult trade-off. Something similar to the #Debian #OpenPGP #web-of-trust would potentially have mitigated this style of attack somewhat, but with a different trade-off. We might have to think much harder about trust in individual accounts, and for some projects requiring a link to a real-world country-issued ID document may be the right balance (for others it wouldn't work). That is neither an easy nor a quick path, though. Also note that sophisticated nation state attackers will probably not have a problem procuring "good" fake IDs. It might still raise the bar, though.
9. What happened here seems clearly criminal - at least under my IANAL naive understanding of EU criminal law. There was clear intent to cause harm, and that makes the specific method less important. The legal system should also be able to help in mitigating supply chain attacks; not in preventing them, but in making them more costly if attackers can be tracked down (this is difficult in itself, see point 8) and face risk of punishment after the fact.
H/T @… @… @… @… @…
2024-04-24 08:30:10

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-02-27 08:27:30

This has been replaced.
2024-03-08 21:12:06

Over the next 15 years we will spend $3 Trillion on highway expansions and maintenance in the United States
With 2.5% of that funding Amtrak will deliver their vision of adding 39 new routes and enhancing 25 routes!
Imagine what Amtrak could do with 5% of the highway budget?
2024-04-21 11:59:58

昨日は (今日もだけど) 体調が悪くて、午後帰宅してそのままベッドで横になった。そしたら朝からつけっ放しだった NHKラジオ第1 で阪神 - 中日戦を中継してて。試合は 7回表。戦況をなかなか言わないので Web で速報を見たら、10 - 2 で中日が負けてる!
そこから更に点を取られて、中日ファンのカフェのご主人の SNS を恐る恐る除いたら「なんだこりゃ?」と一行。...胸が痛い。最終的に 15 - 2 で阪神が圧勝。そして今日も 3 - 0 で阪神の勝ち。...で、夕方ちょっと体調が持ち直したので、中日ファンのご主人のカフェへお邪魔して話が盛り上がる。
2024-03-19 08:53:45

This has been replaced.
2024-04-09 12:01:46

If you are a @… user and work with #WCAG - this extension hit the Raycast store Today:…

Screenshot of a Raycast extension. A list of WCAG criteria is displayed. On the top sits an empty search field. On the right of each item is a badge with the conformance level (A, AA, AAA). The default action is "Open Guideline in Browser" and can be triggered with the Enter key.
2024-03-30 17:14:37

2/ Auch die #LTO berichtete: „Die Überwachung sei zum 26. April eingestellt worden, "nachdem auf der Grundlage der bis dahin ermittelten Erkenntnisse die weitere Überwachung nicht mehr verhältnismäßig gewesen wäre", teilte die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München am Dienstag mit.
Zuvor sei die Verhältnismäßigkeit auch mit Blick auf den Verfassungsrang der Pressefreiheit ständig geprüft worden. Dabei seien Generalstaatsanwaltschaft wie Amtsgericht München zu der Auffassung gelangt, dass diese Maßnahme vor dem Hintergrund des Tatvorwurfes der Bildung beziehungsweise Unterstützung einer kriminellen Vereinigung als Straftat von erheblicher Bedeutung verhältnismäßig sei.“
Das Lustige ist: Die #LetzteGeneration ist so was wie eine #OpenAccess-Protestorganisation. Die komplette Organisationsstruktur wurde auf deren Web-Server dokumentiert. Die Namen der Aktivist*innen im Kernteam standen in der Süddeutschen und es gibt immer mal wieder Updates.
Das alles wurde von einer FDP-Undercover-Agentin bestätigt.
Es kann natürlich trotzdem sein, dass die Struktur der LG eine ganz andere ist und sie heimlich ganz anders arbeiten. Dazu muss man dann das Pressetelefon abhören. Oder? Wenn es die rechtliche Lage denn hergäbe, dann würde ich mal bei den Aktivist*innen anfangen, die sich als Kernteam bezeichnen. Wenn man die eine Woche abhört, kriegt man dann recht schnell mit, ob die was zu melden haben oder nicht. Das Pressetelefon scheint mir eher unerheblich. Nun gut. Ich bin ja kein Nachrichtendienstler. Aber sie haben es nach ein paar Monaten ja auch rausbekommen, dass das Abhören des Pressetelefons nicht (mehr) gerechtfertigt ist.
2024-04-12 01:46:39

Even when you get a ecard from an actual #friend on your #birthday from a legit birthday card website, it STILL could be from a
2024-02-16 08:51:02

Knapp 3,3 Milliarden Euro will #Microsoft in den kommenden zwei Jahren in #Deutschland investieren, um seine Rechenzentrumskapazitäten für Anwendungen im Bereich künstlicher Intelligenz #KI und beim
2024-02-07 22:47:29

Next best thing to an actual king:
Was the #GOP Plan All Along to "Break" America to Make Room for an Authoritarian Strongman?
2024-02-10 22:08:37

300,000 inserts per second into a persisted database running entirely in browser on a phone
sqlite is cool. the web is cool.

Screenshot of the count of records in the database going up. 1 million, 2 million…
2024-03-30 21:58:50

My current take on the #xz situation, not having read the actual source backdoor commits yet (thanks a lot #Github for hiding the evidence at this point...) besides reading what others have written about it (cf. #rustlang for such central library dependencies would maybe (really big maybe) have made it a bit harder to push a backdoor like this because - if and only if the safety features are used idiomatically in an open source project - reasonably looking code is (a bit?) more limited in the sneaky behavior it could include. We should still very much use those languages over C/C for infrastructure code because the much larger class of unintentional bugs is significantly mitigated, but I believe (without data to back it up) that even such "bugdoor" type changes will be harder to execute. However, given the sophistication in this case, it may not have helped at all. The attacker(s) have shown to be clever enough.
6. Sandboxing library code may have helped - as the attacker(s) explicitly disabled e.g. landlock, that might already have had some impact. We should create better tooling to make it much easier to link to infrastructure libraries in a sandboxed way (although that will have performance implications in many cases).
7. Automatic reproducible builds verification would have mitigated this particular vector of backdoor distribution, and the Debian team seems to be using the reproducibility advances of the last decade to verify/rebuild the build servers. We should build library and infrastructure code in a fully reproducible manner *and* automatically verify it, e.g. with added transparency logs for both source and binary artefacts. In general, it does however not prevent this kind of supply chain attack that directly targets source code at the "leaf" projects in Git commits.
8. Verifying the real-life identity of contributors to open source projects is hard and a difficult trade-off. Something similar to the #Debian #OpenPGP #web-of-trust would potentially have mitigated this style of attack somewhat, but with a different trade-off. We might have to think much harder about trust in individual accounts, and for some projects requiring a link to a real-world country-issued ID document may be the right balance (for others it wouldn't work). That is neither an easy nor a quick path, though. Also note that sophisticated nation state attackers will probably not have a problem procuring "good" fake IDs. It might still raise the bar, though.
9. What happened here seems clearly criminal - at least under my IANAL naive understanding of EU criminal law. There was clear intent to cause harm, and that makes the specific method less important. The legal system should also be able to help in mitigating supply chain attacks; not in preventing them, but in making them more costly if attackers can be tracked down (this is difficult in itself, see point 8) and face risk of punishment after the fact.
H/T @… @… @… @… @…