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2024-06-17 03:19:41

Yes, it's the mandatory part that makes the difference. It's not enough to have formatters - Gofmt was not even early in that race - but enforcing its use is critical. And so is not providing options to control the format.
2024-04-16 19:01:15

This HOWTO pay maintainers is a great, practical example for how to get some maintainers paid (at least a bit). I especially like the whole debate on _who_ to give money to and that it's not _donations_ but _steady payments_. Good stuff in there, thanks @… for writing it.
2024-05-17 05:17:09

From the vault, today's question:
Will people on the Internet argue about anything?
by Sarah's Scribbles

1 - Sarah's asking the question
2 - group of people with forks appear immediately saying "Yes!"
3 - second group of people with forks, saying "No!"
4 - 2 groups rushing towards each other "yes! no! yes! no!..."
5 - focus on Sarah, with a smile, people fighting in the background
2024-04-17 19:33:56

Well, it turns out that the #godot 360 panorama #vr renderer I wrote still wasn't right.
It does a final image-warp to map from the perspective projection it renders into an equirectangular projection for playback, and the function was doing the opposite of the intended job.
I only thought it was working because it also had an eye-switching bug which fixed the eyes-rendering-wrong bug in the earlier code so really seemed to make things look better.
Only really became apparent as I got to rendering things other than test graphics.
That's fixed now, by reversing the mapping function.
Is it right now? Yes? Maybe. I dunno. I don't really understand the maths let alone why I had to reverse it.
Like the Doctor says, you can just #reverseThePolarityOfTheNeutronFlow, give it a try.
2024-05-17 21:47:13

The Rockies — yes, the Rockies — are winning; it's raining hot dogs, foul balls in Seattle
#MLB #Baseball #TheAthletic
2024-04-17 17:46:59

Today I learned you can use #kotlin with #godotengine
Yes, please. Sign me up.…
2024-05-18 08:48:50

I was understanding #WASM all wrong! 🤯
2024-03-18 00:05:33

Elon Musk aby zrobić pstryczek dla OpenAI (tych od chata gpt) i udowodnić że nie są „open”… właśnie wrzucił ogromny model w formie open-source. I to używając jakości etyczności od Nextcloud to praktycznie zielony (najbardziej otwarty).
Na takim prześc…
2024-06-17 05:37:50

A thousand times yes.