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2024-06-16 11:50:49

Happy Father's Day Pops!
Today is the 3rd Father's Day without you and I can't even begin to explain how much I miss you and how much I love you!
To everyone out there, make sure you hug your dads and tell them you love them. You never know when you won't be able to do that and it sucks when you can't!
I love you Pops!

A photo that was taken of myself and my dad(Pops) on May 26th, 2021, the day he left to move in with my cousin and what would be the last photo he and I ever took.
2024-06-16 17:29:39

My stance on Father’s Day to my kids has always been: if you feel like you want to express some appreciation for me on Father’s Day, I’d be glad to receive it. If you don’t feel like it, because appreciation is earned not owed, feel no pressure to do so. It’s entirely up to you. And in any case, I like appreciation just as much any other day of the year.
Well, just got some nice chocolates and some olives (with pit! Because dad says they otherwise have lost their taste)

"Yes, I'm worried":
Rachel Maddow thinks Trump's "massive camps" may not just be for migrants
"Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?"
Maddow asked in an interview
2024-06-16 16:26:26

Cactus sunset
DXG-018, 3D (I've switched pics for cross-eyed viewing instead of included viewer so you can view online), 2x 0.3MP, 2mm focal length at f/2.8

Cross-eye 3D photo of a a desert scene, with large cactuses and the Band of Venus in the sky just after sunset
2024-06-16 10:03:27

Excursión de hoy: comenzar el GR-130, la Circular de La Palma, y subir al municipio del norte, Puntallana!
Pero las nubes y el viento que estoy oyendo me producen cierta inquietud 😂 Aunque se supone que la lluvia ha pasado ya...
Bueno, de los cobardes no se ha escrito nada!
2024-06-16 14:56:49

The experience around Edge updates is simply infuriating. It keeps reenabling all the settings I have disabled, things like feeds and where m.
Then it keeps asking me "what do you want to do with F12?" The same thing I said the last 50 million times!!!!!
Then it wants to dock my dev tools on the right side!!! 😤😠
2024-06-16 18:01:55

Just saying again: if I ⭐ your mh- post ... I just don't really have good words to comfort you, I'm sorry.
Just know that I'm thinking of you and treat it as 🫂
2024-06-16 11:49:48

What came to my mind yesterday: On those 9h hike, I talked to almost no one.
I didn't listen to music or anything else beyond just ... nature. The wind, myself breathing, my steps, the water, ...
And it never felt boring.
You might call it a full day meditation.
#hiking #meditation

"Yes, I'm worried":
Rachel Maddow thinks Trump's "massive camps" may not just be for migrants
"Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?"
Maddow asked in an interview