**Количество афёр с дипфейками стремительно растёт, благодаря росту ИИ технологий.**
Количество афёр с дипфейками стремительно растёт, благодаря росту ИИ технологий.
Утверждение о том, что колич…
Lovely account of a fun foray with ancient web tech that's pretty much begging to be reverse engineered, and made into something beautiful at #JumboHack
Winning a hackathon, losing my sanity — Jerome Paulos
Drawing attention to this thread of comments of mine from a few days ago, as it goes deeper into apparent efforts from European nations to Trump-proof Ukraine, which is actually VERY important for European security.
It's nice seeing news articles pointing out Ukrainian funding & Russian appeasement isn't something Trump gets to dictate, but rather, a situation where Europe is trying to diplomatically push back against Trump to defend their legitimate security interests.