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2024-11-29 15:14:16

Just discovered a cool #magit feature: When you write a new commit and mention an issue using the usual hash-notation, it immediately becomes a hyperlink to that issue on GitHub.
Wow! #Emacs
2024-11-29 15:08:10
Content warning

Can I ask you something? At home, when you go from your kitchen to your bathroom, where do you park?
That's crazy. I don't drive in the house. It's all --
Shut up. You don't understand stuff.
2024-12-30 14:22:39

I recently upgraded my CPU and ordered a new CPU cooler without need, since I thought I had just the stock AMD Wraith cooler, which could have some trouble handling a 5700X3D under load.
I think I'll be going forward with that new cooler after all, just because of how neatly arranged its included mounting accessories are.
From Freeze 34 to Thermaltake's Peerless Assassin 120 SE.
2024-11-29 09:02:24

Over the last 7 days I've made some changes to libkdumpfile which make it work much better with QEMU ELF dumps. Cc @……
2025-01-28 15:28:16

"Y a-t-il une discrimination de la Suisse romande par les #CFF?
#Rail2000 a été voté en 1987. A ce moment-lŠ, les romands utilisaient nettement moins le train que les alémaniques. Des priorités ont été fixées. Le réseau a été développé en Suisse allemande. Par ex., dans le projet Rail 2000, il…
2025-01-28 04:24:15

Buying things that make me sad
2024-11-30 06:55:15

[ June 30, 2025] CFP for publication or other deadline: null
2024-12-28 11:37:15

Chinese OW models laundering US LMs, themselves laundering GPL code. There is some irony to it.
2025-01-25 15:25:46

Heute #ADiscoveryOfWitches zu Ende geschaut, die hat mich so gut unterhalten wie schon lang keine Serie mehr. :blobcatcomfy:
Ich denke, dass ich die zugrundeliegende Buchreihe #AllSouls auch noch lesen werde.
In der Zwischzeit versüße ich mir die Zeit damit, endlich
2024-11-25 19:18:15

Has been far to long that I posted anything.
2024-11-20 03:44:12

In 2017, Netflix got rid of its "5 star" rating system in favor of a simple thumbs up and thumbs down approach.
This decision fundamentally transformed their business. 🧵

screenshot of old netflix star ratings
2024-11-19 15:05:36

“Dangerous Coats” by Sharon Owens
Someone clever once said
Women were not allowed pockets
In case they carried leaflets
To spread sedition
Which means unrest
To you & me
A grandiose word
For commonsense
So ladies, start sewing
Dangerous coats
Made of pockets & sedition
2024-11-15 07:27:37

Our mastodon server #datascience
2024-11-20 15:19:23

Bag making in progress. Joining ends to bodies for some tube/duffel shaped purses. Drinking tea, settling into the studio, and getting on with it #handmade #sewing #bagsewing

Parts for a vinyl bag being assembled, blue, red, green pieces, and a finished black and white tube duffel shaped purse
Orange, blue, and red vinyl bag pieces being assembled into a star tube duffel shaped purses. Plier stapler and blue handles pliers.
Assembling parts for a star tube/duffle shaped vinyl bag, with plier stapler and pliers. Orange, red, and blue vinyl pieces.
2024-12-25 15:24:24

positional voip.... why isn't it still a thing? i remember when xfire also let you stream your comrades' video streams in a picture in picture
2024-12-20 23:42:36

@… There is a read API, but it returns “”.
2024-12-22 15:45:44

My voluminous and authoritative childhood drawings beg to differ
“The Theory That Volcanoes Killed the Dinosaurs Is Officially Extinct”
2024-11-21 21:27:15

(2021) Eläintalous on ilmastokriisin tikittävä aikapommi, mutta siihen on yksinkertainen ratkaisu: kasvisruoka ja keinoliha – Ruoan vallankumous näyttää jo alkaneen #eläinoikeudet #eläintuotanto
2024-11-20 12:54:00

Got a watt meter and measured my amd a4 that I use as a server and 35w when I am doing almost nothing.
Looking at options and the dell wyse 5070 has more performance with less power usage. The amd a4 trully sucks
2024-11-24 11:34:15

Sonnet 008 - VIII
Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly?
Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy:
Why lov'st thou that which thou receiv'st not gladly,
Or else receiv'st with pleasure thine annoy?
If the true concord of well-tuned sounds,
By unions married, do offend thine ear,
They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds
In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear.
Mark how one string, sweet husband to …
2024-11-15 06:22:37

Couch jammin with the LXR-02 and a brown drink
2025-01-24 15:33:10

Schönen Nachmittag mit einer Freundin gehabt, so cool. :blobcatcomfy:
2025-01-15 06:24:23

"White guy window dressing" is a little better. I just wish it was one word.
I bet, if they weren't white, the Germans would have a word for this.
2024-12-15 12:00:00


A dumpster sits by an electric pole at the crossing of two alleys in a city. The sun shines on the front side of the dumpster which has been completely painted by a street artist. On a blue background are four colorful, stylized, childlike drawings of animals: an orange elephant, a pink hippo, a pink duck, and a yellow bear. The words written in the space between the animals are: "This is trash. You are not." The dumpster is overflowing with trash bags. They can be seen piled higher than the to…
2025-01-14 15:50:38
Content warning: Youtube and Bluesky links inside

ESA has released this Timelapse of BepiColombo's sixth Mercury flyby
2024-12-12 08:15:07

JS Benchmark
Test the speed of your JavaScript scripts online.
⏱️ #javascript #webdev
2024-11-01 09:34:15

@… it's so good to see you here 😊 sorry I am not managing to follow or support you much these days 😔 I do want to send you my hugs and gratitude 🤗 even though I already follow XOXO and have them all on queue ⏳ the Cabel Sasser talk you put at the top of your email today truly has life-changing potential ☀️ At the very least it is a bright ray of sunshin…
2025-01-15 17:29:02

#IMPRS alumna Meike Fischer's paper featuring prominently in #UniGöttingen and #MPSgoettingen's press release about
The Moon: a chunk ejected from Earth?
2025-01-27 08:59:38

Les nouveaux chiffres sur la pendularité 2023 ont été publié par l'OFS:
👉 35% des pendulaires prennent mois de 15 minutes pour se rendre au travail. 9% prennent plus d'1 heure
👉 La moitié des pendulaires utilisent la voiture pour se rendre au travail
La part modale de la voiture pour les trajets pendulaires est donc identique en 2023 qu'en 1990...

Pendulaires selon le principal moyen de transport
Période d'observation
1990, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
2024-12-15 20:59:45

Gestern wurden zwei SPD-Wahlkämpfer von verirrten Nazis zusammengeprügelt. Die Schlägertypen wollten wohl zur Demo?
Hatten die Lichtenberg mit Lichterfelde verwechselt? Dummheit macht leider nicht weniger gefährlich.
2024-12-20 23:42:09

@… Can I interest you in /dev/null As A Service?
For the low price of $5.99/month, you can send me a link to anything, and I will lose it for you!
This is a write-only service.
2024-12-06 15:54:37

Also um mein E-Rezept selbst auslesen zu können, brauche ich eine PIN, die ich von meiner Krankenkasse anfordern kann, indem ich die Online-Funktion meines Perso beim Bürgerservice innerhalb der Öffnungszeit aktivieren lasse ...
Aber jede Apotheken-App schickt mir einfach eine SMS?
2024-12-27 07:15:01

On attente du croisement Š Creux de Genthod.
2024-12-09 01:15:45

Can we create an English dialect that spells “colour”, “flavour”, etc, but that spells “recognizable” and not “recognisable”, “specialization” and not “specialisation”, etc?
The colour and such words with a “u” are way prettier, but the ones with an s instead of a z are just weird. Z is way better
2024-11-15 21:42:56

Is "decentralizedwashing" a term yet? See recent #bluesky discussions like:
2024-11-11 07:09:15

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 08 - Games
TARRANT: Well not exactly. These things chuck the lot at you. Flying the real thing's nothing after one of these.
GAMBIT: Countdown eight minutes, still running.
2024-11-21 14:57:06

Don’t be a sucker!
I love the National Archives
2024-12-20 23:02:04

@… @… *smashes the Subscribe button*
2024-11-16 21:13:33

The Blue Genie Art Bazaar opened yesterday November 15 and runs through December 24 at 6100 Airport Blvd 10am-10pm every day (10-6 December 24) #nakatsubyjna #handmade #vinylbags nakatsubyj…

Vending booth display of brightly colored vinyl purses and bags by Nakatsu by JNA Designs
Vending booth display of brightly colored vinyl purses and bags by Nakatsu by JNA Designs
Vending booth display of brightly colored vinyl purses and bags and belts by Nakatsu by JNA Designs
Vending booth display of brightly colored vinyl purses and bags by Nakatsu by JNA Designs
2025-01-06 17:45:15

I think that I might have a neat idea for something at a #Ruby / #Rails #conference that people might talk about.
To do that I'd need someone to
2025-01-15 06:22:14

Oooooo yeah okay.
I am definitely not comfortable with this one.
2024-11-07 15:05:23

We did it!
My, and your, first bridge between Mastodon and Bluesky, via
May our two federations prosper.
2024-12-15 02:43:00

@… updated his browser extension "Social Visual Alt Text" to add Bluesky support.
I install this addon whenever I can to quickly see what alt text people have written on Mastodon.
Go get it for Firefox or Chrome:
2025-01-14 15:42:27
Content warning: Youtube and Bluesky links inside

#OTD 14 January 2005, ESA’s #Huygens probe made history as it touched down on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon
2024-12-15 15:54:20

"Tout ce qu'on prête Š l'automobile est souvent déjŠ présent dans le monde de l'hippomobile. On dit souvent qu'on a adapté la ville Š l'automobile, mais pas tant que ça."
Jean-Marc Offner, directeur scientifique de 6t, dans le 1e épisode de leur podcast sur les 4 âges de la mobilité
2024-11-12 22:22:54

Classic (2003) #Hackathon
- Fix the stack overflows 🍳
- Add more www to your OS 🔨
- Patch in some groundwork 🚧
- Watch Matrix: Reloaded 😎
- Have BBQ 🔥 Call it a day 🌙
#OpenBSD :openbsd:
2024-11-15 08:53:49

Yes please! Supporting nonlinear careers to diversify science

Academic trajectory comparisons to a model linear career
2024-12-20 23:01:21

@… I was allowed a beer afterwards. This one, specifically:
2024-12-06 16:15:33

Spam zu bekommen, ist eine Sache.
Spam für eine neue Online-Plattform für antiquarische Bücher zu bekommen, eine ganze andere.
2025-01-15 06:20:40

I wish I could remember one of the terms for a white guy they hire in Asia (it actually happens enough to merit a term) to pretend to be the boss just because he looks the part.
I'm going to have to look one up so I can throw it out there every time someone uses the term "diversity hire".
2024-12-15 15:43:28

Jean-Marc Offner, du bureau 6t, dans le 1e épisode de leur podcast sur les 4 âges de la mobilité:
"Le 1e âge, c'est les flux. Avec une métaphore: le corps humain fonctionne parce qu'il y a une circulation du sang. Une vision du monde va se structurer autour de cette idée"
2024-12-14 15:14:21

Keine Ahnung, wie es die #OmasGegenRechts geschafft haben, dass die Kreuzung plötzlich begehbar war. Überall war abgesperrt, plötzlich war die Straße frei. Unterschätze niemals eine Oma. #b1412
2024-11-19 02:15:59

Sonnet 142 - CXLII
Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate,
Hate of my sin, grounded on sinful loving:
O! but with mine compare thou thine own state,
And thou shalt find it merits not reproving;
Or, if it do, not from those lips of thine,
That have profaned their scarlet ornaments
And sealed false bonds of love as oft as mine,
Robbed others' beds' revenues of their rents.
Be it lawful I love thee, as thou lov'st those
2025-01-14 15:19:08

Well doesn't this look interesting: #MPSGöttingen's renowned dynamo experts Manfred Schüssler and Robert Cameron together with Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov have edited the new Space Sciences series of ISSI #book
"Solar and Stellar Dy…

A bookcover: 
Space Sciences series of ISSI
Solar and Stellar Dynamos - A new era
Manfred Schüssler, Robert Cameron, Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov

On a light blue background, the above is set in white text, with the title and the editor list separated by an illustration of two stellar spheres with complex magnetic field lines drawn around them set against a black image background
2024-12-20 23:00:25

@… Aha, I get you now! This is the best thing about proofs (I feel the same way about dependently-typed programming). The more information you can convey in a signature or type, the less you need to look inside.
I'm surprised you say that Go is close to it, though; is this because of culture? I'm sure that Rob Pike shouting “don't do anything cle…
2024-11-19 19:32:57

If you have time to call your rep today to oppose HR
9495, please do. It could give the next admin power to revoke non-profits’ tax exempt status just because they don’t like it. Below is a script to read and the link to find your rep (and their contact info).
2024-12-09 01:21:15

Gn! :blobfoxsleep:
2024-11-12 13:24:23

One week to go with last places up for grabs! Join us at DINAcon 2024 next week in Bern to hear about:
💠 AI in Parliament: A Roadmap for the Parliamentary Library { Jacqueline Kucera }
🌸 How can large language models be used for sustainable procurement? { Marcel Gygli, Luca Rolshoven }
🌿 Source code sovereignty: local alternatives for an independent digital future { Tobias Brunner }
🧑‍⚖️ My workshop on open source contracts with Simon Schlauri

DINAcon logo and conference banner - future models for a digital, sovereign and sustainable Switzerland
2024-12-20 22:59:38

@… Best kind.
2025-01-15 06:09:10

Here's why having accounts on different apps is a good thing:
Instead of responding directly to the person who annoyed me, or even sub posting on the same platform, Ima make snarky comments over here where, likely, they will never see it.
I'm going to start calling straight white guys in positions that *I* don't think they're qualified for "legacy hires".
2024-12-15 12:22:08

I’ve added caching and revamped the results interface of
2024-11-19 14:41:30

After wearing my cargo pants yesterday and being spoiled by decent sized pockets (I could fit my phone in the front pocket, keys, and lipstick without it falling out when I sit) I’m pissed again about the pockets in my current pants, back pocket I can only put my hand up to my second knuckle in the back (might fit a lipstick but it would fall out) and the front ones, stuff keeps falling out when I sit. I’m going to lengthen the pockets based on the cargo pants pockets, I don’t care if it ‘ruins the line of the pants, and adds bulkiness’ because as I always say, women’s pockets, when pants have them, are bullshit. And I don’t care if they make me look fat because I value function and comfort more. My son can fit a whole keyboard in his. I’ve been gradually lengthening my pockets as I get to them, or wearing a Fanny pack, but had to go to a funeral Sunday and got pissed again about my pockets. I want to empower other women with decent pockets, so we can take over. That poem about seditious pockets comes to mind. Or at least carry phones and keys. Will post photos. #sewing #pockets #womenspants
2024-12-20 22:58:16

The best thing about blogging is that I take things out of my head, which is full, and put them somewhere else.
The second best thing about blogging is that I meet more interesting people when I do it.
2024-12-03 15:20:10

Philosophie, heute so:

Two people ineptly brawling.
2024-12-21 15:26:45

Crises affect activity demand differently, depending on the activity type and person.
In our new paper:
👉We divide the population into lifestyle typologies using Latent Cluster Analysis
👉A typology of activities covers possible interactions between crises and activities
👉Typologies of lifestyles and activity types provide a framework for forecasting
👉3 case studies are provided:
🦠COVID-19 pandemic
Preprint (without peer revie…
2024-11-11 20:10:22

Lovely account of a fun foray with ancient web tech that's pretty much begging to be reverse engineered, and made into something beautiful at #JumboHack
Winning a hackathon, losing my sanity — Jerome Paulos
2024-12-20 22:55:40

Got bullied* into doing some yoga and chilling out instead.
All good though. Now I am beered up and ready to write!
* after complaining about my shoulders for 20 straight minutes
2024-12-20 22:54:17

@… I definitely would enjoy learning more about this stuff. Do you have any good places to start?
2024-11-18 13:28:14

My dear dear friend had been misdiagnosed with lingering pneumonia in the spring, and had spells of being very sick, nothing was helping. She finally got a breast cancer diagnosis a couple of weeks ago, and it had already spread everywhere, two weeks later she passed. I’m still in shock. Please stay up to date with your self exams and mammograms, and if you have an ailment that’s not clearing up, keep seeing doctors until they figure out what it is, get second opinions! Don’t wait. Love you Mary.
2024-12-20 22:53:21

@… It's a whole new team now, isn't it? Makes me sad that it didn't work out. I agree that their editor was a pain but I think it was a pain in the right direction.
2024-12-02 15:48:38

Robby Duguay's Silent City, a remake of the Christmas carol Silent Night in the style of the SNES game SimCity.
Duguay's 3-volume collection, 12GB of Christmas, includes many excellent 8-bit and 16-bit pastiches like this.
2024-12-20 22:52:44

@… @… There is so much right about this that I don't know where to start.
The only worry I have is that it sounds hard for someone else to create a competing implementation, and I think that we need more of that from our…
2025-01-11 05:15:07

Battery dying. Must upload!
Chilling with a couple hundred other colonizer haters.
My stalkers seem particularly offended by this song. This is for you!
#FuckTheColonizers #FuckShitlibs #DeathToCanada
2024-12-20 20:41:09

@… Very cool!
I agree. This isn’t the 1980s any more, and we’re past the point that one person can build an operating system. And this is a large chunk of an operating system.
This is why I’m not even trying. But if people were willing to try with me, and I trusted them, I might change my mind.
(Unrelated: I am working on another pair of “…
2024-11-08 12:50:35

An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation

A skyscraper of the Hochschule Luzern with partially blue and cloudy sky in the background, and train tracks underneath. It is labelled Purpose (sky), Cloud (clouds), Code (top floors), Documentation (ground floors), Infrastructure (train tracks)
2024-11-01 07:56:15

Classifying Bicycle Infrastructure Using On-Bike Street-Level Images
2024-12-20 20:36:31

@… @… I love this SO MUCH
2025-01-15 17:29:25

Ce sentiment étrange que les deux reviews d’un abstract pour une conférence ont été rédigées par ChatGPT.
On a donc été refusés par ChatGPT 😅
2024-12-20 20:35:28

@… Amazing, thanks for sharing! It doesn’t surprise me that per-language approaches have been taken, and I would expect that if someone did this, it would be people who’ve already done it once, but niche.
I was definitely inspired a bit by Darklang.
2024-11-06 08:16:20

To all my soulmates from the East coast to the West, DM if you ever need a distant couch to crash on in the next 4 trial/tearful years

a group of people are gathered in a living room with the words mi casa es tu casa above them
2024-12-15 16:50:51

Swiss Synthetic population for 2022
👉 Joint project between the Federal Office for Spatial Development & SBB
👉 Integrates georeferenced data & socio-economic attributes
👉 Meets the needs of SBB's transport model, SIMBA MOBi, & the land use model used by the Swiss government
👉 With methodological improvements & the inclusion of new data compared to the previous version (reference year: 2017)
Project completed, report online (in German only, with a…
2024-11-05 10:46:38

"Hey, gran'kids, did you know there was a time when the AI was just *a part of* the game engine - not the *other* way around? ..." 👴 #DecartEtched #Minecraft #gameinAI

Screenshot of a video game hallucinated inside of an AI engine. A title above reads "Everything you see is AI generated in real-time by Decart and Etched". You can see a red flower in the middle of a green grassy field with mountains in the back, and a Minecraft-style inventory and health indicators at the bottom, as well as a summary of controls.
2024-11-03 17:32:54

"Code is, ultimately, characters on a screen, and software engineers do nothing but hammer that code into shapes that spark Joy and Money. The fear and dread comes from a culture where people feel bad that they can't work quickly enough in the terrible codebase, where they feel judged for slowing down to hammer the code into better shapes that sadly aren't on the Jira board, and where management looks down on people who practice craftsmanship."
-- Ludicity