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2024-06-07 13:04:00

Liveticker: Alle Neuigkeiten von Apples WWDC-Keynote 2024
Am Montag ab 19 Uhr findet Apples Präsentation zu Neuerungen in iOS 18, macOS 15 und Co. statt. Kommt die große KI-Strategie? Wir berichten im Minutenprotokoll.
2024-06-07 13:26:19

Before you head out for the weekend, check out today's Metacurity for the most critical infosec developments you should know, including
--Fears over Recall feature deepen after researcher knocks down Microsoft's last remaining defense
--500 Snowflake credentials found linked to info-stealing malware,
--FCC launches BGP NPRM,
--Ukrainian man busted thanks to Operation Endgame,
--New campaign seeks to steal Ukrainian military info,
--Panasonic Australia hit by Akira ransomware attack,
--Daixin Team claims ransomware attack on city of Dubai,
--Third-party breach exposes 1.9m CoinGecko users,
--much more
2024-06-07 16:52:19

Israeli press hoping that the far right wins in the European Union elections because... they are their friends.

Europe breaks to the right: the dramatic elections that change the Union

The elections for the European Parliament, held this weekend, are expected to be "historic", and for the first time the ruling coalition may be both right-wing and anti-Islamist. This is a political earthquake that is expected to affect us here in the Middle East as well: "These members of parliament are very sympathetic to Israel and may vote in its favor." A look at the "world's strangest" elections and the main figures…
2024-06-07 03:19:19

Wow, I just send myself email from my laptop to the server using telnet. #email
2024-06-06 19:31:05

Ever wondered about starting a tech magazine? 📘 Chet Haase & Marc Reichelt share their journey creating 'fun code()', a resource for Kotlin enthusiasts. Full episode: #DeveloperMagazine
2024-06-07 01:49:26

BJ Thompson, Bronny James and what to know about heart health, COVID-19 and vaccines
2024-06-07 19:19:43

Can I re-upload that INDISTINCT RAP screenshot? Oh please. #TOTP
2024-06-07 19:19:14

Macron: Ausbildung ukrainischer Piloten für Kampfjets startet sofort
Frankreich will sofort mit der Ausbildung von ukrainischen Piloten und Mechanikern für die zugesagten "Mirage"-Kampfflugzeuge beginnen. "Die Priorität ist, sofort mit der Ausbildung von Piloten und Mechanikern zu beginnen. Damit wird in den nächsten Tagen in Frankreich begonnen", sagte Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron im Pari…
2024-06-06 19:29:27

Once the new bike shows up, I just need to put the old bike up for sale.
2024-06-06 10:19:48

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2024-06-06 20:00:19

Période : en semaine, le soir Š partir de 22h. Dates : du lundi 03 juin au vendredi 28 juin 2024 (sauf la semaine du lundi 10 juin au vendredi 14 juin ainsi que le vendredi 21 juin 2024). Le trafic est interrompu entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens. Un service de bus de remplacement est mis en place, avec desserte des gares intermédiaires. Dernier départ de La Défense pour la Verrière: 22h15.
Dernier départ de La Verrière pour La Défense: 21h20. Les horaires du calculateur d…
2024-06-06 10:19:09

In etwas über zwei Wochen geht’s wieder los. #radreise
Und so langsam beginnen wieder die Gedanken: soll ich, soll ich nicht, soll ich, soll ich nicht, …
Die Familie ist das schon gewohnt mit mir und geht damit sehr relaxt um, weil ich immer fahre.
2024-06-07 19:19:14

#Kussbrücke im Verlauf des #Weserradweg im Juni für 3 Wochen gesperrt.
Eine frühzeitige Instandsetzung von Brücken ist sicher sinnvoll. Ob der Zeitpunkt mitten in der Hauptradsaison auf dem beliebtesten
2024-06-07 19:40:33

The world pre-Starlink…
2024-06-07 00:19:19

The looming Manifest V2 deprecation is a reminder of just how important browser diversity and user choice is for a healthy web
Use #webextensions, become ungovernable
2024-06-07 21:19:37

A conta dos gritos é mesmo útil.
(cc @…)

Sequência de toots:

O primeiro, do - "O que acho notável, agora que o tipos estão no poder, é as urgências continuarem a ter de fechar durante o verão por falta de médicos mas os telejornais já não abrirem com o orelhas aos berros de "Caos nas urgências!". Ele há coincidências do catano."

2024-06-07 18:22:00

heise | Was mobile Klimaanlagen leisten: Drei Kühl-Geräte im Praxistest​
Wenn es in der Wohnung unerträglich heiß wird, versprechen mobile Klimaanlagen rasche Abhilfe. Wir haben uns drei Geräte genauer angesehen.
2024-06-07 19:20:51

2024-06-07 13:30:18

After – Chapter 19
Posting resumes for AFTER, my free post-apoc serial with Chapter 19. Ciera and Adam start searching for Hannah. #FreeFictionFriday
2024-06-06 12:51:50

To encapsulate, the multi-dimensional benefits of catechins – from fostering heart health and weight management to quelling inflammation – paint a vivid picture of their vital role in our health paradigm. As we continue to unveil the myriad potentials of catechins, it becomes clear that incorporating them into our diet can yield substantial health dividends. Each sip of green tea is not merely a beverage but a testament to enduring health. 🍵💪
2024-06-06 17:40:11

I eMailed my sister a link to a Neuromatch post:
Her response (from Windows 10):
"My security software (TrendMicro which I do keep up-to-date) said th…
2024-06-07 07:01:56

Particles and their fluids in $f(R,T)$ gravity
P. P. Avelino
2024-06-07 16:19:34

Die jüngste Kandidatin in Europa fürs EU Parlament macht grad ein Ask Me Anything auf Reddit (und natürlich immer auch AbgoerdnetenWatch sowie hier auf Mastodon) schaut gerne vorbei! Auf r/gekte :trans_heart: :progresspride_i_flag:
2024-06-07 19:21:36

Es ist krass, wieviel #NotAllMen hier ausgespuckt wird, wenn es darum geht, wieviele Frauen von Männern umgebracht werden.
Hallo?!? Wie wär's, wenn Ihr einfach darüber nachdenkt, dass das eine ganz furchtbare Situation ist? Und dass sich das ändern muss? Die Zahlen sind auf dem Tisch, da gibt's nichts zu diskutieren.
Und wenn Ihr versucht, das wegzureden, dann stellt sich …
2024-06-06 19:50:45

Adobe faces a backlash over its terms of service that say Adobe may access user content via "automated and manual methods" to improve its services and software (Carl Franzen/VentureBeat)
2024-06-06 19:16:39

Care for a cookie? :blobcatuwu:
2024-06-07 00:29:31

In loving memory.

A window has colored glass in diamond-shaped sections, with thinner frame of red-and-yellow colored glass. On its sill sit three houseplants in small pots. Behind the center pot/plant is a rectangular pinkish-glass segment, landscape aspect ratio, on which, only in partial view because of the pot/plant, are the words "IN LOVING MEMORY …  JOHN …EN"
2024-06-07 19:00:04

marvel_partnerships: Marvel character partnerships (2018)
A network of partnerships among characters in the Marvel comic book universe. Nodes are either heroes or villains, and edges represent partnerships between such characters. The partnership network was extracted from Wikipedia pages of these characters, which indicate partnership relations with other such pages.
This network has 350 nodes and 346 edges.
Tags: Social, Fictional, Unweighted

marvel_partnerships: Marvel character partnerships (2018). 350 nodes, 346 edges.
2024-06-06 03:34:56

wow, my thermoregulation is *fucked*
2024-06-07 19:32:45

@… we’ve all been there 😅
2024-06-07 15:19:36

Wenn ich so auf meine Bewegungsstatistik gucke, fühle ich mich vom Berliner "Auto über alles" Senat echt voll abgeholt.

Bild einer Auswertung meiner Bewegungsformen im Mai: 110 km zu Fuss, 145 km auf dem Fahrrad, 165 km ÖPNV und 25 km laufen (bin nicht viel zum Laufen gekommen im Mai)
2024-06-06 23:27:48

I really liked Marvel's Midnight Suns, and it's free on the EGS right now, for a few days:
2024-06-07 08:19:24

I get quite a lot of emails asking for help ranging from letters of support to requests to discuss ideas. But actually they usually sound like:
Dear Ruth, I really want to work in Greenland but it's a condition of my funding that I include local people institutes. None of whom I know. Please can you share all your contacts ideas with me so I can go and do the research you also want to do using the ideas we've discussed together, without sharing any of my funding with you?
2024-06-06 19:00:05

Bis Sonntag findet die Nebula-Konferenz statt und meine Beiträge könnten zahlreich und mono-thematisch sein. Wer davon nichts hören möchte, setzt den Hashtag #Nebulas2024 am besten auf Mute.
2024-06-06 19:35:07

Dishonoring D‑Day: MAGA Republicans Choose Putin Over Patriots
2024-06-07 19:19:43

Can I re-upload that INDISTINCT RAP screenshot? Oh please. #TOTP
2024-06-06 19:28:23

I made a wire transfer to the dealership that is selling me my new (to me) bike in hopes of getting it by this weekend.
2024-06-06 10:19:35

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2024-06-07 17:57:12

Train supprimé :
- VERI de La Défense Š 20h14, arrivée Š 20h56 Š La Verrière
Prochain train Š circuler :
-VERI de La Défense Š 20h45, arrivée Š 21h26 Š La Verrière
Risque d'affluence Š bord du train suivant.
Motif : conditions de départ non réunies.
🤖 07/06 19:57
2024-06-07 16:15:00

Künstliche Intelligenz: Sag mir, was mein Hund mir sagen will
Forscher haben ein KI-Modell zur Sprachverarbeitung auf Hundegebell angesetzt. Das Ergebnis: Die Künstliche Intelligenz erfasste sogar die Stimmung der Tiere.
2024-06-07 15:00:10

Posting resumes for AFTER, my free post-apoc serial with Chapter 19. Ciera and Adam start searching Doylestown for Hannah. Why did she leave her apartment? #FreeFictionFriday #SerialThriller
2024-06-06 12:51:20

Moreover, the quest for a balanced weight is supported by catechins' ability to enhance metabolic rates and spur fat oxidation, as evidenced by studies including one in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" (2009). Their thermogenic quality signals that integrating catechin-rich beverages like green tea can be a seamless yet potent addition to dietary strategies aimed at weight loss.
2024-06-07 07:01:55

Gravitational reheating in Starobinsky inflation
Gl\'auber C. Dorsch, Luiz Miranda, Nelson Yokomizo
2024-06-06 19:26:16

A US federal court finds Mike Lynch not guilty of criminal charges that he duped HP into buying Autonomy for $11B in 2011; he lost a UK civil trial in 2022 (Rachel Graf/Bloomberg)
2024-06-07 13:19:26

Können wir nochmal über Aiwanger reden, der weiter Minister ist?
Warum nochmal geht das?
2024-06-06 03:13:00

I think I was annoyed

This extension uses the YoWASP WaveDrom package to ensure that diagrams are rendered exactly the same as in the WaveDrom editor, without having to follow a decision tree for configuration, without requiring any additional tools to be installed on the system used to build documentation, without requiring any native dependencies to be installed on that system, without requiring JavaScript for browsing documentation, and without slowing down the Sphinx build process. It also reports syntax and sem…
2024-06-07 19:00:08

@… you’re on to something here.
2024-06-06 10:19:20

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2024-06-06 19:16:51

Ryan Busse and Raph Graybill
Democratic candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Montana
2024-06-07 17:57:12

Train supprimé :
- VERI de La Défense Š 20h14, arrivée Š 20h56 Š La Verrière
Prochain train Š circuler :
-VERI de La Défense Š 20h45, arrivée Š 21h26 Š La Verrière
Risque d'affluence Š bord du train suivant.
Motif : conditions de départ non réunies.
🤖 07/06 19:57
2024-06-06 12:51:04

Delving into the science, research published in the "Journal of Nutrition" (2011) underscores catechins' role in dramatically slashing heart disease risk. By aiding in the reduction of LDL cholesterol and bolstering blood vessel functionality, they offer a shield against cardiovascular ailments. The essence of their power lies in combating free radicals, thereby safeguarding our hearts.
2024-06-07 07:01:54

Comparing second-order gravitational self-force and effective-one-body waveforms from inspiralling, quasi-circular black hole binaries with a non-spinning primary and a spinning secondary
Angelica Albertini, Alessandro Nagar, Josh Mathews, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos
2024-06-06 10:19:02

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2024-06-07 19:05:52

Sources: Bakkt, Intercontinental Exchange's digital-asset marketplace launched in 2018, explores a sale, after issuing a going concern warning earlier in 2024 (Bloomberg)
2024-06-06 00:10:41
2024-06-06 12:50:44

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, prioritizing health becomes imperative, and natural compounds like catechins emerge as unsung heroes. Predominantly found in green tea, these antioxidants are a cornerstone for cardiovascular well-being, weight management, and battling inflammation – a trifecta of benefits that underscore their importance.
2024-06-06 14:07:49

Le trafic est perturbé sur l'ensemble de la ligne.
Motif : affaires oubliées en gare de St Quentin
🤖 06/06 16:07
2024-06-07 07:01:52

Unraveling the mysteries of wormhole formation in Rastall-Rainbow gravity: A comprehensive study using the embedding approach
Abdelghani Errehymy, Ayan Banerjee, Orhan Donmez, Mohammed Daoud, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty
2024-06-07 12:06:19

Adobe clarifies its terms, saying it does not train Firefly Gen AI models on customer content and will never assume ownership of a customer's work (Ben Lovejoy/9to5Mac)
2024-06-06 10:20:50

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2024-06-07 03:42:41

Le trafic est perturbé entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau dans le secteur de La Défense.
Un train sur deux circule.
🤖 07/06 05:42
2024-06-07 07:01:51

Revisiting gravitational angular momentum and mass dipole losses in the eikonal framework
Carlo Heissenberg, Rodolfo Russo
2024-06-07 13:11:46

Furthermore, Vitamin A is crucial for promoting proper growth and development, especially in children. Research has demonstrated that Vitamin A is essential for cell growth, differentiation, and immune function, all of which are key for healthy growth. By incorporating Vitamin A-rich foods in a child's diet, you can support their overall development.
2024-06-06 10:20:39

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2024-06-07 07:01:50

Simulation-based Inference for Gravitational-waves from Intermediate-Mass Binary Black Holes in Real Noise
Vivien Raymond, Sama Al-Shammari, Alexandre G\"ottel
2024-06-07 13:11:35

Another remarkable benefit of Vitamin A is its role in enhancing the immune system. Studies have indicated that Vitamin A plays a critical part in bolstering the body's defense against infections and diseases. Ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin A can strengthen the immune response and shield the body from common illnesses.
2024-06-07 12:42:47

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau.
🤖 07/06 14:42
2024-06-06 10:20:27

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2024-06-07 07:01:49

Ringing Thick Braneworld with Finite Extra Dimension
Hai-Long Jia, Wen-Di Guo, Qin Tan, Yu-Xiao Liu
2024-06-07 13:11:21

First off, let's emphasize the significance of Vitamin A for eye health. Research has shown that Vitamin A is vital for preserving good vision, especially in low-light conditions. Studies have linked Vitamin A deficiency to night blindness and other serious eye issues. By including Vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach in your diet, you can safeguard your eyes and uphold optimal vision.
2024-06-07 11:10:35

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau dans le secteur de St-Cloud.
🤖 07/06 13:10
2024-06-06 10:20:13

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2024-06-07 07:01:48

A generalized uncertainty-inspired quantum black hole
Federica Fragomeno, Douglas M. Gingrich, Samantha Hergott, Saeed Rastgoo, Evan Vienneau
2024-06-07 13:11:01

As a nutrition expert, I am thrilled to discuss the incredible health benefits of Vitamin A on LinkedIn. This crucial nutrient is essential for maintaining healthy vision, boosting the immune system, and supporting growth and development. Let's delve into the world of Vitamin A and understand why it is indispensable for our overall well-being.
2024-06-07 12:42:47

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau.
🤖 07/06 14:42
2024-06-06 10:20:00

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2024-06-07 07:01:46

Non-Kerr Constraints using Binary Black Hole inspirals considering phase modifications up to 4 PN order
Debtroy Das, Swarnim Shashank, Cosimo Bambi
2024-06-07 11:10:35

Le trafic est ralenti entre La Défense et La Verrière dans les 2 sens.
Motif : panne sur les installations du gestionnaire de réseau dans le secteur de St-Cloud.
🤖 07/06 13:10
2024-06-06 10:18:46

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2024-06-07 07:01:45

New Taub-NUT Black Holes with Massive Spin-2 Hair
Yu-Qi Chen, Hai-Shan Liu…
2024-06-06 10:18:29

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2024-06-07 07:01:44

A small cosmological constant from a large number of extra dimensions
Changjun Gao…
2024-06-06 10:18:13

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2024-06-07 07:01:43

Novel Casimir wormholes in Einstein gravity
Mohammad Reza Mehdizadeh, Amir Hadi Ziaie arxiv.…
2024-06-06 10:17:57

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2024-06-07 07:01:41

Tests of General Relativity with GW230529: a neutron star merging with a lower mass-gap compact object
Elise M. S\"anger, Soumen Roy, Michalis Agathos, Ofek Birnholtz, Alessandra Buonanno, Tim Dietrich, Maria Haney, F\'elix-Louis Juli\'e, Geraint Pratten, Jan Steinhoff, Chris Van Den Broeck, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Prasanta Char, Anna Heffernan, Prathamesh Joshi, Atul Kedia, R. M. S. Schofield, M. Trevor, Michael Zevin
2024-06-06 10:17:31

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2024-06-07 07:01:40

Spinning Proca-Higgs balls, stars and hairy black holes
Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Etevaldo dos Santos Costa Filho
2024-06-06 10:17:13

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2024-06-07 07:01:39

[2024-06-07 Fri (UTC), 14 new articles found for gr-qc General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology]
2024-06-06 10:16:52

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2024-06-06 10:16:32

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2024-06-07 09:03:45

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2024-06-07 09:03:30

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2024-06-07 09:03:21

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2024-06-07 09:03:00

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2024-06-07 09:02:43

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2024-06-07 09:02:27

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2024-06-07 09:02:12

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