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2024-06-06 15:30:00

Die ersten M.2-SSDs mit 16 TByte Kapazität in Aussicht
Hersteller verdoppeln den maximal möglichen Speicherplatz auf M.2-SSDs von 8 auf 16 TByte. Zum Einsatz kommen chinesische Chips.
2024-06-06 17:54:00

Starliner dockt an ISS – im 2. Anlauf
Im 2. Anlauf hat es geklappt. Der Boeing Starliner erreicht die internationale Raumstation ISS.​
2024-06-07 23:05:48

Source: Harvey, which builds generative AI tools for law firms, is in talks to raise $600M at a $2B valuation and mulls buying legal research company vLex (The Information)
2024-06-07 17:45:25

Pentest allo stato puro ! Kali Linux 2024.2 è ora online!
Pentest allo stato puro ! Kali Linux 2024.2 è ora online! Offensive Security ha annunciato il rilascio di Kali Linux 2024.2
2024-06-07 22:39:55

Ukrainian Military Update 6/2-6/7/24:
2024-06-07 05:20:25

Blended family

A group of front yard statuettes: tiki, goose, angel, bunny, swan, and another bunny
2024-06-07 18:43:25

Slechts 13% van de NSC-stemmers in november heeft gisteren opnieuw op het NSC gestemd.
Dit wordt de kortst bestaande politieke partij met zetels in de TK ooit. Omtzigt kwam, zag, en gooide alles in gruzelementen.

Waar komen kiezers vandaan?
Kiezers die nu op NSC stemmen, hebben tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2023 gestemd op:

stem 2024 NSC

stem 2023
Niet gestemd

Waar gingen kiezers naartoe?
Kiezers die tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2023 op NSC hebben gestemd, stemden nu op:

stem 2023 NSC
stem 2024
Niet gestemd
Andere partij
2024-06-06 13:51:41

Ich hab grad mal einen Blick in die Allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen von Adobe geworfen.
Während auf Deutsch unter Ziffer 2.2 steht "Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte [...] zugreifen" steht in der englischen Fassung, welche gem. 18.1 massgebend ist, "We may access, view, or listen to your Content [...] through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law."

2.2 Zugriff durch Adobe auf Ihre Inhalte. Adobe darf nur in Ausnahmefällen und in begrenztem Maße auf Ihre Inhalte (gemäß Definition in untenstehender Ziffer 4.1 (Inhalte)) zugreifen, oder diese ansehen oder anhören und nur im gesetzlich zulässigen Rahmen.
Our Access to Your Content. We may access, view, or listen to your Content (defined in section 4.1 (Content) below) through both automated and manual methods, but only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law.
2024-06-06 11:54:11

Tired journalism on the radio this morning:
"The Bank of #Canada has one job: to maintain the rate of inflation at 2%."
Maybe read the BoC Act before spouting nonsense? The Bank's mission is set out in the preamble. While inflation - though the word is never used in the law - is part of the story, it's anything but the full story. And, yes, 2% has become convention since the …

Screenshot of a the law's preamble:

Bank of Canada Act
R.S.C., 1985, c. B-2

An Act respecting the Bank of Canada

WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a central bank in Canada to regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation, to control and protect the external value of the national monetary unit and to mitigate by its influence fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the s…
2024-06-07 23:06:26

❝Normal good record players might run a precise 33 1/3 rpm rotational speed for a LP, but we think that misses the point. The record itself defines the playback quality as much as the player does, probably more.❞
2024-06-06 07:11:51

Elliptic curves over Hasse pairs
Eleni Agathocleous, Antoine Joux, Daniele Taufer…
2024-06-07 17:36:36

El mšs reciente šlbum de la talentosa noruega «Aurora», a quien tuvimos el año pasado en Lollapalooza Chile y que nos visitarš nuevamente este año en Noviembre, ha sido lanzado hoy: «What Happened to the Heart?»
2024-06-07 07:24:21

The behavior of higher proof theory I: Case $\Sigma^1_2$
Hanul Jeon…
2024-06-07 05:38:41

(2016) False reaching movements in localization test and effect of auditory feedback in simulated ultra-low vision subjects and patients with retinitis pigmentosa "deviations decreased significantly …
2024-06-07 00:08:54

It would be helpful if 19th through 23rd Street had bike lanes immediately approaching Mission St even if they don’t otherwise have bike lanes. I’m frequently stuck behind cars waiting to turn for the entire light cycle, and there’s no space to filter through to the front due to parked cars.
Thought inspired by…
2024-06-06 00:21:35

Eagles minicamp observations for Day 2: John Ross standing out; Mekhi Becton in play at guard?
2024-06-07 07:21:46

Pressurized phase transition cascade in BaMn$_2$P$_2$ and BaMn$_2$As$_2$
N. S. Pavlov, I. R. Shein, I. A. Nekrasov
2024-06-06 06:55:21

Bounding Shortest Closed Geodesics with Diameter on compact 2-dimensional Orbifolds Homeomorphic to $S^2$
Jinxuan Chen
2024-06-07 15:55:31

I updated the #aspnetcore Hydro sample to use #entityframeworkcore for anyone interested in seeing the sample with a persistence layer implemented.
It’s pretty nice, actually, especially with #csharp
2024-06-07 20:50:48

In light of NY's awful governor torpedoing #CongestionPricing, a few facts worth noting:
1) Transportation is the largest share (28%) of the US's #CarbonEmissions by sector. The next biggest sector, electricity, has been shrinking for the past two decades:

"Total US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector"

Pie chart showing Transportation at 28%, followed by Electric Power at 25%, then Industry at 23%, then Residential & Commercial at 13%, and finally Agriculture at 10%.
"US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector, 1990-2022"

A graph ordered by most-to-least amount per sector, in million metric ton emissions over time. Transportation is on top (it's hard to tell, but either staying the same or actually growing larger since 1990). Then Electric power sector, which grows a bit between 1990 and 2000, then levels off, and finally starts shrinking to actually a size that's below 1990. Under that, Industry; it shrinks slightly from 1990 to 2022.
Table from wikipedia showing countries and their fossil fuel emissions from 1970 to 2022. 

China is in first place, but having 0.91 mil tons/yr back in 1970, then 2.4mil in 1990, then 6.2 in 2005, and in 2022 12.6mil. % of world, it's just under 33%.

Next is the US, with 4.6mil in 1970, then 5mil in 1990, then 6.8mil in 2005, and down to 4.8mil in 2022. % of world, it's 12.6%

Then India, growing from 0.213mil in 1970 up to 2.7mil in 2022, and about 7% of the world's emissions.
"Cumulative CO2 emissions (1850-2021)"

A bar graph ordered by billion tonnes of CO2 for each country. The USA is in the lead, at around 425 bil (or over 500bil if you include "Land use, forestry"). Next is China, at just under 250bil (just under 300 including "Land use, forestry").
2024-06-07 07:32:15

Rank-2 wobbly bundles from special divisors on spectral curves
Duong Dinh…
2024-06-07 08:55:46

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2024-06-06 20:45:10

Online Course: Effective Math: K-2 #tcea #tceajmg:
2024-06-07 15:00:10

Posting resumes for AFTER, my free post-apoc serial with Chapter 19. Ciera and Adam start searching Doylestown for Hannah. Why did she leave her apartment? #FreeFictionFriday #SerialThriller
2024-06-07 13:45:33

Business Leaders ‘Furious’ at Hochul Reversal on Manhattan Congestion Charge
The City - June 5, 2024
"Governor’s pause on planned fee for vehicles entering core Manhattan has big consequences for mass transit funding and could result in rising payroll taxes to make up for lost revenue."
2024-06-07 09:03:02

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2024-06-07 07:30:38

Realization of higher coordinated Er in high-pressure cotunnite phase of Er$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$
M. Modak, Rahul Kaiwart, Santosh K. Gupta, A. Dwivedi, K. K. Pandey, A. K. Poswal, H. K. Poswal
2024-06-07 08:50:07

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2024-06-06 20:51:38

I disagree with these pants.

Patchwork jeans
2024-06-06 01:33:36

Former top Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann raises concerns about the 2.0 version of Donald Trump's White House. - Raw Story
2024-06-06 15:34:51

20 years ago, I watched the "Argentine" final of Roland Garros live on TV: Coria vs Gaudio, quite an electric one. 2 sets down after one hour… 2 missed match points by Coria… and Gaudio managed to win the cup anyway.
2024-06-07 09:02:43

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2024-06-07 00:58:00

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
The first movie I ever watched was at the drive-in. Imagine a large parking lot with a large screen on one side. Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and "Wellfleet Drive-In Movie Theatre, Welfleet Cape Cod" by Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse…
2024-06-07 20:25:53

White House Announces Juneteenth Concert (The White House)
2024-06-07 15:45:12

Bahnstrecke Kiel-Hamburg: Land zahlt DB Millionen weniger an Geld
Auf der Bahnstrecke Kiel-Hamburg gibt es seit Monaten Probleme. Das Land Schleswig-Holstein reagiert deswegen mit einer besonderen Maßnahme: Seit Januar erhielt die DB rund 2,7 Millionen Euro weniger als festgelegt. Wie will die Deutsche Bahn für Besserung sorgen?
2024-06-07 16:09:54

In the past, many NumPy-based projects built their wheels against `oldest-supported-numpy` package to ensure the best ABI compatibility between multiple #NumPy versions.
Then NumPy 2 came and reversed that — now you need to build against NumPy 2 rather than 1.x, to gain ABI compatibility with both versions.
That said, if you want to maintain support for #Python 3.8, then you have to hack even more:
2024-06-06 18:24:03

«While I was writing this, this group is about 25 percent bestiality thumbnails, 25 percent hardcore porn, 25 percent car giveaway scams, and 25 percent images of Taylor Swift, which are a mix of normal photos of her and AI-generated suggestive images of her.»
Facebook is very much not okay.
2024-06-06 07:05:03

Skew Kn\"orrer's periodicity Theorem
Yang Liu, Yuan Shen, Xin Wang…
2024-06-07 08:54:44

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2024-06-06 18:58:15

I Fan del Club Penguin Violano i Server della Disney: 2,5 GB online
I Fan del Club Penguin Violano i Server della Disney: 2,5 GB online I fan del videogioco Club Penguin hanno violato …
2024-06-06 07:03:43

Inhomogeneous SU(2) gluon matter under rotation
Yin Jiang
2024-06-07 07:13:33

The spanning number and the independence number of a subset of an abelian group
Bela Bajnok
2024-06-07 16:09:53

W przeszłości, projekty oparte o #NumPy budowały paczki binarne wheel, korzystając z paczki `oldest-supported-numpy`, by zapewnić maksymalną zgodność z różnymi wersjami NumPy.
A potem wyszło NumPy 2 i wszystko stanęło na głowie — teraz należy budować, korzystając z NumPy 2, a nie 1.x, by mieć zgodność z oboma wersjami.
Natomiast jeżeli chcesz dodatkowo zachować wsparcie dla Pythona 3.8, spr…
2024-06-06 10:17:55

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2024-06-07 07:01:22

Quasi-two-dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in the Spin-triplet Superconductor Candidate CeRh$_2$As$_2$
Tong Chen, Hasan Siddiquee, Zack Rehfuss, Shiyuan Gao, Chris Lygouras, Jack Drouin, Vincent Morano, Keenan E. Avers, Christopher J. Schmitt, Andrey Podlesnyak, Sheng Ran, Yu Song, Collin Broholm…
2024-06-07 10:21:28

Raspberry Pi… asshats.
2024-06-07 08:56:04

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2024-06-07 16:05:09

U2’s new album push was Software Consent Defcon 2
2024-06-06 07:18:11

Collapse of the Gibbs measure for the dynamical $\Phi^3_2$-models on the infinite volume
Kihoon Seong, Philippe Sosoe
2024-06-07 05:26:48

Russian attacks on Nikopol district injure 2 women:
2024-06-06 20:41:35

I'm not going to lie. A pride sugar cookie tastes a little bit better than a regular sugar cookie.

A heart-shaped pride rainbow sugar cookie from Peet's on Lincoln Avenue in San Jose
2024-06-06 07:01:50

Anisotropic Durgapal-Fuloria Neutron Stars in $f(\mathcal{R},\mathrm{T}^{2})$ Gravity
Tayyab Naseer, M. Sharif, Sana Manzoor, Arooj Fatima
2024-06-06 12:11:51

Pro se answer in one of the Tesla #ScheduleA cases says the defendant only sold $35 worth of the accused product, never to Florida, and not since 2022:

The court does not have subject-matter jurisdiction over the claims because (briefly explain
why there is no .federal-question jurisdiction or diversity--<f-citizenship jurisdiction; see the complaint form for more
The court does not have personal jurisdiction over the defendant because (briefly explain)
Defendant made no sales of the product in question to the State of Florida. Total sates of the
product are approximately 35USD. Total profits amount to less than …
2024-06-06 16:51:32

„Das Finanzministerium wollte die Zahlen für 2023 zunächst geheim halten“
„Alle Ressorts der Bundesregierung haben laut einer heise online vorliegenden Übersicht 2023 erstmals mehr als eine Milliarde Euro für die Nutzung von Lizenzen für Computerprogramme und IT-Services ausgegeben: Die einschlägigen Gebühren sind von rund 771 Millionen Euro im Jahr 2022 auf über 1,2 Milliarden in 2023 gestiegen.“
2024-06-07 09:54:40

Als Antwort auf eine Umfrage mit dem Titel „wen würde Hitler wählen” (71,5% sagten AfD) [Campact].

Ein Screenshot einer Konversation auf Instagram wo Campact schreibt „erstaunlicherweise gingen 40% der AfD Wähler*innen selbst davon aus, dass Hitler die AfD wählen würde.”

2024-06-07 06:49:01

Maximum Flow by Augmenting Paths in $n^{2 o(1)}$ Time
Aaron Bernstein, Joakim Blikstad, Thatchaphol Saranurak, Ta-Wei Tu
2024-06-06 07:19:46

The R-Process Alliance: 2MASS J22132050-5137385, the Star with the Highest-known r-process Enhancement at [Eu/Fe] = 2.45
Ian U. Roederer, Timothy C. Beers, Kohei Hattori, Vinicius M. Placco, Terese T. Hansen, Rana Ezzeddine, Anna Frebel, Erika M. Holmbeck, Charli M. Sakari
2024-06-07 01:54:12

And then there were 4. Dual Senses with Hall Effect joysticks, that is. Got the second one I bought off eBay today. Was pretty trashed. Shell was broken in a couple places, stick cap got pulled through the shell.. found out once I opened it up why it was sold "as is". It had obviously been opened up and they noticed the headphone jack was broken off the board. Took most of the pads with it. I don't have good enough gear to fix that.. but I did test it before doing the stick swa…

a white Dual Sense sits on a gray mat with a grid pattern. the black front cover is off. One of the stick caps has been pulled through the shell, breaking out bits of the shell in the process. on the right is the black base of my board holder, you can also see the bottom of 2 of the magnetic clamps, and my dark brown and black vape mod.
A close up of the Dual Sense motherboard. It is green. There are 2 white connectors on either side of the picture. Top center is a larger black chip. Slightly higher up and to the left is a smaller chip. Bottom center of the board you can see a space where there used to be a headphone jack, but it is missing. 4 of the pads the jack was soldered to got ripped off the board when the controller suffered whatever trauma occurred to it. Thankfully, nothing else is missing so the rest of the controll…
The restored Dual Sense sits on my linoleum floor with the charging cable plugged into it. As far as the eye can tell, nothing has ever happened to it. Course, if you were to look at where the headphone jack was, there is now a big ole gaping hole. Other than that tho, it looks to be in almost mint condition.
2024-06-06 18:55:03

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 True blue
#NowPlaying #boygenius
2024-06-07 00:24:34

This 2-minute time-lapse movie documents the satellite-filled sky that is now a reality and getting more crowded every week: #satellites in low Earth orbit (~ 400 km up) are lit all night by sunlight.

Look at this list of headlines from the "left wing" Guardian:
Fuck me.
Future historians will have a great time with this obvious campaign to oust a socialist from Labour leadership and replace him with a Thatcher-worshipping geno…
2024-06-07 13:30:18

After – Chapter 19
Posting resumes for AFTER, my free post-apoc serial with Chapter 19. Ciera and Adam start searching for Hannah. #FreeFictionFriday
2024-06-07 13:37:48

Home Prices Are Falling as High Rates Cool Demand for Former Hotspots
Redfin - June 6, 2024
“Nationwide, price drops are at their highest level since November 2022, suggesting more metros may soon see sale prices decline.”
2024-06-06 14:51:10

When I put the little ones to bed, I tell them stories of fairy shrimp in vernal pools.

Three adorable tuxedo kittens looking up from atop a washing machine
2024-06-06 06:57:03

Unification with Simple Variable Restrictions and Admissibility of $\Pi_{2}$-rules
Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida, Silvio Ghilardi
2024-06-07 07:30:32

Cooperative CO$_2$ capture via oxalate formation on metal-decorated graphene
Inioluwa Christianah Popoola (Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Benjamin Xu Shi (Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Fabian Berger (Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Andrea Zen (Dipartimento di Fisica Ettore Pancini, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy, Department …
2024-06-07 07:01:27

Topological Phases in Half-Integer Higher Spin $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg Chains
Sahinur Reja, Satoshi Nishimoto
2024-06-07 13:01:14

Notes from the May 2024 Employment Report
- The U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs during May, the 41th straight month of gains, defying signs of a slowdown and smashing economists’ expectations.
- The unemployment rate rose slightly to 4.0%, although remained near 50-year lows. The rate has remained below 4% for more than two years.
- Both the labor force participation rate and the employment-population ratio were little changed.
2024-06-07 09:03:21

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2024-06-06 05:25:36

An analysis finds 90K images of popular anime characters on generative AI image sharing sites; ~2.5K images had multiple similarities to the original artwork (Nikkei Asia)
2024-06-06 10:11:00

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2024-06-07 16:02:16

Thinking about 🔢 Defcon levels of software consent patterns:
1️⃣ Defcon 1: Opt-in without asking (new default), opt-out not allowed.
2️⃣ Defcon 2: Opt-in without asking, opt-out allowed via user action
3️⃣ Defcon 3: Ask for opt-in via prompt with default yes already selected
4️⃣ Defcon 4: Opt-in via non-default user action (manual installation)
5️⃣ Defcon 5: Thing not added, requiring no action by anyone 😅
2024-06-07 16:36:59

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉
Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.
PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here…

Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site at

Title: Kitten

Nav: Home, Tutorials, Reference, Credits, FAQ, Fund Us

A 💕 Small Web development kit.

Build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Progressively enhance with Streaming HTML and htmx.
Go beyond traditional web apps to create peer-to-peer 💕 Small Web apps.
Free as in freedom, small as in Small Technology.

Callout with pink background:  🍼 Kitten is still a baby. Expect breaking changes until API versio…
Screenshot of Kitten web site; main page, scrolled with the System requirements collapsible area under the Get started heading open:

System requirements

- Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL 2).
- Bash version 5.x+.
- Common developer tools and system utilities (git, tar, tee, and xz).

Heading: Install
Tabs: Linux (selected), macOS, Windows

Selected Linux tab:
Run the following command in a terminal window (or, use curl):

wget -qO- | bash

Copy button
Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site, scrolled to the Play section showing a video of yours truly (white-passing guy with short brown hair and glasses in a room lit with a blue-lit background. I’m looking at two windows superimposed on my screen. Top window is a browser with a tab titled Counter. In it is a counter at 5 with plus and minus buttons. Under it is an editor showing the code for the counter component that rendered it:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
Screenshot of a tutorial page (Index > 6. Kitten’s interactive Shell (REPL) 🐢) on the Kitten web site.

A callout is partially visible under the title/breadcrumb navigation:

Explore Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL) to inspect your database and get introduced to the concept of Kitten components.

Topics covered
How to launch and use Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL).
Exploring the global kitten object.

The heading and navigation is the same as in the first screenshot.
2024-06-06 10:20:27

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2024-06-07 08:55:52

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2024-06-07 07:13:37

Positive density for consecutive runs of sums of two squares
Noam Kimmel, Vivian Kuperberg a…
2024-06-07 12:25:05

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
🎵 Magic
#NowPlaying #Coldplay
2024-06-07 13:45:33

Business Leaders ‘Furious’ at Hochul Reversal on Manhattan Congestion Charge
The City - June 5, 2024
"Governor’s pause on planned fee for vehicles entering core Manhattan has big consequences for mass transit funding and could result in rising payroll taxes to make up for lost revenue."
2024-06-07 21:01:34

A judge, not a jury, will give the verdict in the antitrust trial about Google's ad business, after Google paid $2.3M to cover US government's monetary damages (Matthew Barakat/Associated Press)
2024-06-07 13:37:48

Home Prices Are Falling as High Rates Cool Demand for Former Hotspots
Redfin - June 6, 2024
“Nationwide, price drops are at their highest level since November 2022, suggesting more metros may soon see sale prices decline.”
2024-06-06 10:16:04

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2024-06-07 09:19:05

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
andrew bird:
🎵 Fitz And The Dizzyspells
#NowPlaying #andrewbird
2024-06-07 13:01:14

Notes from the May 2024 Employment Report
- The U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs during May, the 41th straight month of gains, defying signs of a slowdown and smashing economists’ expectations.
- The unemployment rate rose slightly to 4.0%, although remained near 50-year lows. The rate has remained below 4% for more than two years.
- Both the labor force participation rate and the employment-population ratio were little changed.
2024-06-06 11:40:42

The FBI urges LockBit ransomware victims to come forward after obtaining 7,000 decryption keys to recover data; police seized 2,500 keys in February 2024 (Sergiu Gatlan/BleepingComputer)
2024-06-06 07:01:30

Strength of Kitaev Interaction in Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$ and Na$_3$Ni$_2$BiO$_6$
Zefeng Chen, Binhua Zhang, Weiqin Zhu, Liangchuang Li, Boyu Liu, Junsheng Feng, Changsong Xu, Hongjun Xiang
2024-06-07 03:16:05

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
New Order:
🎵 Crystal
#NowPlaying #NewOrder
2024-06-07 19:40:08

"Whole body deodorant"? Vicks VapoRub. Total scam.
2024-06-07 11:20:45

What to expect at WWDC 2024: plans to integrate AI into its apps with a new opt-in service called Apple Intelligence, iOS 18, macOS 15, visionOS 2, and more (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)
2024-06-07 19:23:25

Who says CBS has run out of ideas? They're making a brand-new Matlock!
2024-06-07 19:00:12

No, Donald, not even with the hand. That part is over for us.
- Melania T.
2024-06-06 21:09:19

Security cameras at Peet's. On account of the rough crowd.
2024-06-06 17:16:47

Who had an aunt whose car was basically a big ashtray?
2024-06-06 15:53:18

Leadership is RFK Jr. doing a Topo Gigio routine with the worm in his brain.
2024-06-06 15:49:28

I don't want my cats operating any motor vehicle and certainly not my Geländewagen.
2024-06-06 15:41:04

There's nothing like a Rolex to say I'm a rich guy with a hairy arm.
2024-06-06 12:40:42

The clowns could just get a bigger car.
2024-06-06 00:49:24

I took a wrong turn into a mobile home community somewhere in San Jose. Small scale, of course, immaculately tended, acres of blooms--it was like wandering into Munchkinland.
2024-06-06 00:33:33

I will replace the (alleged) right to bear arms with the right to an Enchirito.