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2024-05-06 09:47:10

General Staff: Russia has lost 475,300 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-06 04:31:19

forgot I had this on my phone, now you can have it on your phone too

Matthew Garrett (@mjg59) post on Twitter Sept 27, 2022: "Me: *through sobs* you can't just say everything is ZTA .... Please....
Cloudflare: *points at seagull flying past* ZTA"
2024-05-07 00:12:56

🌴 DRC’s 1 billion trees program makes progress, but hurdles remain
2024-06-05 04:27:12

Related to LLMs and deception.
2024-04-05 21:08:15

Hackerangriffe auf Bahnunternehmen vermutet
Moskau stehe im Verdacht, seit dem Angriff auf die Ukraine im Februar 2022 "Tausende Versuche, unsere Systeme zu schwächen", unternommen zu haben, sagte der tschechische Verkehrsminister der "Financial Times". Dabei gehe es etwa um Angriffe auf Signalsysteme und die Netzwerke der tschechischen Eisenbahngesellschaft České dršhy.
2024-06-04 12:50:44

Austria-based Storyblok, which offers a headless CMS, raised an $80M Series C led by Brighton Park, after a $47M Series B in May 2022, and reports 200K users (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-05-07 06:11:54

Heute vor 59 Jahren: Am 07.05.1965 zündeten die #USA im Rahmen von Operation Whetstone die 41. Atombombe "Tee". Whetstone war eine Serie von #Kernwaffentests bei der 1964/65 insgesamt 46 Bomben größtenteils im Testgebiet in

Whetstone Salmon, 5.3kt. 
Autor: USDE -
Lizenz: Public domain
2024-05-04 07:14:47

General Staff: Russia has lost 473,400 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-06-05 01:16:00

"US job openings fell in April to the lowest level since 2021. But they remained at historically strong levels despite high interest rates and signs the economy is slowing.
"The Labor Department reported Tuesday that employers posted 8.1 million vacancies in April..
"Layoffs fell, and the number of Americans quitting their jobs rose in April.
"Monthly job openings have come down steadily a peak of 12.2 million in March 2022"
2024-06-04 23:24:12

2024-05-03 12:14:31

Leute ich habe heute Englisch Zentralabitur in Schleswig Holstein geschrieben und suche den Artikel aus der Klausur.
Ich weiß, dass es um Dunbar's Number und Social Media ging und ich glaube, dass der Artikel in der Onlinezeitung The Atlantic im Jahr 2020 - 2022 erschienen ist.
Ich finde den Artikel aber nun im Internet nicht wieder und würde mich über Hilfe sehr freuen :)
2024-05-02 19:42:02

2022 retro-link! - The British Empire was much worse than …
2024-04-05 06:55:15

Matching-star size Ramsey numbers under connectivity constraint
Fanghua Guo, Yanbo Zhang, Yunqing Zhang
2024-05-03 08:50:56

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-01 22:46:15

US v. Google: Google paid Apple $20B in 2022 to be the default search engine in Safari; in 2020, Google's payments constituted 17.5% of Apple's operating income (Leah Nylen/Bloomberg)

This Is Peak College Admissions Insanity
It started with a precipitous rise in the number of people clamoring to get in.
The so-called Ivy-Plus schools
— the eight members of the Ivy League plus M.I.T., Duke, Chicago and Stanford
— collectively received about 175,000 applications in 2002.
In 2022, the most recent year for which totals are available, they got more than 590,000, with only a few thousand more available spots.
The quality of the applicants ha…
2024-05-02 21:18:44

_"The CDC found 45% of high school students were so persistently sad or hopeless in 2021 they were unable to engage in regular activities. Almost 1 in 5 seriously considered suicide and 9% surveyed tried to take their lives during previous 12 months."
2024-04-05 13:21:03

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CraigCharles
Alice in Chains:
🎵 Them Bones
2024-05-23 05:14:12

Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
"Systematischer" Verstoß gegen Geldwäschevorschriften: Millionenbußgeld für N26
2024-06-04 23:24:12

2024-05-31 10:00:07

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022)
A network of migrations between municipalities in Austria, from 2002 to 2022. A weighted directed link from source to target indicates a migration flow from these two municipalities. Edges are annotated with migration volume (number of people), nationality, sex, and year.
This network has 2115 nodes and 2908569 edges.
Tags: Social, Economic, Travel, Weighted, Politlcal, Timestamps, Metadata

at_migrations: Austrian internal migrations (2002-2022). 2115 nodes, 2908569 edges.
2024-06-02 12:01:27

Unilever still earning millions in royalties from Russian subsidiary: report
2024-06-04 16:46:39

Ukraine gedenkt der getöteten Kinder
Menschen in der Ukraine haben heute der seit Beginn des russischen Angriffskriegs getöteten Kinder gedacht. Mehr als 600 Kinder seien seit Kriegsbeginn im Februar 2022 getötet und mehr als 1.400 verletzt worden, erklärte UN-Vertreterin Denise Brown. Das sei aber nur die Zahl der von den Vereinten Nationen verifizierten Fälle. Die wirkliche Zahl der getöteten Kinder liege vermutlich deutlic…
2024-05-03 07:16:22

Prompt engineering paradigms for medical applications: scoping review and recommendations for better practices
Jamil Zaghir, Marco Naguib, Mina Bjelogrlic, Aur\'elie N\'ev\'eol, Xavier Tannier, Christian Lovis
2024-03-26 18:48:16

Provocative data and great charts from Kingsmill Bond & colleagues in their new report out today: "X-Change: The Race to the Top
Cleantech competition between China, Europe, and the United States"<…
2024-05-01 10:42:01 - Local async executors should be the default in Rust.
2024-05-30 10:12:42

Hm... hatte nicht #VW die preiswerte Plattformentwicklung in Spanien für das Jahr 2022 angekündigt? Und das soll jetzt bis 2026 dauern? Für alle Marken, die auf der Plattform aufsetzen?
#EAuto #Elektroauto
2024-05-02 00:51:13

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Dina Carroll:
🎵 Ain't No Man
2024-05-31 06:27:49

Labour treatment of Abbott having impact on voters, senior lawyer says
2024-04-30 11:14:04

Fortschrittsbericht Beschleunigungskommission Schiene: Im Dezember 2022 hatte die vom Bund eingerichtete Beschleunigungskommission Schiene ein ganze Bündel von Handlungsempfehlungen gegeben (Pressemitteilung, Abschlussbericht). Jetzt hat das Bundesverkehrsministerium den zweiten Fortschrittsbericht über den Stand der Umsetzung der Empfehlungen abgeliefert. Das Urteil des Ministeriums über die erzielten Fortschritte fällt positiv aus. Auch der erste Fortschrittsbericht…
2024-05-03 08:50:56

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-02 00:45:45

An NLRB judge finds Amazon CEO Andy Jassy violated US labor law with his comments in 2022 suggesting workers would be "less empowered" if they voted in a union (Annie Palmer/CNBC)
2024-05-25 15:25:47

National Geographic pulled the documentary Retrograde from all its platforms after the Taliban killed an Afghan mine-clearer the 2022 film prominently featured (Washington Post)
2024-04-07 06:11:08

Taralino is a JS library designed for educational purposes, e.g. as an introduction in OOP, graphic objects and. vector graphics, data visualiisation and analysis.
I used it to design a cookie-machine inspired by the the movie "2022 - Die überleben wollen...":
2024-03-21 12:22:05

As I'm currently in the midst of preparing for #Greenland #fieldwork, I stumbled again across this fantastic piece in the danish newspaper @… that ver…
2024-03-25 21:19:52

28/ So und jetzt noch mal einen letzten oder vorletzten Post zum Thema #Tesla. Ich war auch einer von denen, die sich erst über Tesla gefreut haben. Arbeitsplätze für eine strukturschwache Region (Osten, Nazis, Arbeit = gute Sache). Außerdem Ökoautos. Das mit dem Lithium ist mittelfristig wohl kein großes Problem, weil es natriumbasierte Batterien gibt, die jetzt auch schon Produktionsreife erreicht haben. Natrium gibt es wie Salz im Meer. (kleiner Scherz, Natrium ist im Salz enthalten)
Man kann sich auch denken, dass die Autos ja irgendwo hergestellt werden müssen. Also auch wenn wir hier gar nicht so viele haben wollen, wäre es gut, die für einen globalen Markt zu haben.
Aber der Punkt ist: Was in Grünheide hergestellt wird, wird nirgends gebraucht. Es sind SUVs, die für alle Einsatzzwecke auf der Welt zu groß sind. Und für Deutschland galt schon vor einigen Jahren #CarIsOver, denn die Herstellung eines SUVs verbrauchte damals das Restbudget, das jeder Person noch individuell zur Verfügung stand.
Inzwischen sind wir schon weiter: CO2-Budget ist Null, wie man der Pressemitteilung des @… von heute entnehmen konnte.
Also: Keine Monsterautos mehr. Ob aus Grünheide oder Stuttgart oder Wolfsburg. Die ungedämmte Krankenschwester, die pendeln muss, kann das mit einem kleinen E-Auto tun. Bis zum Stadtrand. Bis es auch dafür bessere Mobilitätslösungen gibt.
Car is over.
Tesla soll was Kleines bauen. Dafür reicht dann auch die bisher schon bestehende Fabrik.
2024-06-04 17:21:14

Here's how media personalities talk about young adults. They openly describe them as emotional cripples.
"Teenagers don't understand how to actually interact with their feelings,... yeah, people basically under 25"
Michael Eisen, January 12, 2022
2024-03-31 05:12:02
Content warning:

Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
🎨 He is Risen by Marc P.I., oil on canvas, 2022
#Easter #Jesus #HeIsRisen

Oil painting of Jesus leaving his tomb wearing transparen black leggings and a garter-belt. We see him from behind, sunlight streaming through the hole in his sole and a halo crowns his whole head.
2024-04-03 07:31:12

Supervised Autoencoder MLP for Financial Time Series Forecasting
Bartosz Bieganowski, Robert Slepaczuk
2024-04-25 16:30:48

Sollten Projekte, für die ja naturgemäß keine langfristige Förderung sichergestellt ist, vielleicht keine Infrastruktur aufbauen und bereitstellen?
Aber bei den FIDs ist das ja Normalzustand, wenn ich das richtig se…
2024-05-22 12:01:00

"Systematischer" Verstoß gegen Geldwäschevorschriften: Millionenbußgeld für N26
Auch im Jahr 2022 hat die Neobank N26 gegen Vorgaben zum Kampf gegen Geldwäsche verstoßen, es ist nicht das erste Mal. Diesmal werden 9,2 Millionen Euro fällig.
2024-05-02 16:42:01

2022 retro-link! - Is Moore’s Law really dead?
2024-05-30 16:54:50

"the environmental and health benefits of wind in 2022 are estimated as being $143 for each Mw-hr, w/solar providing $100... that works out to a total of $62 billion and $12 billion, respectively. For the entire 2019–2022 period, they total up to $250 billion.
the unsubsidized costs of the electricity produced by wind and #solar range from $20 to $60 per Mw-hr...receiving a very s…
2024-05-24 14:15:12

It's infuriating: Stage Manager on iPadOS
The only thing I could add is... it's as …
2024-05-17 21:06:49

Street homelessness (tents, rough on sidewalk) is at its lowest level in a decade, but overall homelessness including sleeping in RVs and cars, shelters and couchsurfing, is up.
2024-04-29 04:00:06

Mobility Access Australia
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

Mobility Access Australia
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-25 01:35:34

A reminder that back in 2022, the FCC could have tried to block Musk’s purchase of Twitter.
And Republican FCC commissioner Brandon Carr rejected calls for the FCC to act.
Twitter is now a rightwing cesspool, and Republicans want it that way. /1

FCC statement on Musk/Twitter
2024-05-30 16:31:55

RB Josh Jacobs texted ex-Packers star about potential reunion

Third human case of bird flu from cows
— this one with respiratory symptoms
To date, four people have tested positive for H5N1 in the US, the three dairy farm workers connected to the dairy cow outbreak, as well as a 2022 case in a Colorado farm worker exposed to infected poultry.
For now, the CDC emphasizes that the risk for the general public remains low.
However, the cases in farm workers highlight the risk to those who have exposure to animals, particularly dairy …
2024-05-29 20:51:51

Timothy Garton Ash: We're at the beginning of a new era. What we do now is particularly important:
2024-05-12 12:21:46

#Lees Klaus Wiegandt, samensteller: 3 Grad mehr, Oekom Verlag 2022. Mooi, somber realistisch, maar met natuurinclusieve oplossingsideeën en ook met plaatjes!

Boek, voorzijde
Boek achterzijde
2024-05-01 15:30:47

LastPass separates from GoTo, which announced the spinoff in December 2021, six years after buying LastPass; the service suffered high profile hacks in 2022 (Wes Davis/The Verge)
2024-04-03 07:05:11

Covariant formulation of electrodynamics in isotropic media revisited
D V Red\v{z}i\'c a…
2024-05-12 05:05:03

This is very problematic. Alarming data from 1979 to 2024 shows sea surface temperatures reaching historic highs. Recent years have shattered all previous records, indicating a dire escalation in our climate crisis. This threatens vital marine ecosystems and our global climate stability. We need leadership in action now.

The image shows a graph titled "A year of record-breaking ocean temperatures, Daily average sea surface temperature, 1979-2024." It tracks daily average sea surface temperatures between the latitudes of 60 degrees North and 60 degrees South, from 1979 through 2024.

The graph features many lines: each grey line represents the sea surface temperature for one year from 1979 to 2022. The years 2023 and 2024 are highlighted in distinct colors. The 2023 line is in red, showing a consistent trend abo…
2024-05-02 13:42:02

2022 retro-link! - reaches a milestone and a reckoning.
2024-05-21 13:43:59

"In November 2022, the FTC published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking asking for your input about unfair or deceptive practices relating to fees. We received 12,000 comments from consumers, businesses, law enforcers, and others.”
2024-05-01 06:48:15

Who Followed the Blueprint? Analyzing the Responses of U.S. Federal Agencies to the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
Darren Lage, Riley Pruitt, Jason Ross Arnold
arXiv:2404.19076v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: This study examines the extent to which U.S. federal agencies responded to and implemented the principles outlined in the White House's October 2022 "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights." The Blueprint provided a framework for the ethical governance of artificial intelligence systems, organized around five core principles: safety and effectiveness, protection against algorithmic discrimination, data privacy, notice and explanation about AI systems, and human alternatives and fallback.
Through an analysis of publicly available records across 15 federal departments, the authors found limited evidence that the Blueprint directly influenced agency actions after its release. Only five departments explicitly mentioned the Blueprint, while 12 took steps aligned with one or more of its principles. However, much of this work appeared to have precedents predating the Blueprint or motivations disconnected from it, such as compliance with prior executive orders on trustworthy AI. Departments' activities often emphasized priorities like safety, accountability and transparency that overlapped with Blueprint principles, but did not necessarily stem from it.
The authors conclude that the non-binding Blueprint seems to have had minimal impact on shaping the U.S. government's approach to ethical AI governance in its first year. Factors like public concerns after high-profile AI releases and obligations to follow direct executive orders likely carried more influence over federal agencies. More rigorous study would be needed to definitively assess the Blueprint's effects within the federal bureaucracy and broader society.
2024-03-25 08:01:48

“The plan was to build a $100 billion coastal city designed to house up to a million people.
However, it has now turned into a ghost town full of stray dogs, overgrown vegetation, day drinkers, and crocodile-infested waters.”
No, it’s not Florida. It’s…Singapore!? supe…
2024-05-19 16:00:42

Grand ecology experiment phase III ... in 2022 we planted flowers on this balcony in Bochum, Germany, based on them looking nice to *us* - and lots of wild #bees (at least 3 species) came. In 2023 we planted only flowers appearing on at least two 'bee-friendly' web lists and hardly any bee was seen. Now it's nice-to-us-humans-looking flowers again - let's see what happens now ...
2024-05-31 07:00:08

Three-stage Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles Detected by Parker Solar Probe
Xiaomin Chen, Chuan Li
2024-05-18 20:12:21

A mural I like, 30th & Market in West Oakland, Pemex/Zaps/Seper/Rella 2022

Big graffiti mural whose text I can’t read
2024-05-15 19:49:10

Pinot is a skilled pixel artist and animator who does his work on #vintageComputing hardware, mostly early #Macintosh computers.
He suffered a devastating stroke in 2022 and lost much of his motor control. I’m glad to see him back doing

Highly-detailed 1-bit isometricb bird’s-eye view of an urban bridge over a river, with buildings and people around.
2024-05-29 19:00:05

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022)
Animal dominance interaction data published over a century of research. The archive contains 434 agonistic interaction datasets, totaling over 241,000 interactions. A directed edge (i,j) corresponds to an antagonist interaction between i (winner) and j (loser). If a 'weight' edge property map exists, it counts the number of such interactions.
This network has 10 nodes and 71 edges.
Tags: Social, Animal, Weighted

dom: Animal dominance archive (2022). 10 nodes, 71 edges.
2024-04-02 20:04:12

Why some far-right Republicans are hell bent on ending further aid to Ukraine:
2024-05-28 21:15:54

Former OpenAI board member Helen Toner says the board didn't know about the company's 2022 launch of ChatGPT until learning about it on Twitter (Shirin Ghaffary/Bloomberg)
2024-04-30 16:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Linux kernel lock engineering principles.
2024-05-02 09:37:00

Here's how media personalities talk about young adults. They openly describe them as emotional cripples.
"Teenagers don't understand how to actually interact with their feelings,... yeah, people basically under 25"
Michael Eisen, January 12, 2022
2024-05-20 12:53:43

The man who attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer and attempted to kidnap Nancy Pelosi was sentenced to 30 years in prison Friday in a federal case. This Wednesday the state trial will begin against him for assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, and other felonies under state law.
2024-05-18 01:01:22

🚀 Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise Reaches Sales Record of 145.7 Billion Yen in 2024 Fiscal Year
2024-05-29 23:35:53

A US federal court awards Activision $14.4M in a judgment for its 2022 lawsuit accusing EngineOwning of DMCA violation by selling Call of Duty cheat software (Wesley Yin-Poole/IGN)
2024-05-30 16:42:02

2022 retro-link! - If multicast is the answer, what was the question?
2024-05-29 23:35:53

A US federal court awards Activision $14.4M in a judgment for its 2022 lawsuit accusing EngineOwning of DMCA violation by selling Call of Duty cheat software (Wesley Yin-Poole/IGN)
2024-05-12 06:45:24

General Staff: Russia has lost 482,290 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-28 21:15:54

Former OpenAI board member Helen Toner says the board didn't know about the company's 2022 launch of ChatGPT until learning about it on Twitter (Shirin Ghaffary/Bloomberg)

US support for abortion rights is
up four points -- to 60% --
since fall of Roe v Wade
New polling data from Pew shows a shift in Americans’ opinion since loss of constitutional right to abortion in June 2022…
2024-05-28 13:42:01

2022 retro-link! - Happy 10th birthday to Godbolt’s Compiler Explorer!
2024-04-27 15:59:05

Welt: Ukraine withdrew from the negotiation process with Russia in 2022 due to Russia's new demands:
2024-05-29 14:20:52

Crypto exchange Gemini says Gemini Earn users will get $2.18B in crypto back in kind, after the lending program folded in November 2022 (Sarah Wynn/The Block)
2024-05-25 12:13:55

It's really bad
Let's stop treating teens like shit
2024-05-29 14:20:52

Crypto exchange Gemini says Gemini Earn users will get $2.18B in crypto back in kind, after the lending program folded in November 2022 (Sarah Wynn/The Block)

US support for abortion rights is
up four points -- to 60% --
since fall of Roe v Wade
New polling data from Pew shows a shift in Americans’ opinion since loss of constitutional right to abortion in June 2022…
2024-05-28 13:42:01

2022 retro-link! - Happy 10th birthday to Godbolt’s Compiler Explorer!
2024-05-11 07:43:52

General Staff: Russia has lost 481,030 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:

Former justice Stephen Breyer signals support for supreme court term limits
Former US supreme court justice Stephen #Breyer signaled his support for #term #limits in the country’s highest court following his retirement in 2022.
2024-05-24 20:01:44

A Delaware federal court overturns a jury's 2022 decision that Shopify owes $40M to Express Mobile for infringing patents related to website-building tools (Josh Scott/BetaKit)
2024-03-28 23:11:12

Media: Armenian exports to Russia rise despite political tensions:
2024-05-24 20:01:44

A Delaware federal court overturns a jury's 2022 decision that Shopify owes $40M to Express Mobile for infringing patents related to website-building tools (Josh Scott/BetaKit)

There was a large, global surge in prices in 2021 and 2022 as the economy restarted following the COVID-19 pandemic.
That inflation surge left Joe Biden, like leaders in almost every major democracy, deeply unpopular. Biden, like his global peers, has yet to recover.
Is it possible that Biden’s standing can recover as the economy returns to health and the inflation surge recedes further into the past?
But as every month goes by, that prospect gets a bit less …
2024-04-23 05:53:17

General Staff: Russia has lost 461,060 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022:
2024-05-22 13:42:02

2022 retro-link! - execline: a small scripting language.
2024-05-22 10:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Yes, I can query a SQLite database in CSS.
2024-05-21 19:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Lights at sea: a map of lighthouses.
2024-05-20 16:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Zen4's AVX512 teardown.
2024-04-12 00:55:41

Google says it is discontinuing its Google One VPN due to a lack of use; Google's free Pixel VPN that debuted in 2022 with the Pixel 7 will remain unchanged (Abner Li/9to5Google)
2024-05-20 10:42:02

2022 retro-link! - Matthew Somerville’s Inky dashboard.
2024-05-19 16:42:01

2022 retro-link! - C23 implications for C libraries.
2024-05-07 20:40:43

Lyft reports Q1 revenue up 28% YoY to $1.3B, a $31.5M net loss, gross bookings up 21%, active riders growing at the fastest pace since 2022, up 12% YoY to 21.9M (Natalie Lung/Bloomberg)